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The Boy Spies with the Regulators

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It was a good idea, and after he had burrowed beneath the pine branches until no trace of him could be seen, I went to seek my mother.



Although we, meaning Sidney and I, had saved a man's life, it was but a trifling incident to the majority, so intense was the interest in the outcome of the trial to be held on the morrow.

The welfare of the colony, and, perhaps, the lives of hundreds of our people depended upon what would be done next day in the Hillsborough court-house, and with such a great stake at hazard, the citizens might well be excused for giving but little heed to the fact that a tax-collector had been very near death.

Those who paid any particular attention to the events which I have just set down, viewed the entire proceeding as but the first move in the game betwixt rulers and those who are ruled, and if any disquietude was felt, it arose from the fact that the more superstitious took Sandy Wells' escape from death as a token that our oppressors would win the legal battle, or contrive some way by which it might be turned into a farce.

When I rejoined my parents I found them looking decidedly uncomfortable in mind, and it was possible to guess the reason for their anxiety when mother said to me in a low tone as she clasped my hand lovingly:

"My son, in case it should not be prudent to return home at once, I feel confident you will conduct yourself as if my eyes were upon you all the time."

"Then father thinks Tryon will get the best of us to-morrow?" I cried, looking up quickly.

"It is possible that, despite all our show of force, the king's party may outwit us, or force the judges to decide in Tryon's favor," my father replied thoughtfully.

"If that should happen the people would make quick work of the traitors," I said, thinking of the scene I had just witnessed.

"No one can say when or how a gathering like this is to be swerved from its purpose. Within four and twenty hours the situation may appear entirely different to those who now cry out against the king's minions."

"But the Regulators will hold steadfast," I said quickly. "Having announced themselves as true Sons of Liberty, they cannot give up the struggle while right is on their side."

"I know not what may be the result of to-morrow's trial," my father replied gravely, "and it is of little use to speculate, as I have already been led to do by certain questions your mother asked. We shall know the outcome in due season."

"But you have intimated to her that it may be several weeks before I return home, as if believing the result will be in favor of Tryon's party," I insisted.

"I have said that it might become necessary for the Regulation to remain in session some time and of course, since you are a member, it will be needful to remain in camp."

I understood that father had indulged in more forebodings while conversing privately with mother, than he cared to have made known to me, and was not surprised thereat. It had been in my mind for many hours that the governor could and would influence the decision of the court, if he believed it might be done with safety so far as he personally was concerned, and it would not have caused me astonishment had I been told that the case was already settled without regard to any evidence which might be submitted.

The judges upon the bench would be Chief Justice Martin Howard, with Maurice Moore and Richard Henderson as his associates.

It had been said more than once that to these gentlemen Tryon's desire was of more importance than the king's written law, and even General Hamilton was quoted as having declared that the words of the decisions in the cases which were to come up on the morrow would have been dictated by the man who made of justice a mockery.

However, when I looked around upon the vast assembly, and realized that the governor knew beyond a peradventure that all these people would cry out against any additional wrongs, even to the extent of resorting to arms, I could not believe he would dare trifle with them.

Mother, observing the mood into which I had fallen, bade me forget her words, but not the substance of them, and to change the current of thought suggested that father and myself escort her around the encampment in order that she might meet our friends.

We were on the point of acceding to what was really a proposition, when one of the Regulators came up hurriedly with the word:

"The members of the association are ordered to fall into line, mounted, and fully armed."

It was a command to be obeyed on the instant, and as I ran toward my camp to make preparations, I wondered what could have happened to give color to such a warlike proceeding.

So far as I was able to see, everything appeared in much the same condition as when we had rescued Sandy, yet there could be no question but that danger threatened from some quarter.

Sidney was by my side before I arrived at the lean-to, and his first question was as to whether I knew the meaning of the command.

"I can see nothing to cause alarm, and yet General Hamilton is far too cautious to do anything unnecessarily which might provoke a conflict," I replied. "At such a time as this it needs but a spark to set all these men aflame, for after the many wrongs committed in the king's name they are like to so much tinder, and our forming into ranks will arouse them at once."

"If Sandy Wells can stir up the visitors to the point of murder, it stands our officers in hand to go slowly and with exceeding caution," Sidney said in so grave a tone that I looked at him in surprise.

When we began saddling our horses, which had been kept within the enclosure that day lest they might be frightened away, or stolen, the collector was alarmed, and, poking his head out from under the brushpile, asked in a voice trembling with apprehension:

"What is the matter? Have any others from the sheriff's office been so reckless as to follow my example by coming across the river?"

"We don't know what is on foot," Sidney replied; "but certain it is that we are called out for duty. Take my advice and keep under cover till night, when we will make an effort to send you over to the town."

Sandy disappeared like a flash, and despite the fears in my mind I could not repress the smile which was provoked by a glimpse of his face.

The day was exceedingly warm, and his hiding-place must have been close indeed, for not a breath of air could reach him beneath all that brush. His cheeks were flushed crimson, and the perspiration oozed from every pore, only to be covered with pine needles which adhered to the skin as if glued there.

We were not long in answering the call, and once my comrade and I were on the brow of the hill overlooking the town, where the command was being formed, it was possible to understand why we had been summoned.

Across that sea of heads, just in front of the court-house, was Governor Tryon's army, drawn up as if for action. We could see that every man was fully armed, and all the officers in position, ready for immediate movement.

"What is the meaning of that display of force?" I asked in surprise, and the man nearest me replied grimly:

"That is what all of us would like to know. It may be that Tryon is only showing the visitors what he can muster in case of a riot, and yet such would be a foolish move, for it simply proves that this multitude could make short work of them. If I stood in Tryon's shoes I should hesitate about showing my hand so plainly."

"The fellow is no fool, however much of a knave he may be," one of the Regulators who had heard the reply said quickly. "I warrant those soldiers are not there to overawe the people."

"Then why have they been called out?" Sidney asked impatiently.

"In my opinion they will march across the river, or, at least, to a point mighty near this camp."

"Meaning that the governor counts on showing fight?" I asked in dismay.

"You are getting beyond me; but the question is likely to be answered very soon, for the men are in motion."

As he spoke the command wheeled into files, and advanced in order of fours directly toward us. At the head of the column rode three officers tricked out with gold lace and feathers; but we could see readily that Tryon himself was not among them.

By this time the people, who had been aroused by seeing us form in line as if to resist an attack, now perceived what was happening on the other side of the river, and straightway a murmuring sound arose which was at the same time menacing and disquieting.

I could see that the male visitors were hurrying the women and children around to the other side of the hill, as if expecting a battle was imminent, while the younger men and older lads were collecting into a solid mass.

"If yonder fellows were armed, Tryon's recruits would have a rough time of it," Sidney said with a laugh as he pointed at the throng which was edging toward the hill as if to support us.

"God forbid that such should be the case, else Hillsborough would be a shambles this night," a horseman near me said in a low tone. "If Tryon begins blood-letting to-day, he and we alike will rue it."

The soldiers advanced in something like regular order until they were come to the river bank, and there, not more than two hundred yards from where the Regulators and their horses remained like statues, they came to a halt.

The three officers who had led the column rode into the stream to a point midway across the ford, where they also halted.

"It is a parley!" I heard some one near me mutter, and then came a cry from that officer whose uniform bore the greatest amount of gold lace:
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