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The Love Triangle

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“Yeah. Pretty hard to hide when you’re six-five and play for a New York football team. Some days I wish I’d get traded to a place like Kansas City.”

“I’m sure you don’t.”

“Of course not. But I’m always reminded of the old saying about fame. People dream of being famous and then when it happens they go through life with sunglasses on.”

“I wouldn’t know, but it sounds about right.”

“That’s one reason I like to vacation out of the country, where no one watches American football and I can be anonymous.”

She looked out the window. “So where are we going?”

“Up to you. But I need to be asleep by midnight.”

“What, is it a school night?”

“No, we’re in the middle of the season and athletes need proper rest. Besides, we have team meetings and workouts tomorrow at ten.”

“Right, forgot about that. So what did you have in mind?”

“We can ride around the city, go to a club, go to my place and talk, or I can take you home.”

“Well, I get the idea that after the scene we just left you’re not wild about going to a club, but then again, neither am I. I think I’ve outgrown that stuff. And though I have enjoyed our evening so far I’m still not ready to tell you where I live. Hope you’re not offended by that.”

“Not at all. I meant I could have the driver take you home after he drops me off. Wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

She reached over and patted his hand. “I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. I guess we could go to your place for a while and talk. If that’s actually what you have in mind. Talking.”

“Regardless of what I might have in mind, you’ve been in control of things the entire night, wouldn’t you agree?”

She laughed a bit. “Yeah, I guess so.” She leaned forward toward the driver. “Home, James.”

“Yours or his?” asked the driver.

“His, first. But mine later.”

“My pleasure, Miss.”


Lexi’s eyes bugged out as the elevator opened into a spectacular penthouse. She stepped out onto the polished white marble floor and took in the amazing panoramic view of Manhattan through floor-to-ceiling windows. “Whoa.”

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Let me guess… you’re house-sitting for Donald Trump?”

He laughed. “Nope, it’s mine. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of champagne?”

“Bring it on.” Even though champagne makes me let my guard down and I’ve already had two glasses at the restaurant.

“Meet you in the living room.”

She stepped down into the sunken living room, amazed at the decor. It sure didn’t look like any bachelor apartment she’d ever seen, as he obviously had a decorator and a maid. She grabbed a seat on one end of the white-leather sectional couch, took off her heels, curled her legs under her and put a pillow on her lap. Jake returned carrying two glasses of champagne, handed one to her, studied her for a moment, then took a seat at the opposite end of the couch. She furrowed her brow. “What are you doing way over there? Am I supposed to yell, or call you on the phone?”

“I thought you’d be more comfortable if I sat here.”

“Why would you think that?”

“My sister is a body language expert. Woman with a pillow in her lap means look but don’t touch. At least that’s what she told me.”

“So, your sister taught you how to read women?”

“Of course not. Your logic is in a foreign language.”

“Very funny. As for said pillow in lap, I was just getting comfortable.”

“Well, I thought in light of the fact that you didn’t give me your address, I didn’t want to scare you away.”

“Men don’t scare me, Jake. I can take care of myself. And if I didn’t want to be here, I would have gone home.” She patted the seat next to her. “C’mon, I won’t bite.”

He smiled, got up and sat next to her, then clinked her glass. “To new relationships.”

“We’re off to a good start.”

“Good to know.”

She looked around the room. “So I was expecting something that looked like a sports bar. Where are all the trophies, awards, autographed jerseys?”

Jake shrugged. “I was never much for that stuff. They’re really just things. Memories are more important. Every award I’ve gotten I’ve auctioned off for charity. The total raised is up to six hundred thousand now.”

“Damn, your stock just went up.”

“Hey, if an inanimate object can help someone in need, why not? And it’s not like I need anything. Other than a woman to fix me.”


About two hours later his grandfather clock chime signaled it was the witching hour. Jake turned and looked at the clock. “Damn, it’s twelve already?”

“And we haven’t even gotten to a discussion about favorite TV shows.”

“Well, I hate to kick you out but—”

“I know, you need your beauty sleep during the season. Not a problem.” She put her champagne glass on the glass coffee table, put her heels back on and stood up. The room began to spin a bit. “Whoa.”

He stood up and took her arm. “You okay?”

“Between the drinks at dinner and three glasses of champagne here I’ve got a nice buzz going.”

“Well, thankfully you have two options to get home. I can send you in the limo, which means my driver will know your address, or I can give you the cab fare.”
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