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The Children's Book of Stars

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Besides giving us light by night, the moon serves other important purposes, and the most important of all is the raising of the tides. Without the rising of the sea twice in every day and night our coasts would become foul and unwholesome, for all the dead fish and rotting stuff lying on the beach would poison the air. The sea tides scour our coasts day by day with never-ceasing energy, and they send a great breath of freshness up our large rivers to delight many people far inland. The moon does most of this work, though she is a little helped by the sun. The reason of this is that the moon is so near to the earth that, though her pull is a comparatively small one, it is very strongly felt. She cannot displace the actual surface to any great extent, as it is so solid; but when it comes to the water she can and does displace that, so that the water rises up in answer to her pull, and as the earth turns round the raised-up water lags behind, reaching backward toward the moon, and is drawn up on the beach, and makes high tide. But it is stopped there, and meantime, by reason of the earth's movement, the moon is left far behind, and pulls the water to itself further on, when the first high tide relapses and falls down again. At length the moon gets round to quite the opposite side of the earth to that where she began, and there she makes a high tide too; but as she draws the water to herself she draws also the solid earth beneath the water to her in some degree, and so pulls it away from the place where the first high tide occurred, leaving the water there deeper than before, and so causing a secondary high tide.

The sun has some influence on the tides too, and when moon and sun are in the same line, as at full and new moon, then the tides are highest, and are called spring tides; but when they pull in different directions, as when it is half-moon, then the tides are lowest and are called neap tides.



The earth is not the only world that, poised in space, swings around the sun. It is one of a family called the Solar System, which means the system controlled and governed by the sun. When we look up at the glorious sky, star-studded night by night, it might seem to us that the stars move only by reason of the earth's rotation; but when men first began to study the heavens attentively – and this is so long ago that the record of it is not to be found – they noticed that, while every shining object in the sky was apparently moving round us, there were a few which also had another movement, a proper motion of their own, like the moon. These curious stars, which appeared to wander about among the other stars, they called planets, or wanderers. And the reason, which was presently discovered, of our being able to see these movements was that these planets are very much nearer to us than any of the real stars, and in fact form part of our own solar system, while the stars are at immeasurable distances away. Of all the objects in the heavens the planets are the most intensely interesting to us; for though removed from us by millions of miles, the far-reaching telescope brings some of them within such range that we can see their surfaces and discover their movements in a way quite impossible with the stars. And here, if anywhere, might we expect to find traces of other living beings like ourselves; for, after all the earth is but a planet, not a very large nor a very small one, and in no very striking position compared with the other planets; and thus, arguing by what seems common-sense, we say, If this one planet has living beings on its surface, may not the other planets prove to be homes for living beings also? Counting our own earth, there are eight of these worlds in our solar system, and also a number of tiny planets, called asteroids; these likewise go round the sun, but are very much smaller than any of the first eight, and stand in a class by themselves, so that when the planets are mentioned it is generally the eight large well-known planets which are referred to.

If we go back for a moment to the illustration of the large lamp representing our sun, we shall now be able to fill in the picture with much more detail. The orbits of the planets, as their paths round the sun are called, lie like great circles one outside another at various distances, and do not touch or cut each other. Where do you suppose our own place to be? Will it be the nearest to the sun or the furthest away from him? As a matter of fact, it is neither, we come third in order from the sun, for two smaller planets, one very small and the other nearly as large as the earth, circle round and round the sun in orbits lying inside ours. Now if we want to place objects around our lamp-sun which will represent these planets in size, and to put them in places corresponding to their real positions, we should find no room large enough to give us the space we ought to have. We must take the lamp out into a great open field, where we shall not be limited by walls. Then the smallest planet, named Mercury, which lies nearest of all to the sun, would have to be represented by a pea comparatively close to the sun; Venus, the next, would be a greengage plum, and would be about twice as far away; then would come the earth, a slightly larger plum, about half as far again as Venus. After this there would be a lesser planet, called Mars, like a marble. These are the first four, all comparatively small; beyond them there is a vast gap, in which we find the asteroids, and after this we come to four larger planets, mighty indeed as regards ourselves, for if our earth were a greengage plum, the first of these, Jupiter, would have to be the size of a football at least, and the next, Saturn, a smaller football, while Uranus and Neptune, the two furthest out, would be about the size of the toy balloons children play with. The outermost one, Neptune, would be thirty times as far from the sun as we are.

