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Make your dream come true in 1 day

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1. Slowly – does not mean «inefficient». It simply means giving your body more time to adequately respond to brain impulses.

2. You are taught what acceptance is, while practicing the slow-mo: accepting my choice to do it exactly as I chose. It is about the acceptance of the natural flow of events.

3. I found the way to heal my long-term wound which is called «I-Never-Have-Time»). I realized that if you do something not according to your usual behavioral template, then the template gets broken. If, for example, you are afraid to do something, then according to the habitual pattern your usual reaction would be to get frightened and never do the feared action. But when you decide to go into your fear, it would break the routine habits.

Or when you think that you don’t have time, and you accelerate even more to catch up with your plans – this would be within the typical behavioral template. And if on the contrary, you slow down despite the usual reactions – you are breaking the mould.


«Change something in your life! Sit on the TV and watch the sofa» (An unknown author)

I didn’t take my photo today for Instagram posting, and it was because of the challenge. Today’s task is to do everything with the left hand. Well, the makeup today was also made with the left hand. I would rather prefer not to show the results of this «art» to the public.

I started to write today’s morning pages also with my left hand. And, I have to admit, I have never seen such ugly ornatenesses)

I heard that switching to your opposite develops neuroplasticity.

The positive in it all is that you suddenly come to understand HOW valuable is your right hand (leading hand). I also felt like a child who is just learning to do something. It helps to understand your own children better and not scold them for their imperfection.


(c) Photo by Jujia tang on Unsplash

«Every day, God sends us – along with the sun – the opportunity to change everything that makes us miserable. And every day we try to pretend that we do not notice this possibility, that it does not exist at all, that today is in everything similar to yesterday and indistinguishable from tomorrow. But those who take a closer look at their day will find this magical moment.» (Paulo Coelho)

The task for today is to come up with a poem on the topic proposed by the fellow-challengers.

They suggested, among other things, the word «little kangaroo»…

So here is what we have:


What is happiness to you?

Not a bird and not a gnu.

Happiness is little kangaroo,

Sitting on veranda roof.

The kangaroo is a funny little fella’

Meet his friend – the sweet coala!

Coala’s name is Tidi-Tude

In local language -«Gratitude».


(c) Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

«Nothing is impossible in life. I am trying to convey this simple thought to all of humanity through my work, my own life. Try and you will be cool!» (Will Smith)

Today’s task: to read a book in a day. YES! 700 pages in an EPUB reader («Unlock you: Be Calm, Confident and Happy in just 10 Minutes A Day,» Andy Barker, Beth Wood).

I’m not a spead-reader, I’m even not standing near such a person.

Was it difficult? Yes, I had to give up all my favorite routines in the morning (sports, morning pages, online learning). Yes, and the house chores are paused. (Tomorrow I’ll catch up).

One of the side-effects – more carbohydrates were eaten than necessary. Apparently, the brain in this mode requested compensation.

What are the insights?

It is feasible to read a book in a day, if you set it as your goal. But it is rather stressful to read in such a way permanently, even if this is a book on how to cope with stress.

Everything is possible if you set a goal and do not lose the focus. And this applies not only to reading books.


(c) Photo by Hannah Grace on Unsplash

«Never say to yourself,» I cannot.» In this way you are depriving yourself of power.» (Richard Bach)

After yesterday’s book «revelry» I thought of taking something easier, like «enjoy a piece of chocolate in 15 minutes,» but my bum is again craving for adventures, and this time the chosen adventure was to write and send an article to the Lifehacker.ru.

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