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In Bed With the Enemy: Dating and Other Dangers / Dare She Kiss & Tell? / Double Dare

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He fought with one while she worked on the other, until with heavy thuds he tossed them both over his shoulder and in one smooth movement pulled her beneath him as he rolled over her. She liked that he was fearless about being on top of her. She liked how much he weighed her down.

‘That’s what you want, isn’t it?’ He grinned evilly down at her. ‘Like to be dominated, darling?’

‘Watch your step, Ethan. You’re more vulnerable that you realise.’

‘You think?’

She ran a nail down the side of his neck while she slipped her other hand between them. She cupped his balls though his shorts and squeezed ever so slightly. He flinched and rose on all fours astride her, suddenly smiling—even though she knew he was as angry at her as he was turned on.

He yanked the dangling bra free from her body and then with two hands pulled her black leggings down, revealing her knickers.

He slid them halfway down her body and stared at the plain white panties.

‘Cotton Lycra.’ She tried not to sound too apologetic. ‘Comfortable for exercise.’

‘Indeed,’ he said. ‘And nice and stretchy.’ He grasped them, pulling them to the side, and very gently blew warm air over her. ‘Something very tantalising about it.’ He let the material cover her again and pressed his open mouth against the cotton.

She’d just about burst out of her skin at the luscious breath, and now the wet heat of him through the cotton was absolute torture.

‘Damn it, Ethan,’ she groaned. ‘You make me mad. You make me laugh.’ She banged her head back on the floor, arching as he licked her through the cotton. ‘You drive me crazy.’

‘Well, that’s totally fair.’ He switched to sucking and twisting his tongue into the cotton. ‘You do the same to me.’

She shook her head frantically. But it didn’t matter now—too late. She cried out through clenched teeth and contracting muscles as she came again.

She opened her eyes to see Ethan’s satisfied smile as he stripped the last of her clothes from her body and then stripped himself. He dealt with the condom and then looked up, his brows flickering when he saw she was watching avidly.

‘What shall we do now?’ he asked innocently.

‘I’ve orgasmed twice already,’ she said bluntly. ‘I just want you.’

He hesitated. She could feel his tension as this time he carefully took the bulk of his weight on his elbows. He gently probed her with his thick erection.

She shivered, all the goosebumps back. ‘Girth is good, Ethan.’

He laughed and kissed her. ‘You could use that as another website. GirthIsGood.’

‘Yeah?’ She rocked sinuously beneath him, wanting him to close those last few inches. ‘I’ve got a better one.’

‘Mmm?’ He kept up the tease, still not penetrating.

‘Pump. Now. Please.’

‘Okay.’ But still he didn’t. Instead he bent and with a wide mouth sucked hard at her nipple while stroking with his tongue, his hand cupping its twin so it didn’t feel neglected. Something else felt neglected.

Breathlessly she tightened her grip on him, jerking him up by the hair. ‘Do me or die,’ she ordered.

‘Oh, that’s nice.’

But she’d won. She saw the flare of his nostrils, the narrowing of his gaze as his focus centred.

He pushed forward. Hard.

She moaned—a low, wild sound that came from deep in her chest—and he paused. She could feel his heart thumping. She inhaled deep, then sighed and smiled. ‘Good, good, good,’ she muttered. ‘Now give me more.’

‘Demanding,’ he choked. ‘So demanding.’

‘You like it.’

‘I do.’

‘So why have you stopped?’

‘I like it too much.’

‘Ethan …’

‘Will you give me a break?’ he snapped. ‘I move an inch now and I’ll come, and I don’t want to come just yet. I don’t want this to be over that soon.’ He exhaled sharply, closed his eyes on her, his whole expression creasing into a frown of agony and need, frustration and determination.

‘Oh …’ She all but came again herself. Thrilled. She didn’t want it to end yet either, but she wanted him to feel as ecstatic as her—as desperate.

‘It’s not funny.’ He moved out of her.

‘What are you doing?’ She growled her disappoint ment.

He frowned right back at her. ‘It’s okay for you to be fast. It’s not okay for me to be fast,’ he gritted. ‘I don’t want either of us to end up frustrated.’

He sat back and rearranged her, pushing her legs further apart, and then moved forward again, stopping to suck her some more before sliding his length deep inside and causing those mini-convulsions in her again.

‘How hard?’ he asked, the strain audible.

‘Rough as you can.’

‘Oh—’ He swore crudely and swiftly left her again, rising to his knees and rubbing his hands over his face as he inhaled huge gulps of air.

She sat up and stared, amazed to see him struggling so much. ‘Are you worried about your reputation, Ethan?’

Didn’t he know he’d already given her the best sexual experience of her life? Or did he think she had orgasms in public parks every day of the week?

‘No.’ He glared at her. ‘But I’m not completely in control of myself with you.’

‘And you usually are?’

He grunted.

She smiled, crazily pleased that he was having a hard time coping with how turned on he was. ‘Well, I don’t care about control,’ she said quietly. ‘I just want you inside me.’
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