This is the solar system, and in it the only thing that shines by its own light is the sun; all the rest, the planets and their moons, shine only because the rays of light from the sun strike on their surfaces and are reflected off again. Our earth shines like that, and from the nearer planets must appear as a brilliant star. The little solar system is separated by distances beyond the realm of thought from the rest of the universe. Vast as are the intervals between ourselves and our planetary neighbours, they are as nothing to the space that separates us from the nearest of the steady shining fixed stars. Why, removed as far from us as the stars, the sun himself would have sunk to a point of light; and as for the planets, the largest of them, Jupiter, could not possibly be seen. Thus, when we look at those stars across the great gulf of space, we know that though we see them they cannot see us, and that to them our sun must seem only a star; consequently we argue that perhaps these stars themselves are suns with families of planets attached to them; and though there are reasons for thinking that this is not the case with all, it may be with some. Now if, after learning this, we look again at the sky, we do so with very different eyes, for we realize that some of these shining bodies are like ourselves in many things, and are shining only with a light borrowed from the sun, while others are mighty glowing suns themselves, shining by their own light, some greater and brighter, some less than our sun. The next thing to do is to learn which are stars and which are planets.

Of the planets you will soon learn to pick out one or two, and will recognize them even if they do change their places – for instance, Venus is at times very conspicuous, shining as an evening star in the west soon after the sun goes down, or us a morning star before he gets up, though you are not so likely to see her then; anyway, she is never found very far from the sun. Jupiter is the only other planet that compares with her in brilliancy, and he shines most beautifully. He is, of course, much further away from us than Venus, but so much larger that he rivals her in brightness. Saturn can be quite easily seen as a conspicuous object, too, if you know where to look for him, and Mars is sometimes very bright with a reddish glow. The others you would not be able to distinguish.

It is to our earth's family of these eight large planets going steadily round the same sun that we must give our attention first, before going on to the distant stars. Many of the planets are accompanied by satellites or moons, which circle round them. We may say that the sun is our parent – father, mother, what you will – and that the planets are the family of children, and that the moons are their children. Our earth, you see, has only one child, but that a very fine one, of which she may well be proud.

When I say that the planets go round the sun in circles I am only speaking generally; as a matter of fact, the orbits of the planets are not perfect circles, though some are more circular than others. Instead of this they are as a circle might look if it were pressed in from two sides, and this is called an ellipse. The path of our own earth round the sun is one of the most nearly circular of them all, and yet even in her orbit she is a good deal nearer to the sun at one time than another. Would you be surprised to hear that she is nearer in our winter and further away in our summer? Yet that is the case. And for the first moment it seems absurd; for what then makes the summer hotter than the winter? That is due to an altogether different cause; it depends on the position of the earth's axis. If that axis were quite straight up and down in reference to the earth's path round the sun we should have equal days and nights all the year round, but it is not; it leans over a little, so that at one time the North Pole points towards the sun and at another time away from it, while the South Pole is pointing first away from it and then toward it in exactly the reverse way. When the North Pole points to the sun we in the Northern Hemisphere have our summer. To understand this you must look at the picture, which will make it much clearer than any words of mine can do. The dark part is the night, and the light part the day. When we are having summer any particular spot on the Northern Hemisphere has quite a long way to travel in the light, and only a very short bit in the dark, and the further north you go the longer the day and shorter the night, until right up near the North Pole, within the Arctic Circle, it is daylight all the time. You have, perhaps, heard of the 'midnight sun' that people go to see in the North, and what the expression means is that at what should be midnight the sun is still there. He seems just to circle round the horizon, never very far above, but never dipping below it.

When the sun is high overhead, his rays strike down with much more force than when he is low. It is, for instance, hotter at mid-day than in the evening. Now, when the North Pole is bowed toward the sun, the sun appears to us to be higher in the sky. In the British Isles he never climbs quite to the zenith, as we call the point straight above our heads; he always keeps on the southern side of that, so that our shadows are thrown northward at mid-day, but yet he gets nearer to it than he does in winter. Look at the picture of the earth as it is in winter. Then we have long nights and short days, and the sun never appears to climb very high, because we are turned away from him. During the short days we do not receive a great deal of heat, and during the long night the heat we have received has time to evaporate to a great extent. These two reasons – the greater or less height of the sun in the sky and the length of the days – are quite enough to account for the difference between our summer and winter. There is one rather interesting point to remember, and that is that in the Northern Hemisphere, whether it is winter or summer, the sun is south at mid-day, so that you can always find the north then, for your shadow will point northwards.

