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Commodore Barney's Young Spies

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The captain of each vessel had received orders to go ashore with so many men, therefore we saw no confusion when the final moment arrived.

Jerry and I made ready the canoe in order to take Elias Macomber out of the vessel, and, seeing us thus engaged, Lieutenant Frazier said as if in surprise:

"I thought all you lads had been ordered to remain behind?"

"So we have, sir," I replied, and then I explained what we would do, whereupon he called for a couple of men from the Blushing Susan to attend the prisoner, we going with the party to make certain he was delivered up in good order.

Commodore Barney had not forgotten the matter, as could be seen when he came forward with the cur, and he handed Elias to a man from Nottingham, with this injunction:

"You are answerable for him until we arrive at General Winder's camp. If he attempts to escape, shoot him without compunction; but give him fair treatment so long as he obeys orders."

Then the commander nodded to us, as if we were old acquaintances, and the march was begun, every man stepping out briskly, as if it pleased him to aid in the defense of the national capital.

It really gave me a sensation as of homesickness, to be thus left behind. Although sixty or seventy men yet remained, they were so scattered among the fleet that it seemed as if we of the Avenger were the only ones left to watch the enemy.

"You may as well take up your quarters on the schooner," Lieutenant Frazier said to Darius when the detachment was lost to view in the distance. "All of her crew are gone, therefore we shall have plenty of room."

"I shipped with the boys, an' I reckon I'd best stay with 'em, sir, though I thank you kindly for the offer," Darius replied, and the Lieutenant added quickly:

"I meant the invitation for the entire crew of the pungy. Some of them can do the cooking while we stay here, which won't be very long I'm thinking."

And thus it was we made a change of quarters, which neither pleased nor displeased me even though the cabin was decidedly finer than our cuddy, because I had come to have a certain affection for the shabby pungy which cost us so much labor in the buying.

According to Lieutenant Frazier's laying out of the work, there was nothing for us of the Avenger to do save care for the schooner, and prepare the meals.

Six men were sent down the river in canoes, to watch and report the movements of the enemy, that we might have timely warning of their near approach, and the remainder of the party which had been left behind were set about getting ready for the destruction of the fleet, if that should become necessary.

One may think that Jerry and I had no reason to feel badly if our pungy should be burned, since we had the guarantee from Commodore Barney which would insure our receiving much more money than she cost us, and yet we did feel badly, because it then seemed to us as if we could never get another craft quite so much to our liking. A fellow cannot live on board a vessel many months, sailing her in all kinds of weather, and depending upon her for a livelihood, without having a certain sentimental attachment for the fabric different from that felt for all others of its kind.

However, I had quite persuaded myself that the British would not come so far up stream simply in order to destroy the flotilla, for it did not seem as if the outlay would be repaid by the result, whichever way it might be viewed. I had it in mind that when they learned how shallow the river was above Nottingham, the plan would be abandoned, therefore I felt comparatively secure from harm as we idled away the hours.

The fact that Darius was so uneasy should have convinced me of the full danger, for the old man was not one who borrowed trouble. He fretted because he was forced to remain with the boats, instead of acting as spy, and nothing save the fact that Joshua Barney had placed him second in command could have kept him at Pig Point when it seemed to him that he might be able to accomplish much elsewhere.

When the first of those who had been sent down stream returned, I also began to feel uneasy in mind. The report came that the entire force of Britishers was embarking on barges and small boats, with half a dozen 6-pounders and as many mortars, which showed that it was expected we would make some resistance, and it angered me to hear the men talking as if we were to do no more than set the flotilla on fire when the enemy hove in sight.

"It seems to me that we might worry them some," I said to Darius, when he had spoken in much the same tone as the others. "Forty or fifty men posted along the shores would make them a little trouble, I reckon."

"Ay, lad, an' effect about as much as so many wasps. We might shoot down a few men; but could not even delay the advance, an' what would be gained? Their five thousand soldiers would make it mighty warm for our people on the shore, an' when it came to killin', I'm thinkin' they'd be able to do the most execution."

Before he ceased speaking I understood how foolish had been my words; but I was burning with such a desire to inflict some injury upon those to whose account could be laid the destruction of our property, that I was not really responsible for the speech.

It was on the evening of the day when Joshua Barney left us, that I began to be sensible of the suspense in which one would necessarily be at such a time. If the enemy came upon us suddenly, it might be possible for them to capture all hands of us, as well as carry away the boats, and this last would be considered more of a disaster than the first.

