Policeman (sternly, squeezing out the last option). Are we eating vodka? Are we violating public order?
Grisha (confidently). Yes, what vodka, for pity's sake. Exclusively – lemonade!
Grisha takes the remains of the lemonade he came with and hands it to the policeman.
The policeman doubtfully unscrews the bottle cap, sniffs, takes a sip, looks at the couple with displeasure, puts his hand to his head, saluting.
The policeman (returning the bottle). Have a nice time, I apologize for the trouble …
the policeman leaves, looking skeptically at the couple, trying to imperceptibly twist his finger at his temple about what he saw.
Grisha (after seeing off the policeman and making sure that he left, Lida). I didn't understand! Are you going to hang yourself at all or not? Let's somehow decide already, there's a queue here, if you haven't noticed…
Lida (with a sly smile). And… I'm not going to report to anyone here about my actions or inactions. (Slight pause) Let's get acquainted first, and then I'll think about whether to talk to you or not!
Grisha (surprised). What a business! That's a woman's logic… Why am I going to get to know you? You've got… (peering into the girl's face, a little squeamish) a black eye!
Grisha points to the black eye.
Lida takes out a mirror, looks at it, then takes out a cosmetic bag with powder, or concealer covers up a bruise. During the marathon, he mimics Grisha without looking at him.
Lida (sceptically mimicking). Fingaaaal under the eye…
finishes powdering, looks in the mirror, she looks pleased.
Lida. That's it, no black eye. Meet me!
Grisha thinks about it.
Grisha (thinking aloud). Well…, in principle… there's really no hurry for me. Okay… An hour earlier – an hour later…
Grisha approaches Lida, extends her hand in greeting.
Grisha (with a nod). Grisha!
Lida curtsies and gives a return bow of greeting.
Lida. Lida.
Grisha is standing in a stupid position with his hand outstretched. Removes his hand behind his back.
Grisha (through his teeth). Let's get acquainted.
Lida boyishly approaches Grisha and pushes him in the shoulder.
Lida. Why are you so uncooperative, Grinya?
Grisha looks at what is happening in confusion. He was not used to such a fraternal attitude.
Grisha. No…, not that…, I just don't really like it when something or someone interferes with my plans.
Lida. Oh, come on. Your plans are not going anywhere. Well, if you want, I'll give in to you. And then I'll think about it, maybe I'll look after another twig, or maybe …
Lida smiles shyly.
Grisha. What is "and"....? What does this "and" mean?
Lida (after a pause, playfully). And it doesn't mean anything. In our women, in general, anything can mean one meaning and diametrically opposite at the same time!
Grisha (judiciously). It's true. I have lived for almost forty years, and I have not learned to understand women. Yes that there are women. People! I observe, from time to time, such a situation: You do good to a person – and he hates you. And someone commits meanness after meanness, so they run to him in droves with open arms. Yes, not others are running, but the same ones! Those who have been betrayed, who have been framed, who… (waves his hand without saying anything). And … (Tired, doomed) What is happening in this world, how to understand it? How can a person with a pure heart exist here at all? (Takes a short pause) It's hard, Lida… It's very hard …
Lida (heartfelt, after a pause, with understanding). Is that why you're here?
Grisha looks at Lida, looks away, thinks for a while, nods his head in response.
Lida looks down, nods knowingly.
Lida. I was brought here, too, not at all joyful news. But… unlike you…, there is still a tragedy not of a general nature, but still more of a personal one.
Grisha looks at Lida with interest.
Lida (pained, looking for support and understanding). Me… they don't get married.
Grisha narrows his eyes in surprise, chuckles.
Lida. You're laughing at me, aren't you?
Grisha. Well no. I just… I just suddenly thought about how many people in their lives, with a careless gesture of refusal, managed to send someone to the next world in this way… Well, well?
Lida. Well, well what? This is actually the whole reason!
Grisha withstands a short pause of misunderstanding. He tries to show support with facial expressions, but it comes out rather clumsily.
Lida doesn't know what else to say, she's confused. Withstands a short pause.
Lida. And what…, have you refused many girls in your life?
Grisha. Yes, not that directly to many, but… maybe three…, four…, or… ten…
Lida. Hah… wow… Where does such popularity come from, among our brother, if not a secret?
Grisha. Understand… It somehow went from childhood… itself. Girls have been running after me for as long as I can remember. On the basis of envy, this caused the guys to be aggressive towards me. Hence the squabbles, slander… And these "pleasures" still accompany me through life. Constantly vilified, constantly under attack, constantly under the gun of the disliked and unheard. There are still more good people, I understand that, but here… emotionally… at some point it became too hard for me. One has become unable to cope with this constant oppression.