New Zealand and Australia and other countries placed in the Southern Hemisphere, as we are in the Northern, have their summer while we have winter, and winter while we have summer, and their summer is warmer than ours, because it comes when the earth in its journey is three million miles nearer to the sun than in our summer.

All this seems to refer to the earth alone, and this chapter should be about the planets; but, after all, what applies to one planet applies to another in some degree, and we can turn to the others with much more interest now to see if their axes are bowed toward the sun as ours is. It is believed that in the case of Mercury, in regard to its path round the sun, the axis is straight up and down; if it is the changes of the seasons must depend on the nearness of Mercury to the sun and nothing else, and as he is a great deal nearer at one time than another, this might make a very considerable difference. Some of the planets are like the earth in regard to the position of their axes, but the two outermost ones, Uranus and Neptune, are very peculiar, for one pole is turned right toward the sun and the other right away from it, so that in one hemisphere there is continuous day all the summer, in the other there is continuous night, and then the process is reversed. But these little peculiarities we shall have to note more particularly in the account of the planets separately.

There is a curious fact in regard to the distances of the planets from the sun. Each one, after the first, is, very roughly, about double the distance from the sun of the one inside it. This holds good for all the first four, then there is a great gap where we might expect to find another planet, after which follow the four large planets. Now, this gap puzzled astronomers greatly; for though there seemed to be no reason why the planets should be at regular distances one outside the other, yet there the fact was, and that the series should be broken by a missing planet was annoying. So very careful search was made, and a thrill of excitement went all through the scientific world when it was known that a tiny planet had been discovered in the right place. But this was not the end of it, for within a few years three or four more tiny planets were observed not far from the first one, and, as years rolled on, one after another was discovered until now the number amounts to over six hundred and others are perpetually being added to the list! Here was a new feature in the solar system, a band of tiny planets not one of which was to be compared in size with the least of those already known. The largest may be about as large as Europe, and others perhaps about the size of Wales, while there may be many that have only a few square miles of surface altogether, and are too small for us to see. To account for this strange discovery many theories were advanced.

One was that there had been a planet – it might be about the size of Mars – which had burst up in a great explosion, and that these were the pieces – a very interesting and exciting idea, but one which proved to be impossible. The explanation now generally accepted is a little complicated, and to understand it we must go back for a bit.

When we were talking of the earth and the moon we realized that once long ago the moon must have been a part of the earth, at a time when the earth was much larger and softer than she now is; to put it in the correct way, we should say when she was less dense. There is no need to explain the word 'dense,' for in its ordinary sense we use it every day, but in an astronomical sense it does not mean exactly the same thing. Everything is made up of minute particles or atoms, and when these atoms are not very close together the body they compose is loose in texture, while if they are closer together the body is firmer. For instance, air is less dense than water, and water than earth, and earth than steel. You see at once by this that the more density a thing has the heavier it is; for as a body is attracted to another body by every atom or particle in it, so if it has more particles it will be more strongly attracted. Thus on the earth the denser things are really heavier. But 'weight' is only a word we use in connection with the earth; it means the earth's pulling power toward any particular thing at the surface, and if we were right out in space away from the earth, the pulling power of the earth would be less, and so the weight would be less; and as it would be impossible always to state just how far away a thing was from the earth, astronomers talk about density, which means the number of particles a body contains in proportion to other bodies. Thus the planet Jupiter is very much larger than the earth, but his density is less. That does not mean to say that if Jupiter were in one scale and the earth in the other he would weigh less, because he is so very much bigger he would outweigh the earth still; his total mass would be greater than that of the earth, but it means that a piece of Jupiter the same size as a piece of the earth would weigh less under the same conditions.

