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The Love Triangle

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“Yeah, I’m a big sports fan and I saw that in the paper. Yet another member of the Jets in the news for the wrong reason. It’s not like he got behind the wheel drunk, but that nightclub incident is still not good for his reputation. Especially since he’d never been in trouble before.”

“Anyway, Noah’s really a good kid but a bit immature. This often happens to rookies when they suddenly become rich and get an entourage. And while what he did qualifies as stupid, he’s remorseful and wants to make things right. I thought you might have some ideas on how we can make that happen. I realize you don’t know me or my client and this is ridiculously short notice but I need someone to be the point person on this today since I’m about to get on a plane. We need to spin this one quick.”

“Can I meet with him right away?”

“Sure. I already told him to expect your call.”

“How did you know I’d take you as a client?”

“I didn’t but I figured you had some free time without the Congressman on your dance card.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re right about that.”

“Actually, the fact that you cut ties with him immediately speaks volumes about you.”

“Thank you. I can’t deal with sleazy clients.”

“We’re on the same page on that.” She went over her rates and he quickly agreed to pay what she requested. They exchanged cell numbers and other pertinent information. “Lexi, can’t tell you how much I appreciate this, especially on such short notice. Hope to meet you sometime when I’m back in town.”

“You too. Thanks, Kyle.” The call ended and she threw up her hands. “Yes!”

Chandler poked his head in the door. “I assume that was good news?”

“Yep, we can pay the rent for another month.”


Several hours later Kyle’s phone buzzed with a text as he started to unpack in the California hotel room.

News conference. Two-minute warning. Fox Sports One.


He turned on the hotel room television and tuned to the sports channel. An anchor was doing a voiceover as half of the screen showed an empty podium while the other side was filled with the video of his client’s arrest. The image of the rookie being led away in handcuffs while screaming at police had gone viral and made Kyle cringe. The bottom of the screen read Noah Washington to address media regarding arrest.

He continued unpacking, keeping one eye on the TV. He saw his client head for the podium, sat on the edge of the bed and turned up the sound.

The anchor stopped talking as New York Jets rookie Noah Washington adjusted the microphone up a bit. “Good afternoon, and thank you all for coming. As everyone knows by now, I was at a club late Saturday night when a brawl broke out involving my best friend. I was not involved in the fight. After the police arrived, I attempted to protect my friend by trying to keep the police from getting to him, and in doing so I pushed an officer, who fell to the ground. I was arrested for assault and obstruction of a police investigation. When I saw the video of the arrest I was embarrassed that I acted with such a lack of maturity. This is not how my parents raised me, as I was taught to respect authority. And while I did not mean for the officer to fall or to hurt him, what I did was wrong and there was no excuse for my behavior.”

Kyle’s eyes went wide. “No excuses. I like that. Off to a good start.”

The football player continued. “First, I apologize to the officer involved and the New York City police department. These men and women risk their lives every day to keep us safe, and I didn’t show them the proper respect. For that, I am sorry. And while I can chalk this up to youthful indiscretion or having a few drinks too many, I will not. I am done with clubbing, drinking, and being out after midnight. That said, actions have consequences and I must face those I have brought on myself. First, I am going to save the court some trouble by pleading guilty to both charges. While my court date is not for two months, I am going to do two things that will hopefully show my remorse and prove to our fans and the people of New York that I have learned my lesson. First, I will donate my next game check to the policemen’s benevolent association. But I don’t want you to think I’m just another rich athlete who can write a check to make problems go away. So I am volunteering to do one hundred hours of community service by working on my off days on the NYPD project that’s currently underway building a house for officers who have fallen on hard times. I hope that in some small way this will serve as an acceptable apology and please know I will do my best to be a model citizen going forward. You will never see my name on the police blotter again. Finally, should my head coach decide to suspend or fine me, I would ask the players’ union to not challenge this as I will accept whatever punishment he thinks appropriate.”

The player moved toward an officer and shook his hand while handing him a check, then went back to the podium to take questions.

Kyle’s jaw hung open. “Sonofabitch. That was incredible.” He watched the rest of the news conference as his client politely took every single question, never dodging the issue.


Lexi smiled as she read the text.

Terrific job, thank you! Will call this evening.

-Kyle Caruso

She looked up as the football player, conservatively dressed in a gray three-piece suit, calmly took question after question from the media, whose hostility had been drained with the announcement of his self-imposed sentence. Whatever blood had been in the water had been washed out to sea by the man’s contrition. Number eighty-eight was now a human being who was sorry for his behavior. Very sorry.

She felt a hand lightly touch her forearm. “Excuse me, is this your handiwork?”

Lexi turned and found herself staring into the chest of a very tall man. She looked up and immediately recognized him as the veteran quarterback of the Jets, Jake Frost. “I’m his public relations person, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Well, then, thank you for diffusing the situation and turning it into a positive.” He stuck out his hand. “Jake Frost.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“And you are?”

“Lexi Harlow.”

“How long have you been working with my teammate?”

“About four hours. I got hired this morning by his agent.”

“Wow. Well, this is a stroke of genius. The poor kid was getting beat to hell on talk radio all weekend and this morning. I know this will turn things around.”

“So what are you doing here?”

“Team captain. And I’ve been trying to mentor the kid. Though obviously I didn’t do a very good job. Maybe you need to travel with the team.”

“You said it yourself, he’s a kid. You couldn’t watch him twenty-four seven.”

“Well, this will make him grow up fast. So, did the agent have you set this up or did you come up with this strategy all by yourself?”

“My idea.”

“I’m impressed. Especially with the actions have consequences thing. The rest of the world needs to learn that, especially parents. Hell, the rest of the NFL needs to learn it.”

“Sounds like we’re on the same page.” She glanced back at the news conference and saw that the questions had finally stopped. “Well, looks like we’re done here. Nice meeting you.”

She started to walk away, but he put his hand lightly on her shoulder. “Listen, I wouldn’t mind getting to know the woman who seems to think like I do. May I have your phone number?”

“You need a PR person?”

“No, I need a dinner date.” He flashed a crooked smile, which made him look like a shy high school boy.

She backed up a step, surprised at his answer. She stared into the deep-set gray eyes of this Greek god and saw a look that was sincere. Though she knew the reputation of athletes, something told her this one might be okay. She couldn’t remember reading anything about the guy breaking the law. Besides, she’d barbecued all of her boyfriend’s clothes and was now a free agent. She smiled at him, reached into her purse, pulled out a business card but didn’t give it to him, holding it near her face. “I don’t usually give my number to perfect strangers.”

He shrugged. “I never said I was perfect. I have an awful lot of flaws. I mean, besides throwing interceptions from time to time. Off the field I’m a total disaster. I really need a woman to fix me.”
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