When having, as I have said, come to the rear of Master Lord's house and I had knelt down to raise the turf, which was much like unto a lid, Seth Jepson's small remnant of courage fled, and I could feel the scoundrel sink beneath my hand as if his life had suddenly taken flight.
Now I dared not even whisper; but, holding the knife in my teeth, and with a strength which was born of desperation, I thrust the Tory villain in head foremost as if he was no more than a log of wood, pushing on his legs until he was entirely within the tunnel and I despairing of being able to force him further because he was as limp as any rag, when suddenly it was as if the scoundrel shot forward. You may be certain I followed as quickly as possible, fearing lest he, on gaining the floor of the cellar, should set up an outcry which would alarm our double-faced host.
When I had succeeded in making my way through the tunnel an odd picture presented itself, and one which will ever remain vivid in my memory.
The lantern was burning sufficiently bright to illumine the room. I saw Hiram holding Seth Jepson by both shoulders as he stared into his face in wonder and perplexity, while Archie and Harvey, each with their hands on their knees, stooped that they might look up at what must have seemed a ghastly visitor, for probably the idea of that Tory cur coming into their hiding-place was the last thought that would have entered their minds.
At the same instant I realized how it was that Seth had so suddenly shot forward when I was striving to push him through the tunnel. Hiram, hearing the slight noise, and thinking I was stuck fast in the narrow passage, seized him by the shoulders, dragging him through and out past the screen of casks until smitten with fear and amazement.
It may well be fancied that I did not stand still many seconds to take in the scene. It was pictured upon my mind like a flash of light, and then I pressed my knife against Seth's breast, whispering in his ear:
"Remember, we will kill you like the cur you are, if you so much as whisper!"
"Are you so tired of life that for the sake of revenge you bring this fellow here?" Hiram asked softly; but with a world of anger in his tone, and I, realizing that there must be no more conversation than was absolutely necessary, told him in the fewest possible words why I had been so rash, adding feverishly:
"I could not stop to let down the turf over the tunnel, and it must be looked after."
Hiram went noiselessly behind the screen of casks, while I stood directly in front of Seth with my knife ready for use if he should attempt to speak; but such precaution was unnecessary. The scoundrel was so thoroughly frightened as to be incapable of either speech or action, and when Hiram had come back into the room he sank upon the floor of earth an inert mass.
Can you fancy our mental condition as we four stood looking mutely into each other's faces, with Seth Jepson sprawled out between us? It is difficult for me, even at this time, to understand all the fearsomeness of that moment.
Master Lord might at any moment come down to make sure those whom he believed he was deceiving yet retained confidence in him, and once he did so there would be a desperate struggle, in which we must take a human life, or perchance lose our own.
For the first time since I had known him, did I see Hiram Griffin in doubt. He stood there gazing alternately at each of us, and I could well understand that he was striving fiercely to see some way out of this tangle which seemed positive must bring us to the prison, or worse, and meanwhile Seth lay there among us showing no other sign of life than a succession of short, quick sobs.
How long we remained there in painful doubt and perplexity I will not undertake to say; but I do know that my heart was beating like a trip hammer, and I strained my ears to hear those sounds which would betoken a visit from Master Lord.
The suspense was finally ended by Hiram who, without giving any intimation of his purpose, began tearing his shirt into strips, and having thus formed what would serve in place of rope, he set about binding Seth's hands and feet so deftly that while the lad was trussed up like a chicken ready for the roasting, there was little fear of his suffering from the tightness of his bonds.
While this was being done Seth made no resistance; but gazed at us with terror in his eyes, and I believe the scoundrel was firmly convinced we had brought him there to his death.
Then Hiram, kneeling by the Tory's side, whispered softly in his ear, I bending over to catch the words:
"Our own lives depend upon keeping you silent, therefore can it be understood that we would kill you rather than suffer death ourselves. Within a short time there will come into this room a man who is devoted to the Cause, so he says; but who must not know that you are here. I question much whether we can depend upon your solemn promise; but yet rather than put you to the torture of being gagged during four and twenty hours, I am inclined to take the chances, promising faithfully that at the first outcry from you, and whatsoever may be the danger to myself, I will take your life."
"You may believe me, and I promise to do whatsoever you say," Seth whispered, the tears of fear rolling down his cheeks.
Then Hiram lifted him in his arms as if he had been no more than a baby, and carrying him behind the screen of casks, laid the scoundrel down in the tunnel, where, I fancied, because of the time Griffin remained absent, the threat was repeated.
After returning he motioned us lads to the far corner of the cellar, and there, crouching with our heads close together, we began discussing the situation, which was now become doubly dangerous because of the prisoner.