Now, before there were any planets at all or any sun, in the place of our solar system was a vast gaseous cloud called a nebula, which slowly rotated, and this rotation was the first impulse or force which God gave it. It was not at all dense, and as it rotated a part broke off, and inheriting the first impulse, went on rotating too. The impulse would have sent it off in a straight line, but the pull of gravity from the nebula held it in place, and it circled round; then the nebula, as it rotated, contracted a little, and occupied less space and grew denser, and presently a second piece was thrown off, to become in time another planet. The same process was repeated with Saturn, and then with the huge Jupiter. The nebula was always rotating and always contracting. And as it behaved, so did the planets in their turn; they spun round and cooled and contracted, and the moons were flung off from them, just as they – the planets – had been flung off from the parent nebula.

Now, after the original nebula had parted with the mighty mass of Jupiter, it never again made an effort so great, and for a long time the fragments that were detached were so small as hardly to be worth calling planets; they were the asteroids, little lumps and fragments that the nebula left behind. But as it still contracted in time there came Mars; and having recovered a little, the nebula with more energy got rid of the earth, and next Venus, and lastly little Mercury, the smallest of the eight planets. Then it contracted further, and perhaps you can guess what the remainder of it is – the sun; and by spinning in a plastic state the sun, like the earth, has become a globe, round and comparatively smooth; and its density is now too great to allow of its losing any more fragments, so, as far as we can see, the solar system is complete.

This theory of the origin of the planets is called the nebula theory. We cannot prove it, but there are so many facts that can only be explained by it, we have strong reason for believing that something of the kind must have happened. When we come to speak of the starry heavens we shall see that there are many masses of glowing gas which are nebulæ of the same sort, and which form an object-lesson in our own history.

We have spoken rather lightly of the nebula rotating and throwing off planets; but we must not think of all this as having happened in a short time. It is almost as impossible for the human mind to conceive the ages required for such slow changes as to grasp the great gulfs of space that separate us from the stars. We can only do it by comparison. You know what a second is, and how the seconds race past without ceasing day and night. It makes one giddy to picture the seconds there are in a year; yet if each one of those seconds was a year in itself, what then? That seems a stupendous time, but it is nothing compared with the time needed to form a nebula into a planetary system. If we had five thousand of such years, with every second in them a year, we should then only have counted one billion real years, and billions must have passed since the sun was a gaseous nebula filling the outermost bounds of our system!



What must the sun appear to Mercury, who is so much nearer to him than we are? To understand that we should have to imagine our sun increased to eight or nine times his apparent size, and pouring out far greater heat and light than anything that we have here, even in the tropics. It was at first supposed that Mercury must have an extra thick covering of clouds to protect him from this tremendous glare; but recent observations tend to prove that, far from this, he is singularly free from cloud. As this is so, no life as we know it could possibly exist on Mercury.

His year – the time he takes to go round the sun and come back to the same place again – is eighty-eight days, or about one-quarter of ours. As his orbit is much more like an ellipse than a circle, it follows that he is much nearer to the sun at one time than at another – in fact, when he is nearest, the size of the sun must seem three and a half times greater than when he is furthest away from it! Even at the best Mercury is very difficult to observe, and what we can learn about him is not much; but, as we have heard, his axis is supposed to be upright. If so his seasons cannot depend on the bend toward or away from the sun, but must be influenced solely by the changes in his distance from the sun, which are much greater than in our own ease. There is some reason to believe, too, that Mercury's day and year are the same length. This means that as the planet circles round the sun he turns once. If this is so the sun will shine on one half of the planet, producing an accumulated heat terrific to think of; while the other side is plunged in blackness. The side which faces the sun must be heated to a pitch inconceivable to us during the nearer half of the orbit – a pitch at which every substance must be at boiling-point, and which no life as we know it could possibly endure. Seen from our point of view, Mercury goes through all the phases of the moon, as he shines by the reflected light of the sun; but this point we shall consider more particularly in regard to Venus, as Venus is nearer to us and easier to study. For a long time astronomers had a fancy that there might be another planet even nearer to the sun than Mercury, perhaps hidden from us by the great glare of the sun. They even named this imaginary planet Vulcan, and some thought they had seen it, but it is tolerably certain that Vulcan existed only in imagination. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun, and also the smallest, of course excepting the asteroids. It is about three thousand miles in diameter, and as our moon is two thousand miles, it is not so much bigger than that. So far as we are concerned, it is improbable we shall ever know very much more about this little planet.

