For the time being it was enough that our company was at last fully embarked upon some service which had to do with the Cause, and while it would have pleased me beyond the power of words to express, if we had been called for some service with more of danger and more befitting soldiers than that of the transportation of grain, I was in a certain degree content, even if for no other reason than that our people at Cambridge had remembered there was such a company as the Minute Boys of Boston.
No time was lost in getting under way for the short voyage to Hog island. It seemed to me that Hiram Griffin believed every moment precious, for he urged the crew of the sloop to their utmost, and once we were on our course, he questioned the helmsman if he was steering in as nearly a straight line as might be possible.
As may be supposed, Archie, Silas and I came together immediately we gained the deck of the sloop, for there was much we had to say to each other, although the lads so lately from Cambridge could not tell me more concerning the doings of our people than Hiram had already done.
Archie would have spent the time giving words to his gratitude because of what Harvey, Hiram and I had done toward effecting his release; but I was not minded thus to waste the precious moments when he might, instead, be telling me what he had seen while with our army.
We three were talking fast and earnestly, having ample food for conversation; but I took heed to the efforts which Hiram was making toward a speedy arrival at our destination, and my curiosity became so great I could not refrain from asking if he feared pursuit.
"I do not fear it lad; but according to my way of thinking the chances are more than even we shall be followed speedily, for those lobster backs whom Seth Jepson led to the rope walk will be thick-headed indeed if they fail to understand that we left Boston town by water. It is possible they may charge him with having led them on a wild goose chase; but I'm not figuring that such will be the case."
"And you believe they may come in pursuit?"
"Well, it will amount to much the same thing, though I allow that their chief purpose won't be to take us into custody."
"Why then should they give chase?" I asked in surprise, and Hiram replied in a low tone, as if he feared lest the other lads might overhear him:
"You must know that our people in Cambridge are not the only ones who need to be fed. The king's men are famous meat-eaters, and General Gage is not such a simple but that he has understood some time since that two birds might be killed with one stone if he acted promptly. To prevent us from getting supplies in the country back of Boston town would be impossible; but he can take steps to stop us from picking up what may be found on the islands, and in so doing not only deprive the Americans of such an amount of food, but take possession of it for his own troops."
I grew so surprised as he went on with his explanations that it had been impossible to interrupt him. While he had told to me in Boston what our people would have the Minute Boys do, I fancied it was the simplest of tasks, being all labor and no danger. Now, however, I was coming to understand that while acting as drovers we might find employment as soldiers, and when he ceased speaking I said in a whisper:
"Would you resist in case the king's men came upon us while we were taking a cargo on board?"
"Ay, that I would, if so be they had no larger force than two to our one."
"Have you then soldiers on board the other sloops?" I asked, not yet understanding his purpose.
"Indeed I have not; where would be the need of others when here are all the Minute Boys of Boston?" he said laughingly.
"But while the Minute Boys may be ready to resist the king's men, they could not make much of a fist at it without weapons, and we have nothing of the kind."
"In that you are making a mistake. There are on board the other sloop muskets and ammunition enough to serve us through quite a battle, if so be you lads have what is needed in the way of backbone."
"Then there is a chance we may have to fight with the lobster backs?" I cried, forgetting that in event of an encounter more than one, perhaps, of our company might be killed, so eager was I that the Minute Boys should have an opportunity of showing what they could do.
"I count it more than a chance, lad. It is an even thing, according to my way of thinking, now that your precious Tory has given notice to the Britishers of our intention. Unless all hands of them are asleep, one or more vessels will be sent out to-morrow morning to overhaul us, therefore it is I am eager to begin the work of taking on cargo as speedily as may be, so that if they come upon us with too large a force we shall be ready for flight, and not go away empty-handed."
I was near to blessing Seth Jepson because of having played the traitor, since it might result in our winning a name for the Minute Boys, and without delay I went back to my comrades, hurriedly giving them to understand that at last our company was to be armed as befitted soldiers, even though we were lads, and, what was to me the more gratifying, it was possible that we would be called upon to measure strength with the lobster backs.
From this moment all was excitement among our lads. I question if there was one of them who did not, like myself, fail to count the danger, because of his eager desire to prove that we might be trusted to do the work of men.
The sloop was a dull sailor, or so it seemed to us lads who were burning with impatience to come up with the other vessel that we might get the weapons in our hands, for only then would it appear as if we were real soldiers of the American army.
We could not quicken the movements of the sluggish craft fret as we might, and when, as balm to my impatience, I would have talked with Hiram concerning the possibilities of the future, he showed no further inclination to converse on the matter, thus proving, as I believed, that he was more anxious concerning the outcome of the venture than he would permit us to see, all of which was most gratifying because it accorded well with my desires.
Despite the apparently slow progress of the sloop, we were come to anchor between Noddle and Hog islands before there were any signs of coming day, and it can well be fancied that we Minute Boys lost no time in taking possession of the weapons.
These, together with the ammunition, had been stored in the cuddy of the sloop, and after each of us lads had selected a musket I saw there were no less than a dozen remaining, while of powder and balls it seemed to me the amount was so great that we could not use it all even though we loaded and discharged our muskets with reasonable rapidity during an entire day.
