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Из грязи в князи. Студент из медицинского на связи!

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In their lifes, and their reality!
Would difference from animal delight?
No way, u got all guarantee!

But, walking the handle
For a many weeks, months, years…
It's like try to light a candle,
By shedding on it your tears…

If feelings are two-sided,
(How it, by the way, should
Because if only one side
U just howling on the moon!)

Both of u see it very soon!
So, what are you waiting for?
Simple. Just there is one boon?!
Or maybe even, you are both?!

Similar attracts similar
Someone wanna protest?
Don't try to be familiar —
Better go pass the IQ test!

So many words,
So many rhymes…
Where the point?
And lifeline?

Lifeline can find only u —
It's ur life, only u can it do!

Point? Very simple!
U see the both feelings —
Dont scary and frinble!

Just take what,
And who u want!
U didn't see resistance?
She, honestly, don't!

I'm talking absurd…

Undone feelings,
Outcast, why not?
Yes, exactly it is,
Ebullient this hot!

Volume of yelling so loud,
Of course, for it I am proud!
Like me no one can, or will it do,
I'm sure, I'm a lot of came through!

Gorgeous words without meaning…
No way, can u say, I'm not believing…
I didn't give a fault, readers thinking about,
Like u, unbelievers, can easily doubt.

Rather races, faster than light,
And you won't catch it up.
Do you think enough in your cup?
You can already start fight?

Maybe, you definitely right…
Little later we will see it.
Unspare your enemy, not a bit.
Otherwise he do terrifying-bite

So, the only one winner?
Do you see this glimmer?
Not a completely clear sky,
And of course, you can't fly!

Yeti, no one can see it…
Do you agree with it?
Or u think it’s lie?
Beast already die?!

Let’s talk about something else,
About, for example, jingle bells!
Everything now are blurred,
Does your mind is flurred?

I'm talking absurd…

Большой герой Белгородской области.

Маленький мальчик Алёшка —
Белгородской области герой!
Выбежать к военным по дорожке,
И совершить поступок мужской!

Уезжающим на фронт,
Отдавал он каждое утро честь!
И это не дешёвый понт,
Патриотизм сполна в нем есть!

Он ещё такой молодой,
А уже всем юношам пример!
За родину он стоит горой,
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