But next we come to Venus, our beautiful bright neighbour, who approaches nearer to us than any other heavenly body except the moon. Alas! when she is nearest, she like Mercury, turns her dark side toward us, coming in between us and the sun, so that we cannot observe her at all.

Everyone must have noticed Venus, however carelessly they have looked at the sky; but it is likely that far more people have seen her as an evening than a morning star, for most people are in bed when the sun rises, and it is only before sunrise or after sunset we can see Venus well. She is at her best from our point of view when she seems to us to be furthest from the sun, for then we can study her best, and at these times she appears like a half or three-quarter moon, as we only see a part of the side from which the sunlight is reflected. She shines like a little silver lamp, excelling every other planet, even Jupiter, the largest of all. If we look at her even with the naked eye, we can see that she is elongated or drawn out, but her brilliance prevents us from seeing her shape exactly; to do this we must use a telescope.

It is a curious fact that some planets shine much more brightly than others, without regard to their size – that is to say, the surface on which the sun's rays strike is of greater reflecting power in some than in others. One of the brightest things in Nature that we can imagine is a bank of snow in sunlight; it is so dazzling that we have to look away or wink hard at the sight; and the reflective power of the surface of Venus is as dazzling as if she were made of snow. This is probably because the light strikes on the upper surface of the clouds which surround her. In great contrast to this is the surface of Mercury, which reflects as dully as a mass of lead. Our own moon has not a high reflecting power, as will be easily understood if we imagine what the world would be if condemned to perpetual moonlight only. It would, indeed, be a sad deprivation if the mournful cold light of the moon, welcome enough as a change from sunlight, were to take the place of sunlight in the daytime.

For a very long time astronomers could not discover what time Venus took in rotating on her own axis – that is to say, what the length of her day was. She is difficult to observe, and in order to find out the rotation it is necessary to note some fixed object on the surface which turns round with the planet and comes back to the same place again, so that the time it takes in its journey can be measured. But the surface of Venus is always changing, so that it is impossible to judge at all certainly. Opinions differ greatly, some astronomers holding that Venus's day is not much longer than an earthly day, while others believe that the planet's day is equal to her year, just as in the case of Mercury. Venus's year is 225 days, or about seven and a half of our months, and if, indeed, her day and year are the same length, very peculiar effects would follow. For instance, terrible heat would be absorbed by the side of the planet facing the sun in the perpetual summer; and the cold which would be felt in the dreary winter's night would far exceed our bitterest Arctic climate. We cannot but fancy that any beings who might live on a planet of this kind must be different altogether from ourselves. Then, there is another point: even here on earth very strong winds are caused by the heating of the tropics; the hot air, being lighter than the cold air, rises, and the colder air from the poles rushes in to supply its place. This causes wind, but the winds which would be raised on Venus by the rush of air from the icy side of the planet to the hot one would be tornadoes such as we could but faintly dream of. It is, of course, useless to speculate when we know so little, but in a subject so intensely interesting we cannot help guessing a little.

Venus is only slightly smaller than the earth, and her density is not very unlike ours; therefore the pull of gravity must be pretty much there what it is here – that is to say, things will weigh at her surface about the same as they do here. Her orbit is nearly a circle, so that her distance from the sun does not vary much, and the heat will not be much greater from this cause at one time of the year than another.

As her orbit is tilted up a little she does not pass between us and the sun at each revolution, but occasionally she does so, and this passing is called a transit. Many important facts have been learned by watching these transits. Mercury also has transits across the sun, but as she is so much smaller than Venus they are not of such great importance. It was by the close observation of Venus during her transits that the distance from the earth to the sun was first measured. Not until the year 2004 will another transit of Venus occur.

It is not difficult to imagine that the earth must appear a splendid spectacle from Venus, whence she is seen to great advantage. When nearest to us she must see us like a little moon, with markings as the continents and seas rotate, and these will change as they are obscured by the clouds rolling over them. At the North and South Poles will be glittering ice-caps, growing larger and smaller as they turn toward or away from the sun. A brilliant spectacle!

