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Hill Country Reunion

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Diana chewed her lip. “No commitments yet, but I have some acquaintances in mind. I was planning to get going on that over the next few days.”

“You do understand each dog must have basic obedience certification? Plus, we require a minimum of eight sign-ups before I can make the trip to evaluate the animals and conduct a training session specific to therapy pets.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Diana said, quickly jotting reminders. “I have your list of requirements right here in front of me. Once I have my volunteers, how soon could we be evaluated?”

Mrs. Kraus paused, the sound of clicking computer keys filling the silence. “My fall schedule is filling up, so the earliest date would be the second Saturday of November. That would give you about six weeks to get your team together.”

Diana clicked open her own calendar and counted off the weeks. She’d hoped to hold the first official pet visit at the assisted-living center as a surprise for Aunt Jennie’s birthday, a few days before Thanksgiving. It just might be doable—provided she could come up with eight qualified dog owners.

“Pencil me in,” she told Mrs. Kraus. “I’ll do everything possible to be ready by then.”

She’d just hung up when Kimberly tapped on the door. “Diana, you might want to see this.”

Diana pushed back her chair and stood. “Please don’t tell me the oven conked out again.”

“No, the oven’s working like a champ. It’s...something else.” Kimberly led the way out to the alley and over to the Dumpster. She pointed into the shadows. “See back there by the wall?”

Muted whimpers wrenched Diana’s heart moments before she glimpsed the scrawny mother cat and four newborn kittens nestled inside a crumbling cardboard box. “Oh, dear, you poor things!”

“We can’t leave them back there,” Kimberly said. “This is trash pickup day. They could be crushed.”

Diana edged away, afraid of frightening the cat into running off somewhere even less safe. “Can you keep an eye on things while I run over to the supermarket for some cat food? Maybe I can lure her out and then...” She shrugged. “I’ll figure out something.”

Half an hour later, Tiger’s favorite Shrimp-and-Salmon Delight had the mama cat’s nose working overtime. Within five minutes, Diana had made a new friend. While mama dined, Diana and Kimberly transferred the kittens from their dingy hiding place into a sturdier, towel-lined crate. The mama cat climbed in with her kittens, and Diana carried them to her office.

When she checked on them later, snuggled in their box next to the filing cabinet and emitting soft, rumbling purrs, she realized she was already growing attached.

Kimberly peeked in. “How’s the little family?”

Diana leaned down to scratch the mama cat behind the ears. “Fine for now, but they can’t stay here, and there’s no way I can take them home with me.” She looked hopefully at her assistant. “Any chance—”

“Uh-uh, no way!” Kimberly held up both hands. “Olivia despises cats.”

“Yeah, I forgot.” The little dachshund definitely was not cat-friendly.

“Doc Ingram’s new partner seems really nice. Maybe he could help find them a home.”

Diana’s lips flattened. She’d already let that idea zip right on past. Too bad it was the only one that made sense. Juniper Bluff wasn’t big enough to have its own animal shelter—the nearest one was over in Fredericksburg—and even so, Diana had no confidence they could find a home for a scrawny mother cat with kittens.

“Okay, Ms. Matthews, no more stalling.” Pulling a side chair closer, Kimberly plopped down directly in front of Diana. “What are you not telling me about our handsome new small-animal vet?”

Breath catching in her throat, Diana tipped forward, head in her hands. She was so not ready to relive the worst day of her life.

Kimberly set her hand on Diana’s shoulder. “Honey, tell me! Did that guy hurt you somehow?”

Heaving a sigh, Diana straightened. “If effectively ripping out my heart, stomping on it with combat boots and dousing it in hydrochloric acid counts, then yes, he hurt me really, really bad.”

Kimberly’s mouth fell open. “When? How?”

Steeling herself, Diana gave her assistant a condensed version of the facts—how her college apartment mate Brooke Willoughby had invited her along on a weekend visit home to Austin. There, she met Brooke’s older brother, Tripp, a veterinary student at Texas A&M. The attraction was immediate, and the more time they spent together, the deeper in love Diana had fallen.

Until the phone call that ended it all. Tripp had caught her between classes—called her cell phone, of all things! The jerk didn’t even have the nerve to break it to her in person.

I’m sorry, Di, but...I need to cancel our plans for this weekend.

Tripp, I’m on my way to an economics test. Can I call you back in an hour?

He’d paused too long, a warning in itself. I need to say this now. About us. This... A pained swallow. It’s just not working.

Not working? Her heart had turned stone-cold with dread. What are you telling me?

I think we need to slow down a bit, maybe take a break. I’m under a lot of pressure with my vet studies and...other things. It’s...complicated.

“I thought he cared for me the same way,” Diana said, brushing a tear from her cheek. “But I guess I was wrong.”

Kimberly scowled. “He really used the ‘it’s complicated’ line? Next time he comes in, I will personally lace his coffee with Tabasco sauce.”

Something between a laugh and a sob burst from Diana’s throat. “Hold that thought. I may still need his help finding homes for these kittens.”

“Are you sure? Because if a guy had treated me like that, I’d have trouble being in the same county with him, let alone the same room.”

Diana thought back to the trail ride yesterday and Tripp’s attempt at an apology. He’d seemed sincere, and really, twelve years had passed. Holding a grudge after all this time certainly didn’t speak well of her as a Christian. Besides, if Tripp had been the right guy for her, wouldn’t God have kept them together somehow? As it was, she’d only hurt herself by letting the fear of having her heart broken again shut down every other relationship she’d had a chance for since then.

Time to put her own words from yesterday into practice and let bygones be bygones. She gathered up her purse and car keys, then hefted the cat box. “The shop’s yours for an hour or two, Kim. I’m headed to the animal clinic.”

Kimberly followed her to the back door, holding it open as Diana stepped into the alley. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Not in the least.”

* * *

On his lunch break at the clinic, Tripp had just set a bowl of chicken-and-rice soup in the microwave when Yolanda peeked in.

“We have a walk-in,” she said. “Stray cat with newborn kittens. Can you take a look?”

“Sure.” His next appointment wasn’t until three o’clock anyway, so plenty of time to warm up his soup later.

Yolanda pointed him to exam room two and handed him a folder. “This client’s a regular—has several pets of her own. If there’s a stray within twenty miles of Juniper Bluff, somehow it finds its way to her.”

“A real animal lover, huh?” Tripp could relate.

Then he read the name on the folder tab, and his heart thudded to the pit of his empty stomach. “Diana?”

“Yes, Diana Matthews. Same gal from Diana’s Donuts.”

“I know.” Oh, boy, did he!

The receptionist hesitated, probably confused by the pained look on Tripp’s face. “You need me to stay, or can I go to lunch?”
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