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In still waters

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"You call this early? We were just about to head to bed!" Kate stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the hall, dressed in a pink home T-shirt and black knee-length shorts. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and she held a kitchen towel in her hands.

"Kate, honey, don't start," Nick pleaded, his tone light despite his exhaustion. "You know you're the greatest treasure in my world."

He moved to embrace his wife, the familiar scent of her shampoo momentarily pushing away the stress of the day. Since Rose Saltano's murder, Nick had been spending long hours at work, often returning home well after the rest of the family had gone to bed. Kate understood the demands of his job, but he could sense the underlying hurt in her words.

After washing up and changing into comfortable blue pants and a T-shirt, Nick joined his family in the kitchen. The children, excited to have their father home at a reasonable hour, eagerly shared stories of their day – tales of triumphs in sports, adventures with friends, and all the little moments they'd been longing to share. Kate stood at the sink, washing dishes, a smile playing on her lips as she listened to the animated chatter.

"Dad, can we watch a movie together when you're done eating?" Edward asked hopefully.

"No movies tonight," Kate interjected firmly. "You have to get up early tomorrow, remember?"

"Please, Mom?" Edward pleaded, his eyes wide and imploring. "We'll only watch for a little bit, then straight to bed. Promise!"

Kate's resolve wavered in the face of her son's puppy-dog eyes. With a sigh, she relented, unable to deny her children this rare evening with their father.

As Kate finished with the dishes, Nick came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"You're the best mom and wife in the world," he murmured. Kate's smile widened, the tension of the past weeks melting away in the warmth of the moment.

"I love you all so very much," she replied softly.

Nick headed to the living room, Edward and Gina flanking him on either side.

"So, what shall we watch?" he asked, settling onto the couch.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" the children exclaimed in unison.

"Alright then, let's do it!"

They all cuddled together on the couch, Nick in the middle with the children snuggled against him on either side. As the familiar theme music filled the room, Nick felt the day's worries begin to recede, replaced by the simple joy of being with his family.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Edward's voice, tinged with amusement, roused Nick from an unexpected slumber. He felt a small finger poking his stomach gently.

"Did I fall asleep?" Nick mumbled, blinking in confusion.

He had been so exhausted, yet so content, that he hadn't even noticed drifting off. Nearly an hour and a half had passed, the movie long since ended. Kate, he realized, had already gone to bed.

"Okay, kids, time for bed," he announced, stifling a yawn. "We'll finish the movie another night."

After tucking the children in, Nick headed to the kitchen for a glass of water before turning in himself. As he reached for a glass, his mobile phone, left on the kitchen table, began to ring. The caller ID showed it was Christian.

"What could have happened now? It's 12:10 AM," Nick muttered, a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach.

"Hello, Christian. What's up?"

Christian's voice crackled through the speaker, urgency evident in his tone. "Nick, you need to come in right away. Bradley Force and Sheriff Jeffrey have been brought to the station. Jeffrey burst into the house of a guy named Peter Gomez – apparently, he's a drug addict and a friend of Bradley and Steven. Jeffrey started shooting up the place with his pistol! Thankfully, no one was injured. The neighbors heard the shots and called it in quickly. Steven Cooper and Peter managed to escape in the chaos."

"Christ," Nick swore under his breath. "I'm on my way."

"Alright, I'll meet you there."

As Nick hung up, he realized that any hope of sleep had vanished. He didn't wake Kate, not wanting to burden her with this new development. Instead, he quickly changed back into his work clothes and headed out into the night, his mind racing with the implications of Jeffrey's reckless actions.

Chapter 11

Upon arriving at the station, Nick learned that Jeffrey and Bradley had been placed in separate holding cells. He instructed the officers to bring Jeffrey to the interrogation room, ensuring that the sheriff's weapon – the pistol used in the shooting – had been properly confiscated and logged as evidence.

The interrogation room was a stark, windowless space that seemed designed to unsettle those brought within its walls. Dark blue paint covered the walls, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. A large table dominated the center of the room, flanked by four chairs. Overhead, a long fluorescent lamp cast a harsh, unforgiving light. Behind a two-way mirror, two officers stood ready to observe the proceedings.

Jeffrey was led in, still in handcuffs. Once seated at the table, an officer removed the restraints. Nick took his place across from Jeffrey, while Christian positioned himself near the entrance, a silent observer to the tense scene about to unfold.

Nick leaned forward, his voice low and controlled, but tinged with disbelief. "Jeffrey, what the hell were you thinking? Have you completely lost your mind? You're facing charges of attempted murder. Do you understand the gravity of what you've done?"

Jeffrey met Nick's gaze unflinchingly, his voice devoid of remorse. "I don't care. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I have no doubt that he's the killer."

Nick shook his head, frustration evident in his tone. "You're lucky you didn't wound or kill anyone. You realize you'll likely be removed from your position as sheriff, right?"

"I've already told you, I don't care!" Jeffrey's voice rose, his anger palpable in the small room.

Christian, sensing the need to redirect the conversation, interjected. "How did you even find Bradley Force?"

"His mother told me," Jeffrey replied curtly.

Nick's eyes narrowed, suspicion creeping into his voice. "What, did you threaten her?"

Jeffrey's response was brusque, bordering on insolent. "It doesn't matter. I've said all I'm going to say. Do your job and put that bastard Bradley away."

Christian sighed heavily, his voice tinged with disappointment. "Jeffrey, Jeffrey, you should have thought about your wife Mary."

Nick reached for his mobile phone, dialing the duty officers. He requested that Bradley be brought to the interrogation room. Moments later, Bradley was led in, his hands cuffed and his gaze fixed on the floor. He swayed slightly as he walked, his demeanor unsteady. Upon seeing Bradley, Jeffrey leapt from his chair, lunging towards the younger man with murderous intent. The officers quickly intervened, forcing Jeffrey back into his seat. Bradley remained standing near the door, his posture tense and wary.

"I'll kill you!" Jeffrey roared, his face contorted with rage.

Nick's voice cut through the chaos, sharp and authoritative. "Jeffrey, if you don't calm down right this instant, I'll have you put back in handcuffs!"

Bradley's voice, when he spoke, was nasal and slurred, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Hey, get this psycho out of here! He tried to kill me!" He jabbed an accusing finger in Jeffrey's direction. Bradley's appearance was as disheveled as his speech – his black jeans were torn and dirty, his blue T-shirt looked as if it hadn't been washed in weeks. The zigzag scar on his cheek stood out starkly against his pallid skin.

"And you, you bastard, killed my daughter!" Jeffrey shot back, his voice dripping with venom.

"Jeffrey, I'm warning you for the last time," Christian interjected, his patience clearly wearing thin. "Shut up, or I'll have you removed from this room immediately."

Bradley's next words came out in a panicked rush. "I've already told you, I didn't kill your daughter. We were friends, we hung out together!"

"Shut your mouth!" Jeffrey bellowed. "My daughter would never have associated with a dirty lowlife like you!"

"That's enough!" Nick's shout silenced the room. The interrogation had devolved into a circus, with Nick cast in the unenviable role of ringmaster, desperately trying to maintain order and extract some semblance of truth from the chaos.

"Sit him down and remove the handcuffs," Nick instructed the officers, gesturing towards Bradley. They complied, seating Bradley at the edge of the table opposite Jeffrey. Bradley kept his head down, his gaze fixed on the table's surface.
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