While we were thus engaged in what might seem to some like a childish fashion, Hiram had seen to it that the two sloops were warped in as close to the shore as was possible without danger of their going aground. The holds of the vessels had been cleared, the hatches removed, tackles for hoisting gotten into place, and, in fact, everything made ready for the taking on of a cargo.
By this time day was come, although the sun had not yet risen, and Hiram began the work in hand by asking me to call the names of three lads who should be left on board the sloops as sentinels, and when I had done as was desired, he said to them, speaking gravely and with the air of one who sees in the future more of danger than he is willing to admit:
"You lads are to keep sharp watch. Do not let your attention be drawn to the shore, for nothing threatens from that quarter; but remain constantly on the alert for approaching vessels. Don't fail to give an alarm the instant you make out a craft bearing to the eastward after passing Morton's point. It may be that the lives of all of us who go ashore will depend on your faithful discharge of duty, therefore act as soldiers should. When you have made certain that any vessel, or boat with a considerable number of men on board, is coming in this direction, discharge one of the muskets, after which make ready to help us on board with whatsoever we may bring."
Then Hiram, together with the remainder of us Minute Boys and the men he had brought with him to work the sloops, went on shore, and at the first farmer's dwelling we came upon I understood that our visit was not unexpected.
Fifty or more sheep were penned in a small enclosure, and John Weston, the owner of the land, together with his son, were busily engaged putting grain into bags that it might the more readily be transported.
We began our work by stacking arms and setting to at the task of carrying the sheep to the shore, bundling them into the small boats, and then pulling out to the sloops.
Where there were so many laborers the task was soon completed, and then came the more fatiguing portion of the business, meaning the transportation of the grain.
However, we set to it with a will for there was one more farm on Hog island which should be visited, and Hiram, fearing lest we might be interrupted, urged us to our utmost.
The day was warm; the bags of grain far too heavy for easy handling, and in a short time I was so weary that but for Hiram's shouts of encouragement or reproaches, I should have ceased work for a short time of rest.
It was just at the moment when I had made up my mind to declare I could not continue the labor until after having a breathing spell, that the report of a musket rang out on the still air so startlingly that each fellow who had a burden dropped it to look hastily about, and those who were empty-handed, including Hiram, ran with all speed to the shore.
I was among the foremost, and having reached a bend where it was possible to get a fairly good view to the westward, an exclamation of dismay burst involuntarily from my lips as I saw a schooner-rigged craft coming around the westerly end of Noddle island.
"It's bound to be the Britishers!" some one near me exclaimed, and I replied, speaking somewhat petulantly because of my fears:
"Who else could it be, coming from that quarter? Our people would not despatch a craft of that size after having sent two sloops, and therefore it may be we'll have use for that ammunition 'twixt now and noon."
Hiram had arrived at the shore almost on my heels, and having taken a good look at the oncoming craft cried:
"Now is the time when you must work lively, lads, in order to get all the grain aboard if it be possible! We have a good hour before us, according to the way yonder craft is sailing, and should be able to clean up all that John Weston has made ready for us."
Then, as we lads started on a run for the farm-house, he shouted to the watchers on deck:
"Don't lose sight of that vessel for an instant, and give the signal when she is come up to yonder small fir tree on Noddle island!"
Having said this he turned about to work as desperately as ever man could, crying out against him who lagged ever so little, and encouraging by words and example those who were putting forth every effort.
I dare venture to say that Farmer Weston's grain was never handled more quickly than on this occasion, and we had all of it aboard, with the exception of mayhap ten bags, when a cry from the shore warned us that the enemy had approached to within the distance set by our leader.
Now it must be borne in mind that all these goods had been put aboard one of the sloops, leaving the other clean, so far as concerned a cargo, and I was not a little surprised when Hiram gave the word for the four men to go on board the laden vessel to make ready for getting under way. Then we lads were sent into the empty craft, in which was stored the ammunition, and word was given to "up anchor and hoist the canvas."
"Is it a case of running away?" I asked sharply of the leader, who, with half a dozen of the lads, was swaying down on the mainsail, and he replied, speaking with difficulty because of his heavy breathing:
"One of the sloops will try to run away; but it won't be ours."
I now understood full well what was his plan. We were to engage the enemy in a regular battle so that the other sloop, laden with provisions, might succeed in going free. I am willing to confess that despite all my previous longings to show myself worthy of being a soldier, the cold chill of fear began to run up and down my spine, as I realized that the time was come when we must strive to kill while others were doing their best to shed our blood.
I question much, now that I have taken part in other conflicts, whether any one, man or lad, ever looks forward to an action at arms without a certain degree of uneasiness, even of fear. If there had been on board the laden sloop a party of our people whom we were struggling to save, then there would have been something heroic in thus engaging in an unequal struggle to the end that better lives than ours might not be taken. As it was, however, we would be fighting for a lot of sheep and a certain amount of grain, which seemed to me worthless in comparison with the life of any one member of the company.
I failed to take heed of the fact that by getting the cargo past the Britishers, thus preserving it for the use of our people, we might be sparing those who had devoted themselves to the Cause much of suffering by way of hunger, and this would be a good and sufficient reason why we should shed our blood.