We might say with a sigh, 'If only we could see such a world!' Well, we can see a world – not indeed, so large as Venus, yet a world that comes almost as near to us as Venus does, and which, unlike her, is outside us in order from the sun, so that when it is nearest to us the full sunlight is on it. This is Mars, our neighbour on the other side, and of all the fascinating objects in the sky Mars is the most fascinating, for there, if anywhere, should we be likely to discover beings like ourselves!

Mars takes rather more than half an hour longer to rotate than we do, and as he is so much smaller than the earth, this means that he moves round more slowly. His axis is bent at nearly the same angle as ours is. Mars is much smaller than the earth, his diameter is about twice that of the moon, and his density is about three-quarters that of the earth, so that altogether, with his smaller size and less density, anything weighing a hundred pounds here would only weigh some forty pounds on Mars; and if, by some miraculous agency, you were suddenly transported there, you would find yourself so light that you could jump enormous distances with little effort, and skip and hop as if you were on springs.

Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association. MAP OF MARS.View larger image

Look at the map of Mars, in which the surface appears to be cut up into land and water, continents and oceans. The men who first observed Mars with accuracy saw that some parts were of a reddish colour and others greenish, and arguing from our own world, they called the greenish parts seas and the reddish land. For a long while no one doubted that we actually looked on a world like our own, more especially as there was supposed to be a covering of atmosphere. The so-called land and water are much more cut up and mixed together than ours, it is true. Here and there is a large sea, like that marked 'Mare Australe,' but otherwise the water and the land are strangely intermingled. The red colour of the part they named land puzzled astronomers a good deal, for our land seen at the same distance would not appear so red, and they came at last to the conclusion that vegetation on Mars must be red instead of green! But after a while another disturbing fact turned up to upset their theories, and that was that they saw canals, or what they called canals, on Mars. These were long, straight, dark markings, such as you see on the map. It is true that some people never saw these markings at all, and disbelieved in their existence; but others saw them clearly, and watched them change – first go fainter and then darker again. And quite recently a photograph has been obtained which shows them plainly, so they must have an existence, and cannot be only in the eye of the observer, as the most sceptical people were wont to suggest. But further than this, one astronomer announced that some of these lines appeared to be double, yet when he looked at them again they had grown single. It was like a conjuring trick. Great excitement was aroused by this, for if the canals were altered so greatly it really did look as if there were intelligent beings on Mars capable of working at them. In any case, if these are really canals, to make them would be a stupendous feat, and if they are artificial – that is, made by beings and not natural – they show a very high power of engineering. Imagine anyone on earth making a canal many miles wide and two thousand miles long! It is inconceivable, but that is the feat attributed to the Martians. The supposed doubling of the canals, as I say, caused a great deal of talk, and very few people could see that they were double at all. Even now the fact is doubted, yet there seems every reason to believe it is true. They do not all appear to be double, and those that do are always the same ones, while others undoubtedly remain single all the time. But the canals do not exhaust the wonders of Mars. At each pole there is an ice-cap resembling those found at our own poles, and this tells us pretty plainly something about the climate of Mars, and that there is water there.

