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The Love Triangle

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“Let your arms go limp.”

“Okay.” She relaxed and within seconds he was whisking her around the floor like someone from Dancing with the Stars. The guy was incredible, even managing to twirl her despite the five-inch platforms that made him get on his toes and stretch. The other people on the floor backed up to give them more room and they suddenly found themselves bathed in a spotlight. He expertly led her through a series of slick moves, then dipped her as the song ended. The crowd cheered and applauded as he helped her up.

She was out of breath but amazed. “Sonofabitch! How the hell did you learn to dance like that?”

“My older sister. Prom queen who insisted on practicing every day after school before the big night.”

Lexi nodded. “Well, I’m impressed. Box step, ha!”

The music started again, this time a slow dance. He gave her a look that seemed to be asking permission. “Care to go again?”

She smiled. “Absolutely. I wanna see what else you’ve got in your repertoire.”

“Then we’ll be dancing all night.”

“Fine with me.” He moved closer, taking one hand while placing his other lightly on her waist. He locked eyes with her and she felt a shiver as he began to lead her in a waltz.

An hour later the singer asked for all the single women to come to the dance floor as the bride was about to throw the bouquet.

Lexi didn’t move.

Carmella looked at her hand. “Youse two aint married?”

Lexi shook her head. “First date.”

“Well, youse look like a couple. Anyway, you’re single, so getcha ass out there.”

Her date patted her on the hand. “Go ahead, be part of the show.”

She got up and headed to the dance floor, finding herself and a few other guests surrounded by all the “bridesmaids”, who were busy shoving one another to get in position. The bride stood on the stage and turned her back to the group, as the singer started the countdown. “One, two, three!” The bridesmaids practically tackled one another as the bouquet flew on a line right into Lexi’s arms. One of the bridesmaids got up and glared at her. “Look at that hair! She ain’t even Italian!”

Lexi headed back to the table, laughing hysterically as she carried the bouquet.

“Nice catch,” said her date.

She saw the groom take his place on the stage. “Hey, fair’s fair, you gotta get out there and try for the garter.”

“Well, okay.” He got up and headed to the dance floor, was surrounded by the groomsmen and caught the garter with a leaping grab.

“Okay,” said the singer. “Now this lucky guy gets to put the garter on the young lady who caught the bouquet. And I believe they’re already together.” Someone placed a chair in the middle of the dance floor and Carmella shoved Lexi out of her seat. She walked to the chair and sat while Kasey got down on one knee holding the garter.

Then the band played the old classic, The Stripper.

She widened her eyes at him as he slid the garter over her ankle, never breaking eye contact with her.

Okay, how far is he going with this?

She saw him blush while beads of sweat blossomed on his forehead. He gently slipped the garter up her calf and just over her knee, then stopped, got up, and extended his hand.

Hmmm. Gentleman.

“Last dance everyone, thank you all for coming on this very special day.”

Just as the lead singer finished the announcement, the bride chased the groom across the dance floor, screaming all the way. “I saw you checkin’ out the rack on my maid of honor! You shoulda married her!”

The crowd laughed as Lexi finished her glass of wine just as her date extended his hand. “One for the road?”


She followed him to the already-crowded dance floor as the band played a romantic oldie she recognized. He reached for her hands but she moved forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He leaned back and smiled, looking up at her as he slid his arms around her waist, locking his fingers on the small of her back.

“This is that song from Ghost, right? The one when Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore are doing pottery.”

He nodded. “Yep.”

“What’s it called?”

“Unchained Melody.”

“That’s an odd name for a song.”

“That’s because it’s from the movie Unchained.”

“How the hell did you know that?”

“I read a lot. And I never miss Jeopardy.”

The wine and the music relaxed her. She pulled him a little closer, breathed in his earthy cologne as they swayed to the music. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Wearing ridiculous heels did have its benefits.

They stepped out into the cool night air. “I have to admit, that was a great experience,” said Lexi. “I am willing to concede you’re very good at planning a date.”

“Oh, we’re not done yet. It’s only nine and I’ve got forty-one dollars left.”

“There’s more?”

“It’s not even close to being over. One more stop. Right around the corner.”

“If it’s that cheesecake place I’m stuffed and couldn’t eat another bite.”

“It’s a restaurant, but we’re not going to eat anything.”

“I don’t understand. If we’re not—”

“Patience, young lady. We’ll be there shortly.”

They turned the corner and she saw bright lights coming from inside the restaurant, so bright they lit up the sidewalk. “What’s going on in there?”
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