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All sciences. №7, 2022. International Scientific Journal

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If the question arises about the figure of this value, then it is thanks to it that we can talk about the effectiveness of the entire reaction, because as far as the energies in the beam are homogeneous and have a value close to each other, so much more of them will be close to the energy desired for this reaction channel – to the necessary resonance, which will make the reaction more efficient.

Today, exo-energetic nuclear reactions are known, the output particles in which have more energy than at the input, but at the same time such a reaction takes place only for a part of the particles due to the very smallness of the total monoenergetics of the beam.

Solving the problem

To achieve results, that is, to increase the efficiency of the conducted nuclear reaction, it is necessary to increase monoenergetics, and for this it is necessary to develop a method for equalizing energy on different parts of the beam. As is known, in a magnetic field, under the influence of the Lorentz force (1—2), particles are deflected, while the beam at the maximum energy in its center and decreasing closer to the edges is stratified, passing into a kind of energy gradient.

Further, it is more likely that the beam will be divided into component parts, where the losses will be much less than it would be with “beam selection” with losses of more than 90%, namely, for divisions, the losses will be only 12%. Nanotubes, in themselves, are formations resembling carbon tubes that transmit a charge, but at the same time separated from each other by a dielectric layer of molecules.

For the formation of a charge in such a system, a vertical and horizontal transmission line is carried out to each tube, with the closure of which this particular cell is charged. When a second system of the same type is located opposite, a potential difference arises between them, thanks to which it is possible to give energy in the gradient spectrum, the reverse of the incoming beam gradient, while losing only 12% of the total number of charges, and, accordingly, current.

At the same time, it is important to note that although it is not so difficult to vary the potential differences within the framework of a modern 1 keV accelerator, but the accuracy is not infinite. While maintaining the same voltage ratio for 20 MeV, an accuracy of up to 0.04—0.05 eV can be achieved, which is a shocking result.

But this technology is currently being developed in a theoretical matter and is not without disadvantages, for example, such a system is suitable for fairly small beams with currents of 1 nA and only in very rare cases up to 1 µA, but it is possible to find a solution with the creation of sets of such small beams divisible in the future, but this stage is the beginning a new study that further increases the efficiency of accelerator technology and possibly, with the implementation of this technology on the charged particle accelerator of the Electron project, it will become possible to name this accelerator having the highest monoenergetics of the beam, and, accordingly, the highest efficiency of all nuclear reactions carried out on it.

Used literature

1. Karimov B. H. Elektronika asoslari. Study guide. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 176 p

.2. Aliyev I. H., Karimov B. H. Course of physics of charged particle accelerators. Study guide. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 203 p.

3. Aliyev I. H., Karimov B. H., Karimov Sh. B., Yuldoshaliev D. K. Industrial and alternative aerators based on green energy for fish reservoirs. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 221 p.

4. Aliyev I. H., Burnashev M.A. Ingential mathematics. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 149 p.

5. Aliyev I. H., Karimov B. H., Karimov Sh. B., Yuldoshaliev D. K. Development of aerator technology based on alternative energy sources. The Electron project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 141 p.

6. Aliyev I. H. Software modeling of nuclear reaction phenomena based on the technology of creating a set of data using a system of algorithms in C++. The Core-COMPUTER project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 156 p.

7. Karimov B. H., Mirzamakhmudov T. M. Electronics asoslari. Study guide. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 184 p.

8. Aliev I. H. New parameters for nuclear reactions to be carried out on an accelerator of charged particles of the LCU-EPD-300 type. The Electron project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 498 p

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10. Aliev I. H., Sharofutdinov F. M. The use of accelerators and the phenomena of collisions of elementary particles with high-order energy to generate electrical energy. The Electron project. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2021. – 594 p.

11. Otazhonov S. M., Alimov N. E. Photoelectric phenomena in wide-band semiconductor heterostructures with deep impurity levels. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 112 p.

12. Otazhonov S. M. “Mavzu ishlanmasi” tayyorlashning innovatsion xarakterga ega bo’lgan metodi. Monograph. – [B.M.]: Scientific school “Electron”, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – 158 p.

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15. Aliyev I. H. Prospects for the use of neutron energy. All sciences. – №6. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 122—133.

16. Zhalolov B. R. Investigation of solar physics in the study of the solar energy industry. All sciences. – №5. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 11—29.

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18. Karimov B. H. A general idea of the LCC-EPD-20 accelerator. All sciences. – №1. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 18—23.

19. Zhalolov B. R. Implementation and scientific publications on the Electron project. All sciences. – №1. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 23—28.

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21. Aliev I. H. Aluminum resonance reaction. All sciences. – №3. Electron Scientific School, Publishing solutions. Ridero, 2022. – pp. 24—44.

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24. Aliyev I. H., Karimova M. I. The role of the philosophical meaning of the work in teaching in schools. Humanitarian treatise – No. 79. Publishing house “Pluto”. 2020 – pp. 36—38.

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UDC 519.9

Nematov Islom

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Mathematics” of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Fergana State University

Aliev Ibratjon Xatamovich

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