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Natalie: well, if you want, but I have wept, so don?t know how I look now :)

Amir: no problem, you always look beautiful to me

Natalie: i don?t like you to see me crying

Amir: start a video call, comeon don’t cry, i am here for you, i am with you

Natalie: a bit later, I can?t stop now

Amir: Natalie… please now… Natalie comeon… start a video call

Natalie: a bit later

Amir: please now Natalie… are you there?…

Она отправилась в ванную умыть лицо – нос и глаза были красными, припухшими от долгих слёз. Вернулась через несколько минут, уже успокоенная.

Natalie: no, I was not here

Amir: ok start video call

Natalie: a bit later, my eyes are red and nose too :)))

Amir: :( well i am crying too

Natalie: what your friends are doing now?

Amir: they are talking, i am separate here, some are going to sleep

Natalie: I also will go to sleep soon

Amir: but i wana see you so please don’t make me wait

Natalie: why don?t make you wait? wait, I?ll do before I leave

Amir: :(

Natalie: didn?t you listen to the Rasmus?

Amir: yes, i did, at your profile, it’s nice, and I love it, infact I will add some more videos after searching from you tube… Natalie i wana see you

Natalie: I can?t hear from here all my favorite, it?s blocked, it’s more strict here than in Estonia, I like «HOST OF LOVE», «SHOT» and «LOST and LONELY»… some others which are in my profile… like their lyrics

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:23. ***

Amir: awesome

*** Call ended ***

Amir:???????? why you stop cam?

Natalie: i am not a picture, Amir! for how long do you want to see me? :)

Amir: i love to watch you and i want to see you all time so please i wana see you

Natalie: when camera is working my music stops. When you microphone works, we can speak with web as I did with son and my parents

Amir: please please please Natalie please

Natalie: ok, what will I do? just sit? I can?t just sit and wait while you’re looking at me :) it‘s silly!

Amir: yes, i am crazy about you

Natalie: but you?ve told we are friends! :))

Amir: yes, we are friends and you are more than a friend for me, just for me and we both are friends, so now please start you webcam please

Natalie: for how long?

Amir: start, i will tell you

Natalie: tell now

Amir: till you are here, on skype, can’t wait, please

*** Call to Amir, duration 00:49. ***

Amir: i can’t breathe till i saw you… can we be more than friends, can we at least try

*** Call ended ***

Amir: i will take care of you… again

Amir: are you there???

Natalie: Amir, let?s stop for today! thank you. I can?t tell what we can and what we can’t! you see just my face, I mean, we don?t know each other really.

Amir: so let’s know each other, let’s spend some time together, let’s meet, let’s try once

Natalie: I told you already it is possible, if you can come here

Amir: ok cool, let me schedule my tour to Germany, it will take some time but not long because i can’t lose you

Natalie: you ask me too, I work here, by the way!

Amir: now please open your webcam… yes, i will not disturb your work, we can be together after your work

Natalie: I mean if you really want to come we need to discuss the time together…

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