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Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you

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For the unattached, affairs of the heart can add considerable excitement to the year, with quite a few Wood Oxen meeting their future partner in a way that seemed destined to be.

As the Wood Ox enters his thirtieth year, he will have hopes and aspirations he will be keen to realize. However, he will acknowledge that some of these will require great effort as well as an element of luck. In the Goat year, progress is possible and some personal hopes may well be realized, but the Wood Ox will need to be flexible in attitude and adapt to situations as they arise. By rising to the year’s challenges, however, he will be preparing himself for the opportunities that await in the future. He may not have a particularly easy start to his thirties, but his efforts will, in time, prevail. In all he does, he should draw on the support of those around him. Many people believe in him and, despite the challenges this year, there will be many special times to share.

Tip for the Year

Look to extend your skills and interests. What happens this year will often happen for a reason and significant possibilities can open up for you. Also, value your loved ones. They are special and can play an important part in making your thirtieth year special too.

The Fire Ox

This will be a busy and demanding year for the Fire Ox. Not only will he have a lot to do and decide upon, but he could also encounter problems with some of his activities. Goat years can be challenging, but it is by rising to the challenges that the Fire Ox will identify strengths he can build on. Indeed, what he discovers about himself this year will prepare him for the substantial advances he can make over the next few years.

During the Goat year it is, though, important that the Fire Ox remains open-minded. That way he can not only gain more from the opportunities that come his way but also broaden his scope for later. As a forward-thinker, he may already have formed some ideas about what he would like to do next, but in the Goat year flexibility is required.

For the many Fire Oxen in education this will be an important year, especially as they near the end of courses or start new academic work. A lot will be expected of them and they will need to be disciplined and focused. Also, working consistently throughout the year rather than leaving a lot to the last moment will not only make their studying more satisfying but their results that much better. There may be pressures this year but the Fire Ox could also find new opportunities emerging. Different courses may be offered to him, new specialisms may appeal or he may discover an educational establishment that is more suitable for what he wants to do. Much can become available in the Goat year, but to benefit the Fire Ox should do what he feels is right for him, even if this means revising his original intentions.

In view of the importance of his current decisions, the Fire Ox should also make the most of the advice and information available to him. Some education and employment experts may be able to give new insight into what he may be considering or suggest alternative ways forward, and he would do well to be open-minded.

In addition to his studying, the Fire Ox will be encouraged by the way certain of his personal interests develop, perhaps through new skills and knowledge or new equipment. Goat years particularly encourage creative endeavour and this can be an exciting time, especially for Fire Oxen who enjoy the performing arts, music and other creative pursuits.

The Fire Ox’s social life will also be abuzz with activity, with parties and other social occasions to look forward to and lively times to enjoy with his close circle of friends. For Fire Oxen who find themselves in a new environment and/or feeling lonely, there will be good opportunities to meet like-minded people and forge what can become long-standing friendships. For some Fire Oxen the Goat year can have the added excitement of romance. On a personal level, this can be a busy and pleasing year. Late March to early June, August, December and January 2016 are likely to see the most social activity.

For Fire Oxen in work or seeking work the Goat year can, however, be tricky. Those already in a position may find some of their work routine and feel they are not making the most of their potential. Changes may suddenly be introduced, too, and these Fire Oxen may feel unprepared and uncomfortable with the developments. Goat years can bring their challenging moments, but during this one many Fire Oxen will be able to use their current position as a springboard to something better, either where they are or elsewhere.

Fire Oxen seeking work will find that putting in that extra effort when making an application can greatly improve their prospects. It could be helpful for them to find out more about the company and work involved so they can emphasize their strengths and any relevant experience. Online research can yield up-to-date information which can impress at interview. Effort will be needed, but the Fire Ox is resolute by nature and may succeed in securing that all-important foothold on the employment ladder. April, June and late August to early November could see encouraging developments.

Throughout the year, however, the Fire Ox will need to keep a close watch on spending and, as far as possible, remain within his budget. He may have an active social life, and many other plans too, but the year requires financial control. He should also be wary about making purchases too hurriedly and be circumspect about anything risky. Financial matters are poorly aspected this year. Fire Oxen, take note.

Overall, this will be an active and demanding year for the Fire Ox, but it will also be an important one. What he does now can determine the course of the next few years. During the year he needs to remain open to possibility and not be too wedded to one idea or plan. He also should take advantage of the support available to him. This is a year for effort, but its rewards can be far-reaching.

Tip for the Year

Be focused and use your time well. Although some situations may be difficult, they can give you the opportunity to learn and prove yourself. Do make the most of the year, for it can provide the skills, ideas and sometimes qualifications needed for future progress.

The Earth Ox

The Goat year can be a time of considerable change and during it the Earth Ox will get to experience a great deal. A fair amount will go well for him, but he does need to be prepared for some snags. However, while the aspects may be mixed, the Earth Ox can still look forward to some special times.

