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Denim and Diamond

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Kyle had a feeling Frank also had marriage in mind, but Vera never brought up the subject and Kyle was guiltily content to avoid it, knowing he relied on her too much.

He’d stopped by the hospital to see Frank on his way home, and was relieved when Vera had tearfully told him Frank would recover, but that the process would take time.

Kyle had an idea Vera wanted to spend more time with Frank and help with his recovery, and he couldn’t blame her. But if he couldn’t depend on Vera to look after April he’d have to hire a nanny, an option he couldn’t justify in terms of cost.

Besides, what April really needed was a mother, someone to spend time with her, play with her, a caring, loving woman who would discipline with a firm yet loving hand and be encouraging and supportive and…fun!

His gaze lingered for a moment on Piper and her rounded abdomen. There was something incredibly sexy about a pregnant woman, about this pregnant woman.

Not for the first time he wondered what would have happened eight years ago if he’d taken what she’d been so eager to offer.

Breathtakingly beautiful and decidedly desirable, it had taken every ounce of willpower to send her packing. She would probably laugh if she knew that for quite a while afterward he’d been plagued with a recurring fantasy of making passionate love to her.

But he’d known then just as he knew now, Piper Diamond was a woman like no other he’d ever known, a woman with strength, determination and a free spirit, a woman he doubted would ever regard him as a suitable life partner.

Kyle sighed, and tossed his jacket on the chair. It slid to the floor knocking a book off the table.

At the soft thud Piper’s eyes flew open. For a moment she couldn’t remember where she was. Glancing up she saw Kyle gazing down at her and suddenly it all came rushing back.

“Oh…hello!” she said, her voice threaded with sleep. “I’m sorry. I guess we both fell asleep.”

Kyle smiled. “It looks that way.”

“Daddy!” April sat up slowly rubbing her eyes.

“Hi, sleepyhead.”

“I have to pee,” April abruptly announced and hopping down off the sofa, she hurried off in the direction of the bathroom.

Piper tucked her hair behind her ears and eased into a more comfortable position. “I’m afraid afternoon naps seem to go hand-in-hand with being pregnant. What time is it?”

“Almost three o’clock,” he replied.

“I’d better be heading home,” she said as she attempted to get to her feet.

“Here, let me help.”

Piper hesitated, but only for a moment. “Thank you.” She took the hand he offered. His grip was strong and firm, and as he helped her up she caught the familiar scent of horses as well as another decidedly male scent that was his alone.

Suddenly the urge to lean into him, to feel the strength of his arms around her, assailed her. She swayed, and her stomach brushed against him sending a ripple of sensation through her.

“Are we going to get Nana at the hospital now?” April asked as she ran back into the room.

Piper felt the blood rush to her face. She released Kyle’s hand but as she moved away the baby, undoubtedly unhappy about being disturbed, kicked her.

“Oh…ouch,” she murmured softly, putting her hand on her abdomen in an action that was purely reflex.

“What’s the matter?” April asked. “Does your tummy hurt?”

Piper smiled. “No, the baby kicked me, that’s all,” she explained.

April’s eyes widened. “You can feel it?”


“Can I feel it, too?” April asked, her blue eyes wide with interest.

Piper’s gaze darted to Kyle, standing only a few feet away. He nodded in anticipation of her question.

Turning back to April, she smiled. “Sure. Come and put your hand here,” she instructed, charmed by the child’s curiosity.

April moved closer, and tentatively put her hand on Piper’s tummy. Seconds later the baby kicked several times.

“Wow!” Startled, April jerked her hand back and glanced at her father. “Daddy, the baby kicked me,” she said excitedly. She grinned at Piper. “Can my daddy feel the baby, too?”

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