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Her Enemy With Benefits: Her Deal with the Devil / My Boyfriend and Other Enemies / Blind Date Rivals

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That tender kiss in the lobby had been nothing like this. Desperation. Hunger. Insanity. All combined to make her press against him as if she’d never get enough.

Sex in the past had been okay. Probably more her fault than the guys she’d dated, because her mind would always wander to business and she’d be mentally making lists instead of making whoopee.

But Patrick’s passionate kiss and the way his hands were tearing at her clothes…Her mind delightfully blanked.

She ripped at his shirt. Buttons flew.

He tugged at her skirt. The zip stuck.

They swore in unison, laughed, and their fingers became more dextrous as pants, tops and underwear were stripped in haste and protection donned.

‘Finally,’ he said, his gaze hot and potent as he started at her chest and swept downwards. ‘You’re as beautiful as I imagined.’

Sapphie’s first instinct was to squirm, but she forced herself to stand still beneath his scrutiny. People had stared at her over the years when she’d been modelling Seaborns’ jewels but that was different.

No one had ever made her feel so thoroughly exposed as Patrick did at that moment.

‘You have no idea how long I’ve been fantasising about this.’ He reached out, tracing a nipple with his fingertip. ‘And it’s way better in reality.’

‘Good to hear,’ she breathed on a sigh as he stepped closer, his erection brushing her abdomen. ‘Because I haven’t been thinking about you at all.’

He laughed and pressed harder against her. ‘Well, then, I’ll have to change all that.’

His hands cupped her butt, hoisted her up, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. ‘What I plan on doing to you this weekend will be unforgettable.’

Sapphie didn’t doubt it. That was the plan anyway: store up amazing memories for the long nights ahead when she mulled over how to make Seaborns bigger and better.

The Fashion Week campaign might keep the company in the black for years to come but she’d never stop striving. It had been her mum’s dream, was too ingrained, and while she intended on taking more time out in the future it didn’t mean she’d ever stop taking Seaborns to the top.

‘You’re that confident?’

‘Want me to prove it to you?’

He nuzzled her neck and she moaned. ‘Please do.’

He eased back a tad and tried to slide a hand between their bodies but she stopped him.

‘You’ve pleasured me enough. This time’s all about you.’

His eyes darkened to slate as he remembered the times in the bathroom, the boardroom.

‘I want you inside me. Now.’

‘I like it when you’re bossy,’ he said, sliding into her with one long thrust. ‘A woman who knows what she wants is such a turn-on.’

He eased out and she could have sworn she whimpered—a needy sound so out of character her she froze in surprise.

‘In that case, I want you to…’ She whispered exactly how hard and fast she wanted him in his ear, her cheeks burning the entire time.

But knowing how much Patrick wanted her, feeling him fill her, was incredibly empowering.

When her last command faded on a whisper Patrick took over. Hoisting her higher. Driving into her harder. Gripping her tighter as every thrust drove her closer to release.

She’d never achieved release by internal stimulation alone, but as Patrick talked dirty and demonstrated how he could follow through the tension in her muscles built and coiled in a delicious combination of pleasure bordering on pain.

‘Patrick, jeez…’ She shattered, spasms making her shudder a moment before he joined her on a drawn out groan.

They didn’t move for several long seconds as Sapphie tried to comprehend the enormity of what had just happened.

She’d just had her first cataclysmic, fabled internal climax. And while it had been monumentally stupendous, with her body still trembling in aftershocks, she couldn’t ignore the niggle of concern—the one that insisted the connection she’d just experienced with Patrick was one in a million.

Closely followed by a thought: what the hell would she do when he left?

Patrick’s grand plans to keep Sapphire locked away in their hotel room for the entire weekend hit a hurdle on Saturday.

He had to get out.

If he didn’t he was in dire danger of doing something he’d sworn he’d never do.

Committing to a woman.

The sex was phenomenal, but it was more than that. It was the shared laughter and confidences in bed last night, the common cravings for buttered popcorn and orange soda while watching an action flick, the crazy, scary feeling of total ‘rightness’ being with her induced.

He’d dated a lot of women the world over, but not one had managed to get under his skin as quickly as Sapphire.

How had the prissy, uptight kid from school turned into this temptress?

He’d expected his raging hunger for her to abate after last night. It hadn’t. If anything he had serious concerns he’d never be able to get her out of his head again.

Not good, considering their goals were worlds apart.

She had a high-end Melbourne jewellery institution to run, he had grand plans to take on his folks head-on in Europe.

Yep, worlds apart.

Where did that leave him? He’d gone into this with few expectations: short-term fling, move on.

So why, after spending one incredible night in her arms, had that thought become unpalatable?

‘Good to know you’re a rule-breaker.’ Sapphire raised her G&T in his direction. ‘Mighty generous of you, letting me leave the room.’

He gestured around the exclusive Club lounge on the twenty-fourth floor. ‘Didn’t want to push my luck with you getting bored of me. Thought you might appreciate a change of scenery.’

‘No chance of that.’ She sipped at her drink. It did little to cool the telltale blush staining her cheeks. ‘For much as I love the incredible city views and drinks and amazing seared scallops, I think you have plenty to offer by way of entertainment.’

He grinned as her blush deepened. ‘You think I’m entertaining, huh?’ He beckoned her closer and murmured in her ear. ‘Would that be when I’m going down on you or taking you from behind in the shower?’

‘Shh,’ she said, and shoved him away—but not before he’d glimpsed the hint of a smug smile. The smile of a satisfied, multiple-pleasured woman who hadn’t been reticent about letting him know.
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