Twenty of our men were posted at different points on both sides of the stream to act as sentinels, and the remainder distributed among the fleet in such a manner that the flames could be started in very short order.

Neither Lieutenant Frazier nor Darius proposed to turn in on this night. They were to keep on the move from one sentinel to another, in order to make certain each man was doing his duty, and we lads were ordered to have a meal prepared for them at midnight.

Shortly after sunset another of our people came up the river with the report that a portion of the enemy's force had started and it began to seem as if a night attack had been determined upon.

It can well be fancied that we of the Avenger had very little desire for slumber, although, had we been so disposed, all of us might have had a good night's rest, and also had the midnight meal ready when it would be required.

We paced to and fro after the lieutenant and Darius had left, speaking only in whispers, as if it might be possible the enemy could hear us, and each moment expecting that the alarm would ring out.

The suspense was to me most painful, and I said to Jerry:

"Almost anything is better than this. I wish we were not so well aware of their coming."

"If the fleet is to be burned, an' we know the enemy has started to come up here, I can't see what is to be gained by waitin'," and my partner spoke in a tone of petulance. "We shall do no good stayin' here, and it may be that some of us could be of service elsewhere."

"It's no use for you fellows to grumble," Jim Freeman said with a laugh, he having come up just in time to hear the useless words. "The orders are to wait till the Britishers show themselves, an' I reckon neither Lieutenant Frazier nor Darius would like to take the responsibility of doin' anythin' else. You two will make a good thing out of this business, in case the Avenger is burned, eh?"

"We've got a guarantee for more than she cost; but at the same time I'd rather have her than a better one," Jerry said promptly, and I put my hand in his, for he had spoken that which was in my heart.

Then we fell to talking for at least the tenth time of how the work of destruction would be accomplished, and while we were thus engaged Darius came alongside.

"You lads can turn in," he said as he clambered over the rail. "Mitchell has just come up the river with the news that the Britishers are makin' camp less'n two miles below. We shan't see 'em to-night; but they're likely to be here mighty early in the mornin'."

"Some of us must stay up to do the cooking," I replied, thinking of the meal the lieutenant had ordered.

"I'll call you in case Frazier don't change his mind about it, but I reckon he'll be willin' to wait for breakfast."

"Are you going to stay on board?"

"I shall be here off an' on; just now we're goin' to inspect each craft, so's to make certain the flames can be started quickly, for there's no longer any chance but that the fleet must be destroyed."



It seemed to me much like disastrous defeat to burn the flotilla on the approach of the enemy, without making any effort whatsoever to defend it, and for the time I believed that Darius and all those who bragged so much about Commodore Barney's fighting qualities, were making idle talk, otherwise he would have attempted to hold his own, no matter how great the odds against him.

At the time I failed to realize that our fleet of small boats amounted to nothing, as compared with either city which the British was threatening, and that the commodore never showed himself to be a better fighter than when he allowed the enemy to spend their time with a lot of boats of little value, while he was marching his men across country to aid in the defense of Washington.

One can readily fancy that we lads were not much inclined for sleep when Darius brought word that we might turn in.

It was definitely known that the British were only two miles away, and would make no prolonged halt until after striking a blow at our fleet. In fact, it was possible they might approach within an hour, the halt having been called only to make us believe they would not attempt to do any mischief during the night.

We gathered aft, but with no desire to go below, and stood there leaning far out over the rail with eyes and ears open for some token of the coming foe.

It was possible to distinguish even in the gloom a boat which was pulled from one craft to another, stopping only a few seconds at each vessel, and we knew the lieutenant and Darius were making their rounds.

Again we questioned the wisdom of waiting until the enemy was close at hand before beginning the work of destruction, never realizing how important it was to keep the Britishers at the task of destroying the fleet so long as possible that the defenders of Washington might have opportunity to make ready; but we actually grew impatient because the torch was not applied at once.

Before Lieutenant Frazier brought the inspection to a close, one of the men who had been sent to spy out the enemy's movements, came aboard the Scorpion to make a report. From him we learned that the British were really encamped for the night, and there seemed little possibility any move would be made before daylight.

Even with this assurance we lads had no desire for slumber, and were on deck listening and watching when Darius returned.

"Why didn't you turn in?" he asked almost sharply, and I replied, striving to speak in such a tone as would give him to understand that we were not to be dictated to regarding our individual actions while off duty.
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