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Yesterday was a wonderful day!

At first because of Amir. We spoke a lot on facebook and then he saw me on Skype (and I didn?t see him, will ask today, why it was so). Then I walked in Kirchhof, saw two very beautiful squirrels there, they wanted to play with me. And evening I spend at home, reading book by Sergey Dovlatov.

Today the weather is fine again.

Adi, you know what: today I miss you again and think it was great when we were together and could write each other every day. And now we would see each other by web-camera… may be you will do something at last, I believe. You can?t be such a fool just to let me go. This Rehman started to visit facebook more often. May be you wanted again to see, what I will do, what I will say to ppl about you. But this time I just keep silent.

Well, we will live and we will see!

By for now, darling. Hahh, kiss you! Hahh, hahh)


Oh, my favorite date! Hope to be with i-net connection today at last. Waiting for Mary to come. I stayed alone. Nelly is in the hospital with her leg since yesterday evening. Mother called me yesterday and today in the morning as well. I also called to Adnan yesterday and to Vladimir. So…

In the morning I walked a lot. I feel myself very good here and love the city, even don?t know why. While walking I was thinking about you from time to time as if we were together. Today I was not able to use internet yet, didn?t answer to you and since dinner you are thinking about me and cause me a problem with your «want». But I hope I can write to you today in the evening, if Mary activates my i-net connection.

Till then bye! I know I may kiss you! And so I do! :)

A message from Kama:

«i was born a warrior…

they gave me a desk to write… haha

my heart has unfinished businesses

and just writing about them

wouldn’t reduce my plight…

I need to rise…:|

I need to rise..

I need to rise.

when i am not lazy

i am

too much for this world… :) {Only by the grace of Allah – for a human is weak in reality}

To take on the whole world..

is the only choice left to abide…

Should I sprint?

for i sprang…

I saw death…

i saw blood..

Sky had seen only a few lovers…

God gave me such a heart to fight…

Am i coward…

Who am i?

I probably let myself… take over me!

May be just another experiment gone wrong..? haha

For everyday i wait… to jump

i get mired deep in this world that is less than a swine…»

Destiny comes in silence… the life is not just a book, nobody knows when one «chapter» is almost over and another has just begun…

— Даже если бы я совсем не хотел убивать тебя и причинять тебе зла, это не всегда возможно. Не надо забывать, что мы – неуклюжие материальные существа в этом грубом материальном мире, и раз прикоснувшись, уже не можем в полной мере отвечать за последствия.

– А если не прикасаться…

– Если не прикасаться, то никакого сюжета не будет, и не о чем тебе будет писать твои романы.

Would you like to play babes? Let’s start! I’m here!

[08.10.201* 15:29:32] Amir: Hello! Please add me to your Contact list.

[08.10.201* 15:29:32] Natalie: Natalie B* has shared contact details with Amir M*.

Amir: Hiiii

[08.10.201* 15:29:52] Amir: welcome to my skype

[08.10.201* 15:29:59] *** Call to Amir, no answer.

hiiii lovely

[08.10.201* 15:31:19] *** Call ended ***

Amir: so how’s it going in Germany? call again, your video isn’t working, Natalie, i am sorry, got disconnected, call again

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