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His lips were cold and he tasted of sweat, but she didn’t care. In seconds they were warm and as seductive as she remembered. A tiny sound came out of her throat and she slid forward, so close their skates touched. It had been so long since she’d felt this potent rush of want, need and passion that wouldn’t be denied. Her last relationship, with the dentist, had ended six months ago when he’d got a better offer and relocated to Minneapolis. She had missed him a little. They’d managed a few weekends together and then he’d asked her to move to be with him, and she knew then that she didn’t care enough about him to give up her life here in Spruce Bay. Frankly, she doubted she’d ever love a man enough to leave her home, her job and her family. Which made Max a tantalizingly attractive prospect.

He worked in her business, lived right on the property. Her grandmother would be thrilled.

Which was exactly why she had to be so careful.

That’s what her rational mind was thinking.

Her body was reminding her that she was a young, healthy woman and she hadn’t had sex in almost six months.

She pulled away from the sexiest mouth she had ever kissed. “I have to shower,” she said, knowing it ought to be a cold one.

Max flashed his killer grin. “Me, too. But I don’t want to let you go.”

“I’m not going far.”

He tilted his head to the side, arms still loosely wrapped around her. “Come back to my place?”

She shook her head. “Everybody in town would know by breakfast time tomorrow.”

“Then take me back to your place.”

She bit her lip, wishing she could, knowing she shouldn’t. “I can’t. The crew will figure it out right away.”

“No, they won’t. They’ll come to work in the morning and I’ll already be hard at it. They’ll think I’m a keener, a brown-noser. Not that I spent the night with you.”

She’d wanted to know that he still thought about her, still found her attractive. But now that he was suggesting a night in her bed she felt suddenly unsure.

He gazed at her evenly. “I’m not that guy, you know. The one who boasts about his conquests.”

Instinctively, she knew he was telling the truth. She shook her head. “It’s not that. I just—” She let out a breath that puffed like smoke in the cold rink. “It’s a small town. We work together. What if—”

He kissed her before she could finish the sentence. When he pulled away, he said, “What if you stop worrying so much about the future and think about enjoying the present.”

Oh, how she wanted to. She knew somehow that he’d be amazing in bed. It was the way he looked at her, as though he genuinely appreciated and enjoyed women. The way he moved, athletic and graceful. The way he kissed.

She was a young woman in her prime and she loved sex. Right now she was so hot she was grateful that the rink was cool enough to stop her from exploding on the spot.

Finally, she said, “I’m not ready.” And found, in spite of the incredibly strong attraction between them, that it was true. She wasn’t ready.

Instead of arguing, as she’d half expected him to, he said, “I understand. But, just so you know, I am so ready I can hardly stand it.”

She smiled, because she was flattered and horny and enjoying the feeling of being attracted to a man for the first time in a while.

He took off his right-hand glove, reached out and touched her face. “When you’re ready, all you have to do is lift a finger, an eyebrow, a strand of hair, and I’ll be there.”

She chuckled, thinking of all the times it got windy in Spruce Bay. “A strand of hair, huh?”

“Figuratively speaking,” he replied with dignity.


“Go shower. I’ll meet you out front. At least let me walk you to your car.”

He was so old-fashioned in some ways that it made her smile. “Deal.”

As they walked out together, he said, “Any more messages from your former manager?” He glanced pointedly at the spot where the word SLUT had been scrawled on the rear window of the Yukon Max’s first night in town.

“No. But he’s asked me to meet with him.”

Max’s brows rose. “Not his lawyer?”

“No. He wants a meeting with only the two of us.”

“Where and when?” He said the words sharply and she realized that Max was being protective again.

“I’m not stupid, Max. He’s coming to the office.”


“Look, I appreciate that you’re trying to protect me, but I’ve been managing fine on my own. I’m grown up, independent and can handle one ex-employee without having to cast myself on your big chest for help.”

Instead of taking offense, he grinned, puffed out his chest in an exaggerated fashion and said, “You noticed.”

She laughed, but still didn’t give him the information he wanted.

“Okay,” he said. “But promise me if he gets out of line or you don’t like the way he’s talking to you that you’ll call me.”

“No. I won’t. If he in any way makes me uncomfortable I’ll call the sheriff. We’ve known Frank for years.” She felt regret pull at her. Frank had been part of Polar Air almost as long as she had. She couldn’t bear the thought that he’d stolen from them or that she might have to press charges against the man who’d been as much a family friend as an employee.

“Hey,” he said, as though reading her thoughts, “I’m sure it won’t come to anything.”


“You sure you won’t change your mind?” he asked as she opened the Yukon’s door.

She wavered, looking into those dark, sexy eyes and reliving for a moment the feel of his body against hers, his mouth teasing and promising. But resolutely she shook her head.

“Rain check,” she said.


MAX WATCHED THE old Yukon bounce and rumble its way out of the parking lot and onto the main street.

Rain check. What kind of an expression was that anyway? All it conjured up in his mind was an image of him and Claire in a cabin somewhere. Or a loft with skylights. A tropical hut in the jungle. Someplace where the rain would pound down around them. He imagined her, naked and passionate, while water pattered on the roof and her sighs mingled with the sounds of a storm raging.

He had to shake his head to clear it. What the hell was wrong with him?

Max had been singularly lucky in his life and he knew it. He’d always liked women. Maybe because he adored his mother and even though he hadn’t always adored his bossy older sister, he still loved her. Knew she had his back as he had hers.
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