This ice-cap melts when the pole which it surrounds is directed toward the sun, and sometimes in a hot summer it dwindles down almost to nothing, in a way that the ice-caps at the poles of the earth never do. A curious appearance has been noticed when it is melting: a dark shadow seems to grow underneath the edge of it and extends gradually, and as it extends the canals near it appear much darker and clearer than they did before, and then the canals further south undergo the same change. This looks as if the melting of the snow filled up the canals with water, and was a means of watering the planet by a system totally different from anything we know here, where our poles are surrounded by oceans, and the ice-caps do not in the least affect our water-supply. But, then, another strange fact had to be taken into consideration. These straight lines called canals ran out over the seas occasionally, and it was impossible to believe that if they were canals they could do that. Other things began to be discussed, such as the fact that the green parts of Mars did not always remain green. In what is the springtime of Mars they are so, but afterwards they become yellow, and still later in the season parts near the pole turn brown. Thus the idea that the greenish parts are seas had to be quite given up, though it appeared so attractive. The idea now generally believed is that the greenish parts are vegetation – trees and bushes and so on, and that the red parts are deserts of reddish sand, which require irrigation – that is to say, watering – before anything can be grown on them. The apparent doubling of the canals may be due to the green vegetation springing up along the banks. This might form two broad lines, while the canal itself would not be seen, and when the vegetation dies down, we should see only the trench of the canal, which would possibly appear faint and single. Therefore the arrangements on Mars appear to be a rich and a barren season on each hemisphere, the growth being caused by the melting of the polar ice-cap, which sends floods down even beyond the Equator. If we could imagine the same thing on earth we should have to think of pieces of land lying drear and dry and dead in winter between straight canal-like ditches of vast size. A little water might remain in these ditches possibly, but not enough to water the surrounding land. Then, as summer progressed, we should hear, 'The floods are coming,' and each deep, huge canal would be filled up with a tide of water, penetrating further and further. The water drawn up into the air would fall in dew or rain. Vegetation would spring up, especially near the canal banks, and instead of dreary wastes rich growths would cover the land, gradually dying down again in the winter. So far Mars seems in some important respects very different from the earth. He is also less favourably placed than we are, for being so much further from the sun, he receives very much less heat and light. His years are 687 of our days, or one year and ten and a half months, and his atmosphere is not so dense as ours. With this greater distance from the sun and less air we might suppose the temperature would be very cold indeed, and that the surface would be frost-bound, not only at the poles, but far down towards the Equator. Instead of this being so, as we have seen, the polar caps melt more than those on the earth. We can only surmise there must be some compensation we do not know of that softens down the rigour of the seasons, and makes them milder than we should suppose possible.

Of course, the one absorbing question is, Are there people on Mars? To this it is at present impossible to reply. We can only say the planet seems in every way fitted to support life, even if it is a little different from our earth. It is most certainly a living world, not a dead one like the moon, and as our knowledge increases we may some day be able to answer the question which so thrills us.

Our opportunities for the observation of Mars vary very greatly, for as the earth's orbit lies inside that of Mars, we can best see him when we are between him and the sun. Of course, it must be remembered that the earth and the other planets are so infinitely small in regard to the space between them that there is no possibility of any one of them getting in such a position that it would throw a shadow on any other or eclipse it. The planets are like specks in space, and could not interfere with one another in this way. When Mars, therefore, is in a line with us and the sun we can see him best, but some of these times are better than others, for this reason – the earth's orbit is nearly a circle, and that of Mars more of an ellipse.

Look at the illustration and remember that Mars' year is not quite two of ours – that is to say, every time we swing round our orbit we catch him up in a different place, for he will have progressed less than half his orbit while we go right round ours.

Sometimes when we overtake him he may be at that part which is furthest away from us, or he may be at that part which is nearest to us, and if he is in the latter position we can see him best. Now at these, the most favourable times of all, he is still more than thirty-five millions of miles away – that is to say, one hundred and forty times as far as the moon, yet comparatively we can see him very well. He is coming nearer and nearer to us, and very soon will be nearer than he has been since 1892, or fifteen years ago. Then many telescopes will be directed on him, and much may be learned about him.

For a long time it was supposed that Mars had no moons, and when Dean Swift wrote 'Gulliver's Travels' he wanted to make the Laputans do something very clever, so he described their discovery of two moons attending Mars, and to make it quite absurd he said that when they observed these moons they found that one of them went round the planet in about ten hours. Now, as Mars takes more than twenty-four hours to rotate, this was considered ridiculous, for no moon known then took less time to go round its primary world than the primary world took to turn on its own axis. Our own moon, of course, takes thirty times as long – that is a month contains thirty days. Then one hundred and fifty years later this jest of Dean Swift's came true, for two moons were really discovered revolving round Mars, and one of them does actually take less time to complete its orbit than the planet does to rotate – namely, a little more than seven hours! So the absurdity in 'Gulliver's Travels' was a kind of prophecy!

These two moons are very small, the outer one perhaps five or six miles in diameter, and the inner one about seven; therefore from Mars the outer one, Deimos, cannot look much more than a brilliant star, and the inner one would be but a fifth part the apparent width of our own moon. So Mars is not very well off, after all. Still, there is great variety, for it must be odd to see the same moon appearing three times in the day, showing all the different phases as it goes from new to full, even though it is small!

Such wonderful discoveries have already been made that it is not too much to say that perhaps some day we may be able to establish some sort of communication with Mars, and if it be inhabited by any intelligent beings, we may be able to signal to them; but it is almost impossible that any contrivance could bridge the gulf of airless space that separates us, and it is not likely that holiday trips to Mars will ever become fashionable!