The key to so much this year will be mindfulness. As the Earth Ox sets about his activities, he does need to take into account the views of others. Also, he needs to communicate. The redoubtable Earth Ox likes to set his own course, but this is no time for single-mindedness or acting too independently. Consultation and flexibility will lead to far more being achieved – and fewer awkward moments too.

In his home life, if the Earth Ox has plans he would like to carry out or learns of equipment that might make certain tasks easier, it is important that he talks these through and explores the options. Similarly, when tackling practical projects, he should draw on the willingness of others to assist. This is very much a year which favours combined effort.

Also, in view of the cultural activity that characterizes the Goat year, if the Earth Ox sees events that appeal to him or learns of special occasions that he can enjoy with those around him, it is important that he shares his ideas before the chance is lost. Throughout the year he does need to be forthcoming – which some of the more stolid Earth Oxen tend not to be!

The Earth Ox’s dependable nature will, however, come to the fore when offering important support to family members, including perhaps on a sensitive matter. His advice will mean more than he may realize. If a grandparent, he will also enjoy encouraging his grandchildren and will value the often close bond he shares with them. The Goat year can see some happy family times.

It also has a spontaneous element to it and the Earth Ox could be caught by surprise by the way opportunities suddenly open up. It may be that he receives an invitation to stay with relatives or friends at short notice or is attracted by a last-minute travel offer. To benefit, he will need to seize the opportunity and be flexible in his planning. Goat years have an immediacy about them which may not always sit comfortably with the Earth Ox’s psyche but can nevertheless bring benefits.

The Earth Ox’s social life can also bring considerable pleasure, although again he will need to make the most of the opportunities that arise. Personal interests can also lead to some interesting social occasions, and Earth Oxen who are feeling lonely will find that joining a local group of enthusiasts can be of great value. Late March to early June, August and December could see the most social activity, and for the unattached, the Goat year has romantic possibilities too. In essence this year shines a spotlight on the Earth Ox’s relations with others and he does need to be open and aware and watch any independent tendencies.

One area which calls for especial care is finance. Earth Oxen who have recently retired could have adjustments to make and complex correspondence to deal with concerning policies and entitlements. In any difficult matter the Earth Ox does need to obtain advice and seek clarification if necessary. All Earth Oxen need to be disciplined in controlling their budget and take their time when considering major transactions. ‘It is better to be safe than sorry.’

More positively, the Earth Ox’s personal interests can bring him great satisfaction, although these too can undergo considerable change. It could be that he decides to embark on a new challenge or pursue an idea he has been contemplating for some time. For some Earth Oxen, new equipment or knowledge can add impetus to a particular activity.

In addition, some Earth Oxen will pay greater attention to their well-being, perhaps by starting a new fitness discipline or joining an activity group. With proper guidance, they can make a noticeable difference to how they feel, and their activities can often have a fun and possibly social element too. Here again, the Goat year can open up many interesting possibilities.

Overall, however, in 2015 the Earth Ox will need to be thorough, cautious and aware. This is no time for risk, especially in financial matters and important correspondence. Also, the Earth Ox does need to liaise with others rather than act independently. That way his year will not only be more pleasurable but he will also have a better chance of benefiting from the support and opportunities that will be available. If he bears this in mind, he can make this an interesting and generally satisfying year.

Tip for the Year

Be mindful and communicative. Others can do a lot for you if you let them. So open up and share, participate and be receptive to the new. That way your year can be that much more enriching.

Famous Oxen

Lily Allen, Hans Christian Andersen, Gemma Arterton, Johann Sebastian Bach, David Blaine, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Camus, Jim Carrey, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Bill Cosby, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Patrick Duffy, Jessica Ennis-Hill, Jane Fonda, Edward Fox, Michael J. Fox, Peter Gabriel, Elizabeth George, Richard Gere, Ricky Gervais, William Hague, Handel, King Harald V of Norway, Adolf Hitler, Dustin Hoffman, Hal Holbrook, Anthony Hopkins, Billy Joel, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Tony Keith, John Key, B. B. King, Keira Knightley, Mark Knopfler, Burt Lancaster, Bruno Mars, Queen Mathilde of Belgium, Chloë Moretz, Kate Moss, Eddie Murphy, Jack Nicholson, Leslie Nielsen, Bill Nighy, Barack Obama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar Peterson, Lionel Richie, Wayne Rooney, Tim Roth, Rubens, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jean Sibelius, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, Lady Thatcher, Alan Titchmarsh, Scott F. Turow, Vincent van Gogh, Zoë Wanamaker, Sigourney Weaver, the Duke of Wellington, Arsène Wenger, W. B. Yeats.

The Tiger (#u3fc33fc8-3515-584e-853d-2f62dbd06a84)

26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915 — Wood Tiger

13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927 — Fire Tiger

31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939 — Earth Tiger

17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951 — Metal Tiger

5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963 — Water Tiger

23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975 — Wood Tiger

9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987 — Fire Tiger

28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999 — Earth Tiger

14 February 2010 to 2 February 2011 — Metal Tiger

The Personality of the Tiger


the zest,

the enthusiasm,

the giving the little bit more,

that makes the difference.

And opens up so much.
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