On leaving headquarters Enoch went directly to where he last saw Greene, and since nothing had been said relative to keeping his proposed movements a secret, told the spy what he had been ordered to do, mentioning also General Lee's evident interest in the Tory who would have made prisoners of the scouts.
"There is no question in my mind but that Lee is better acquainted and more in sympathy with people of Plummer's class than with those who are friends to the cause, and I predict General Washington will be convinced, before many days have passed, that the officer next in rank to him is not as good an American as he should be."
Enoch waited only long enough to inquire regarding the most direct roads, and then, with such rations in his pocket as Greene thought necessary, he began the journey.
Acting under the spy's advice he rode directly to Trenton, and from there, after making inquiries, continued on toward Allentown, overtaking General Dickinson's command at nightfall.
On this occasion he had no opportunity for an interview with either Jacob or Seth.
He saw the latter as he rode up; but there was no time to speak with him, since his first duty was to deliver the message, and when that had been done he learned it was necessary to continue on four miles further in order to find General Maxwell.
It was nightfall when he gained an interview with this last-named officer, and half an hour later was dismissed with orders to remain in camp until morning.
Had he followed his own inclinations he would have returned to spend the night with his comrades; but the instructions were positive, and he understood that personal desires were not to be considered under such circumstances.
During the short evening spent in this camp he learned that General Clinton had turned to the right on the road leading to Monmouth Court House,[7 - Now Freehold.] and it was believed among the men that his intentions were to march to Sandy Hook, from which point he could embark his troops for New York.
"The Britishers will find themselves in a hornets' nest when they get into Monmouth County," one of the elder soldiers said to Enoch, after telling him of the evident change of route. "Devil David, as they call General Forman, is in that section of the country, and Sir Henry Clinton will learn that he well deserves his name."
"Do you think we shall have a battle there?"
"I hope it'll come somewhere near, although I can't say that section of the country is the best in the world for our purpose. If General Washington strikes a blow now, we shall give the Britishers a lesson, don't you fear. But he never will do it if Lee can persuade him to the contrary, for I hold that man to be a Britisher at heart, who does all he can to avoid inflicting punishment on the king's men."
Then the soldier told Enoch how the New Jersey troops had been employed during the past three days, harassing the enemy on their march, and when his recital was finished the young aid sought such rest as could be obtained on the bare ground under the shelter of the pine trees.
On the following morning General Maxwell gave Enoch a written message to be delivered to the commander-in-chief, as he said:
"You had better read it, lad, in order to be able to repeat the substance in case it is taken from you. You will proceed at once to General Dickinson; show him what I have written, and ask if he has anything to add. Then go without delay to the main army. I understand they will be at Kingston to-morrow, therefore you will have ample time to reach them."
As Enoch rode slowly toward where he had last seen General Dickinson's forces he had good opportunity to read the message he was to carry, and thus learned that it was simply a detailed account of what had been done by the New Jersey troops since Clinton left Mount Holly.
The soldier with whom he talked on the previous night had told him the same thing in substance, and he had no question but that he should be able to repeat the more important portions of it in case the document was lost.
General Dickinson's force was on the march when he rode up, and his interview with that officer was brief.
"There is nothing I wish to add to General Maxwell's report, and you may turn back at once."
Enoch obeyed, riding directly past Jacob and Seth, but not daring to draw rein.
"Where are you bound for?" Jacob shouted, and he replied with a single word:
"Is General Washington there?" some one in the ranks cried, and Enoch replied:
"He will be to-morrow."
Then a hearty cheer went up from the men, for they now knew the commander-in-chief was moving nearer the enemy, and all understood this as indicating that a general engagement would follow.
There was little need for such a precaution as reading General Maxwell's message.
The young aid was not molested on his journey, and on the night of the 24th applied for lodgings at a dwelling in Kingston, believing it would be wiser to remain there until General Washington should come up, than push on with the chances of missing the command on the road.
It was at the house of an ardent patriot, who was serving in the Continental army, that Enoch slept, and after the sun rose next morning he had not long to wait before delivering the message.
"You will accompany us on the march, my boy," General Washington said as he glanced hurriedly over the report, and Enoch, thus dismissed, fell back to the rear until he found Greene.
"It begins to look as if we shouldn't miss a general engagement, lad," the spy said gleefully, "though I don't doubt Lee will do all he can to prevent it. Are you at liberty to tell me anything?"
"I know very little myself, except that the Britishers are said to be on the road to Sandy Hook."
"Then we shall come up with them for certain. Devil David won't allow Clinton to march through Monmouth County unmolested."
"But how can General Lee prevent an engagement, if the commander-in-chief desires one?" Enoch asked.
"In the first place he's second in command, and his opinion should have more weight than that of the others. Last night a thousand men under General Wayne were detailed to join the advance corps now in command of Lafayette, which gives him four thousand picked soldiers. It seems that Lee, who by right should have command of that division, being opposed to a general engagement, allowed the Marquis de Lafayette to take his place, and, as we all know, the Frenchman believes in tackling the enemy without delay. Now it seems, as I have heard, that Lee has changed his mind suddenly, and asks to be reinstated, which of course can't be done with justice to the marquis; but, to keep things moving smoothly, General Washington has given Lee command of two brigades, with orders to join Lafayette, and there, as you can imagine, his rank will entitle him to supreme command. I doubt not but that you will see the marquis soon."
"In my opinion the commander-in-chief must give Lafayette some reason for allowing Lee to join him, after all that has been said and done, and I reckon you are the aid who can best be spared just now. What have the New Jersey troops been doing?"
While Enoch was detailing to his friend that which he had learned from the soldier during the night he spent with General Maxwell's forces, an orderly rode back, inquiring for the boy who had just come from the front, and when the young aid presented himself, announced that the commander-in-chief wished to see him.
"Is your horse fresh?" General Washington asked when Enoch rode up.
"Yes, sir."
"Then you will take this letter to the Marquis de Lafayette, who is, or will be by the time you arrive, at Cranberry. This is purely a personal matter, and you will present the letter without ostentation. Be discreet during the journey, for although I do not anticipate your meeting the enemy between here and that point, it is not impossible there may be scouting parties out."
There was apparently no reason why Enoch should return to where he had left his friend Greene, and he set off without delay, riding during the remainder of the day, and at nightfall was standing in front of General Lafayette's quarters – a dilapidated house on the easterly side of the small settlement of Cranberry.
Asking for an interview on the plea of important business, and taking good care not to mention the fact that he was a messenger from the commander-in-chief, Enoch was admitted at a time when the marquis was alone, and, therefore, had no difficulty in giving him the letter privately.
The marquis read it carefully, appeared alternately surprised and disappointed, and finally asked:
"Are you on General Washington's staff, my boy?"
"His excellency was so kind as to say that I should consider myself in that position; but it was only done, when I brought the news of the evacuation, in order that I might have no trouble in getting rations for myself and horse."
"It seems that you still occupy that position?"
"Yes, sir, and the reason, I suppose, is that my services are required; but I am not really an aid."
"You come very nearly being so, it would seem. What were you ordered to do after delivering this letter."
"There were no orders given, sir."
"Then you will remain here in case I should have occasion to communicate with his excellency. You will mess with my staff."