I have told you about the four lesser worlds of which our earth is one, and you know that beyond Mars, the last of them, there lies a vast space, in which are found the asteroids, those strange small planets circling near to each other, like a swarm of bees. After this there comes Jupiter, who is so enormous, so superb in size compared with us, that he might well serve as the sun of a little system of his own. You remember that we represented him by a football, while the earth was only a greengage plum. But Jupiter himself is far less in comparison with the sun than we are in comparison with him. He differs from the planets we have heard about up to the present in that he seems to glow with some heat that he does not receive from the sun. The illumination which makes him appear as a star to us is, of course, merely reflected sunlight, and what we see is the external covering, his envelope of cloud.

There is every reason to believe that the great bulk of Jupiter is still at a high temperature. We know that in the depths of the earth there is still plenty of heat, which every now and then makes its presence felt by bursting up through the vents we call volcanoes, the weak spots in the earth's crust; but our surface long ago cooled, for the outside of any body gets cool before the inside, as you may have found if ever you were trying to eat hot porridge, and circled round the edge of the plate with a spoon. A large body cools more slowly than a small one, and it is possible that Jupiter, being so much larger than we are, has taken longer to cool. One reason we have for thinking this is that he is so very light compared with his size – in other words, his density is so small that it is not possible he could be made of materials such as the earth is made of.

As I said, when we study him through telescopes we see just the exterior, the outer envelope of cloud, and as we should expect, this changes continually, and appears as a series of belts, owing to the rotation of the planet. Jupiter's rotation is very rapid; though he is so much greater than the earth, he takes less than half the time the earth does to turn round – that is to say, only ten hours. His days and nights of five hours each seem short to us, accustomed to measure things by our own estimates. But we must remember that everything is relative; that is to say, there is really no such thing as fast or slow; it is all by comparison. A spider runs fast compared with a snail, but either is terribly slow compared with an express train; and the speed of an express train itself is nothing to the velocity of light.

In the same way there is nothing absolutely great or small; it is all by comparison. We say how marvellous it is that a little insect has all the mechanism of life in its body when it is so tiny, but if we imagine that insect magnified by a powerful microscope until it appears quite large, the marvel ceases. Again, imagine a man walking on the surface of the earth as seen from a great distance through a telescope: he would seem less than an insect, and we might ask how could the mechanism of life be compressed into anything so small? Thus, when we say enormous or tiny we must always remember we are only speaking by the measurements of our own standards.

There is nothing very striking about Jupiter's orbit. He takes between eleven and twelve of our years to get round the sun, so you see, though his day is shorter, his year is longer than ours. And this is not only because his path is much larger, but because by the law of gravity the more distant a planet is from the sun the more slowly it travels, so that while the earth speeds over eighteen miles Jupiter has only done eight. Of course, we must be careful to remember the difference between rotation and revolution. Jupiter rotates much quicker than the earth – that is to say, he turns round more quickly – but he actually gets over the ground more slowly. The sun appears much smaller to him than it does to us, and he receives considerably less light and heat. There are various spots on his surface, and one remarkable feature is a dark mark, which is called the 'great red spot.' If as we suppose what we see of the planet is merely the cloudy upper atmosphere, we should not expect to find anything permanent there, for the markings would change from day to day, and this they do with this exception – that this spot, dark red in colour, has been seen for many years, turning as the planet turned. It was first noticed in 1878, and was supposed to be some great mountain or excrescence peeping up through the clouds. It grew stronger and darker for several years, and then seemed to fade, and was not so easily seen, and though still remaining it is now pale. But, most startling to say, it has shifted its position a little – that is, it takes a few seconds longer to get round the planet than it did at first. A few seconds, you will say, but that is nothing! It does not seem much, but it shows how marvellously accurate astronomers are. Discoveries of vast importance have been made from observing a few seconds' discrepancy in the time the heavenly bodies take in their journeys, and the fact that this spot takes a little longer in its rotation than it did at first shows that it cannot be attached to the body of the planet. It is impossible for it to be the summit of a mountain or anything of that sort. What can it be? No one has yet answered that question.
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