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Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому

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13. Would you like to work for Elon Musk?

Grammar focus on Conditionals Type 1 (Real present)


Условные предложения состоят из 2 частей – придаточной (условия) IF-CLAUSE и главной (результата) MAIN CLAUSE.

Схема довольно простая, самое главное – не забывать, что в придаточном предложении мы не используем глаголы в будущем времени



If you revise for the exam, you will pass

• Вместо if можно использовать такие слова, как: UNLESS, PROVIDED/PROVIDING THAT, SO/AS LONG AS, ON CONDITION (THAT), etc

As long as you are home by 11, you can go to the party

• Когда предложение начинается с условной части, мы ставим запятую между ними

If I get home early tonight, I will make dinner.

Но не ставим, если предложение начинается с главной части

I will make dinner if I get home tonight.

• Мы можем звучать более разговорно, если используем HAPPEN TO вместо PRESENT SIMPLE

If you happen to see Bob, tell him to get hold of me.

• И наоборот, более формально, если будем использовать SHOULD

If you should see Bob, tell him to call me.

• И даже еще более официально, если мы используем инверсию, которую вы часто видите в деловой переписке

Should you see Bob, don’t hesitate to tell him about me.

Grammar exercises

1 Put the verbs in brackets in correct forms

1. If you ……….the purchase agreement now, you ………….a 5% discount on your new purchase /sign, get/

2. We………..make some workers redundant if we …………..more orders soon./have to, not get/

3. They…………….you for delivery if you………………more than a hundred./not charge, order/

4. If I ………….my target for this quarter, I ……….a large bonus./meet, get/

5. If you ………your staff a pay rise this year, they …………happy. /not give, not be/

6. What ……..if they ……….you the job? /you/do, offer/

7. Unless the meeting ……..earlier, I ……….in a doghouse with my wife again. /finish, be/

8. If you ….. the line, you …….fired. /not toe, be/

9. She ….. a pay rise only if she …..harder than now. /get, work/

10. Who ……all the kudos in case you …… to tomorrow’s meeting? /take, not come/

2. Select the appropriate option

1. You may lose important documents as long as / if your hard drive crashes.

2. You should back up your hard drive regularly in case / unless your computer crashes.

3. It’s worth running a virus scan on your files in case / provided that some are corrupt.

4. If/Unless you want to back up important work, save it on an external hard drive.

5. Provided that / Unless you do a lot of work with video or music files, 80GB should be enough storage space.

6. If/ As long as you don’t want to buy an external hard drive, you can rent storage space on the Internet.

7. As long as /In case you’re not backing up very large data files, online storage can be reasonably priced.

8. Backing up is a waste of time in case / unless you can retrieve your backed-up files easily.

9. With online storage you can retrieve your data or files from any computer provided that / unless it has an Internet connection.

10. If/ Provided that you have any problems, call us on 0870 432 8765.

3. If? When? Unless?

1 – he gets there before me, ask him to wait.

2 – you fly a budget airline, you have to pay for your drinks and snacks.

3 – you need more space, a small locker is big enough for one person.

4 – you visit London, go on a trip around the city.

5 – unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their present jobs.

6 – you’ve done that, go and have a break.
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