As a beginning, and in order that Archie and Harvey might understand the better why I had brought the Tory with me, Hiram insisted upon my telling once more the story of what had happened since I crept out through the tunnel, and this I did, speaking cautiously, as you can well fancy, for if peradventure Master Lord had heard the hum of our conversation he would have made it his business to learn what we were talking about.
"I'm free to admit that you could not have done otherwise, lad, and yet it has put us in a mighty small box."
And Archie asked in a mournful tone:
"Is there no other way left open than for us to turn our backs upon Silas, setting off this very moment in the hope of being able to gain Cambridge?"
"We can wait here another four and twenty hours, mayhap, although the chances are much against it," Hiram replied grimly.
"But if Job Lord should learn that he is here – " Harvey began, and Griffin interrupted him by saying sharply:
"If he does, it is a case of our taking another prisoner, unless it so happens that the man fights desperately, forcing us to end the struggle by the shedding of blood."
"If he finds Seth in the passage – "
"Aye, if he simply finds the tunnel are we done for, unless it be possible to overcome him. We can count that that young Tory cur is so frightened he will not venture to make any outcry during the next five or six hours; but after that I am not so certain. Once his limbs become cramped, and he is suffering pain, there's no knowing what the coward might be brought to do. This much is true, however: when Job Lord visits us each one must be on the alert, ready to spring upon him in case his suspicions are aroused. At the first word or movement of his, betokening the belief that we are keeping something from him, an attack must be made. Don't wait each for the other; but let the first who sees aught of danger jump upon the double-faced villain, and the rest will bear a hand."
And this was the only plan we were able to form, although I dare venture to say the four of us remained crouching in the corner discussing the situation from every point of view, a full hour.
It had simply come to this, that we were to make another prisoner, perhaps, thus adding to the danger that already surrounded us, and after that had been done the chances for saving our own necks were no better.
It seemed to me as if I lived a whole life-time during the remainder of that night, hoping Job Lord would come to put an end to the suspense, and at the same time fearing he might do so.
Then, when the trap-door was finally opened I leaped up in surprise, as if there had never been a thought in my mind that he would come, and, being on my feet, must perforce do something to explain the sudden movement, as well as hide the fear which I realized was written on my face.
After we had finished whispering in the corner Hiram proposed that we lay down on the bed, taking the dummy apart now it was of no further use, and there we were stretched out at full length when the raising of the trap-door brought me to a standing posture.
Luckily I had wit enough to continue on toward the fire-place as if bent on doing something in the way of cooking, and had begun to rattle the pans before Master Lord descended the ladder. Not until then did it come to my mind that in the event of any trouble arising from this visit, I was in a good position to deal out to Seth Jepson that which he deserved.
"Getting hungry, eh?" Master Lord asked in an oily tone as he seated himself on one of the stools by the table, and Hiram stretched himself lazily as he replied:
"It must be late in the morning, and we are inclined for a bit to eat, although we haven't earned it."
"That's right, make yourselves as comfortable as possible, and don't worry about earning your food, because it is as free as the wind that blows. You'll earn all you get here, and much more, when the time for real work comes."
"Is that like to be soon?" Archie asked.
"As matters are moving, I believe you will find enough to keep you busy after getting back to Cambridge."
"I would we might start this very day!" Hiram exclaimed in so earnest a tone that I knew full well the words had come from his heart, without any thought of speaking for the sake of keeping up the pretense of friendship with Job Lord.
"So do I, lad, for your sake, because it must be dull work here; but remember that such a task as you have set yourselves is not to be performed in a minute, and you can well afford to wait many a long day if finally you are successful."
"What o'clock is it?" Hiram asked.
"Seven in the morning, and a dull day with a misty rain falling."
"Just the kind of weather for a visit to the Bridewell, if so be matters were right there," Hiram said quickly.
"Even though it were the worst tempest that ever raged, you could do nothing there while so many Britishers are on guard," Master Lord cried in a decisive tone, as if to put an end to any such conversation; but Hiram was not disposed to let the matter drop.
"It was in your mind that some of the lobster backs might be drawn off while General Gage is pushing his outposts on the Neck. How can you say that such may not have been done this very morning?"
"I shan't need many hours in which to settle that question, for it is in my mind to go there now, hoping I may be so fortunate as to get speech with your comrade."
At this moment I was cutting up the leg of lamb, putting the slices into a frying-pan as if intending to warm them, and Master Lord eyed me curiously, most like thinking I was an awkward lad at such work. His steady gaze annoyed me because I feared each instant he might discover that the position of the casks had been changed, and in my nervousness I went toward the table in order to place there the frying-pan, intending to give over my attempt at playing the cook.