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The Lost Cats and Lonely Hearts Club: A heartwarming, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy - not just for cat lovers!

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The flashing lights and the short blast of a siren breaks my train of thought. I look in the rear-view mirror and see the police car right behind me. “Oh, hell. Not now.” I pull into my driveway as the cop stops in front of my house. I open the door and hear the voice over the loudspeaker.

“Please remain in the car.”

I roll my eyes and get back in, reminding myself to be polite and keep my hands in plain sight, then roll down the window as I see the officer approaching in the side mirror. I look up as he reaches the car, not really able to see his face as he’s backlit by the streetlight and is just a silhouette. “Sorry, officer, I was getting out of the car because I actually live here.”

“How convenient. License and registration please.”

I pull the license from my purse and registration from the glove compartment, then hand them to the cop. He shines a flashlight at them. “Huh, you really do live here.”

“I’d have to be kinda stupid to lie to a cop.”

He laughs. “Happens ten times every day, Miss.”

Okay, have to try my best to get out of this. I put on my innocent little girl face (referred to by my friends as my Strawberry Shortcake look), dipping my head and looking up at him through my eyelashes. “So, did I do something wrong, officer?”

“You were well over the speed limit and you blew through a stop sign. What’s your hurry?”

“Trying to get home to take care of four orphaned kittens. My best friend has been stuck at the house bottle feeding them.”

He shakes his head. “Well, that’s a new one on me. Speeding to take care of cats.”

“I’m not kidding.”

“Seriously, Miss …” he looks at the license again. “… Shaw, you couldn’t come up with something better than that?” He pulls out a ticket book and clicks his pen.

“Well, since we’re at my house, why don’t you come in and take a look? And if I’m lying you can write me the biggest, most expensive ticket you can think of. But if I’m not, maybe you’ll cut me some slack.”

“Fair enough. Can’t wait to see this.” He opens the door for me and I get out. Still can’t see his face. “Oh, you’re the TV reporter.”


“Thought the name sounded familiar. Anyway, let’s see exhibit A.”

I lead him up the stairs and into my home. Rory is on the couch, busy bottle feeding one of the kittens. “Rory, thank you so much. So sorry I’m late.”

Rory looks up and sees the cop behind me. “What’d you do, get a police escort?”

“No, my lead foot got me in trouble.” I turn to face the cop and get a good look at his face for the first time.


The guy is beyond cute. Tall, mid-thirties, maybe six-one, thick black hair and olive green eyes. A face with a five o’clock shadow that’s all angles and planes. A uniform that shows off a lean, muscled physique. His Italian features confirmed by his name plate. Officer N. Marino.

He looks right past me at the kittens. “Well, I’ll be damned. You really were racing home for a bunch of orphans.”

I fold my arms and flash a big smile. “And the defense rests.”

“Point taken. Sorry I doubted you.” He crouches down next to the box. “Where’d you get them?”

I tell him the story. “So, anyway, they’re not ready to adopt out yet and Rory takes care of them while I’m at work.”

He nods as he gently strokes the head of a kitten, which rewards him with a purr. “Very nice of you both.” He stands up and puts his ticket book back in his pocket. “Well, since you win the monthly award for the most ridiculous but honest excuse given to a cop and you’re doing a good deed, I’ll let you off with a warning.”

“Thank you, Officer. I’ll drive safely in the future.” Another dose of Strawberry Shortcake.

He locks eyes with me, sending a bit of electricity through my body as he extends his hand. “Nick Marino.”

I shake hands. “Madison Shaw. And this is my best friend, Rory Callahan.”

“Nice to meet you both.”

He doesn’t look at Rory but keeps his gaze on me, adding a soft smile. Finally he lets go of my hand.

Rory finishes feeding the kitten, burps it, puts it back in the box and stands up. “Well, they’re all fed. I’ll get going.” She grabs my forearm as she leans over to whisper in my ear. “Very cute cop. And he already has his own handcuffs.”

“Rory!” I begin to blush as the officer looks down and laughs. Apparently her whisper carried a bit.

Rory heads for the door. “Anyway, thanks, Officer Marino, for giving my friend a break.”

“My pleasure,” he says, as she leaves and closes the door behind her.

I shake my head as I roll my eyes. “You’ll have to excuse her. She has a dirty mind.”

He flashes a devilish grin. “Fortunately, that’s not breaking any laws. If it were I’d have to arrest the whole city.”

“Would you like some coffee, Officer? It’ll just take a minute.”

“Thank you, but I’ve already had my break and I need to get back on patrol.”

Damn. “Cold soda for the road?”


I head into the kitchen and open the fridge. “Cream or root beer?”


I pulled out a can and hand it to him. “Here ya go.”

“Oooh, Doctor Brown’s. The young lady has the good stuff.”

“Only the best for New York’s finest.”

“Thanks, Miss Shaw.”


“Right, Madison.” He starts to head for the door and I follow. He turns to face me, then shakes his finger at me like a teacher. “Now remember, young lady, no more speeding or running stop signs. Who would take care of those kittens if you got into an accident?”
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