Ismat moved away from Dinah, with a glance at the endless horizon.
– Someone was in charge of our Shred all the time, and even the detective was not tracked. Means serious business. Maybe it's for the best that he decided to leave us. More contacts with him do not have, do not touch and do not remember. Yes, and of the liquidator, the release was delayed with the peace-loving approach of our, now former, freshman… concluded the chief.
It was almost dark when two cars came together on the outskirts of the city.
Haven't seen you in a hoarse voice said liquidator "Anima", referring to a co-worker who was trying to cope with the recalcitrant seat belt and leave the car.
– Well, well, the issues were addressed without us. Looks like we're out of business – replied the detective.
– Yeah. I invited you here to make things right. You can not know the main competitor of Ismat.
– You mean Wahoo? Of course, I know him, and personally.
– I met it this morning-the liquidator told.
Why? You know we don't welcome that, right?
– I know, but we used to execute orders every month, now we have four months of rest. You can't take care of yourself, nobody will. I'm tired of sitting on my hands. Waha is very concerned about the appearance of a new employee of Anima in the General" arena". He picked up some material regarding this character, and this material did not leave him indifferent.
So? – inquired the detective.
– You and I have an order from Waha. Close the question on the Shred, two birds with one stone kill. First, we will earn, and secondly, we will eliminate the competitor who pushed us, thereby again we will provide ourselves with work.
– Why does Vakha want us to do it, he has his own specialists?
– That's just the explanation. If it is done by the people of wahi, then Ismat, who is somehow too fond of this guy, can start a trial. He will give the job to you, and you calculate the work of a competitor. The exacerbation of relations is now unnecessary. And so, you will not find anyone and all.
– Why you with Vaha think that Ismat will sort out this issue? I heard a little bit of us was leaving.
– Yes, I, too, heard, but, not known still leaves he or not. Such workers are not very eager to let go. Ismat can think of something to lure him back. In this regard, it is not reliable. And the second thing is that this is a good time for you and me. You and I know that Tolik is leaving, so we have no motive to bring him down. We do not think.
– You know that Ismat if you wish to view and you and me and the whole story to see doubted the detective.
– You're being cautious. Well, Yes, the profession obliges, I understand. Can. But has he ever done this before with us?
– It seems not, at least, this issue was not raised.
– So why is he now the two of us to shake – this time. Two is that Bit can be hidden so that nobody will not know that he was gone or that something happened, is not to know, therefore cannot be reasoned with. And three-look at this!
The liquidator turned the sheet of paper and highlighted with a flashlight:
– This is the amount that Waha is willing for us to pay for the operation. If Yes, then fifty percent of cash you can take from it. He's waiting for.
The amount was really impressive. Given that the income of the filer and the liquidator and so far exceeded the average set in this area, this amount beat all records.
Filer is slightly hesitated, finally agreed. Indeed, all the arguments provided looked quite convincing.
Anatoly Packed in a rented apartment, met the landlady handed over the keys and payment for the next month, although it was only the twenty-second number. He thought about whether to return to his hometown, at least-now. How to react to friends, buddies, ex-colleagues, who are probably still trying to find him. What he says. To stay in Novosibirsk, too, not too much like the memories of this city were not the most pleasant, in view of the unfolding events in the background of life here. He decided the last time to walk through the Park in the city center, which was located within walking distance from the rented apartment. Having laid near a Park bench two sports bags filled with things, Anatoly said goodbye to the city, looking at the fountain when suddenly heard familiar squeal of wheels. Into a Parking space flew the red car from the open window, which seemed familiar silhouette.
Need a ride? – shouted with undisguised joy girl in white gloves…
– How did you know me, met just once, and then, after all this time – said Anatoly Julia, realizing the offer was impossible to refuse, ordering a coffee and servings of ice cream in the Park cafе.
– You don't know. It's not every day you fall on a strange personality, carrying intriguing nonsense – the girl did not stop smiling – then, you know me, too. After all, not forgotten, not forgotten!
– Remember, that's right. You played an important role in my life, saved me, you could say, so I have a good reason to remember you.
– Oooooo-shrugged Julia embarrassed.
– How did you end up here?
In my Novosel girlfriend lives. More precisely lived. Last time I came to help her to stay and settle down. And now came to help move out. Well, to see clear. It is generally from the North came at the time of study. Study did not an Hour ago I held her to the airport, that stopped, finally, at the center of the circle to give, but back to the family nest. I'm from Tomsk.
– How much did you travel to meet your friend?
– Two hundred kilometers is nothing. The track is my element.
– Yeah, I noticed last time.
Both smiled.
– Well, what are you doing here?
– Good question, Julia.
– Again fell down, lost consciousness?
– No, this time I'm conscious, but I do more do nothing. And that Tomsk is a beautiful city?
I'll show.
Anatoly slyly squinted his eyes. After all, fate is a funny lady. Know in advance is not interesting, all right…
– Here is in General, if short, but essentially, I have a similar the situation with your girlfriend. I came here for work, but somehow it was not set from the beginning. Now I think where to go, where to arrange a family nest-told Anatoly, while the red car carried him to Tomsk.
– Don't you have any family? – Yulia asked.
I'm orphanage. Early went to work, lived in a hostel. So, I have acquired neither family nor a home…
The speech of Anatoly had more to do with the tragic note than positive, but to Julia it fell more than liking.