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Corporal 'Lige's Recruit: A Story of Crown Point and Ticonderoga

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Nathan Beman, however, did not appear to think there was any compliment in the invitation. Naturally of a suspicious nature, he fancied in some way this visit might work to his harm, and, in addition, he was displeased by the air of superiority which was observable in the corporal when he addressed any remark to the lad.

The old soldier walked several paces in advance of the boys, and did not appear to think it necessary he should look around to see if they were following, for in his mind a request to visit headquarters was the same as an imperative command, and one which no sane person would venture to disobey.

“I suppose he thinks he can tow me ’round wherever he likes, and I’ve got a mind to show him he can’t,” Nathan said to Isaac, motioning with his thumb toward the corporal.

“It’s Colonel Allen who wants to see you,” Isaac ventured to suggest timidly.

“How do you know?”

“Why Corporal ’Lige said so.”

“I ain’t certain that makes it true, ’cause he’s said a good many things that don’t amount to much since I’ve been around this place.”

“But the corporal wouldn’t lie,” Isaac said solemnly, and Nathan added with a peculiar smile:

“Oh, no, he wouldn’t lie!”

“See here, what have you got against the corporal?”

“Me? Why should I have anything against him?”

“That’s what puzzles me; but it seems as though you didn’t think very much of him.”

“Neither do I. I’ve seen soldiers up ’round Ticonderoga, not make-believes like the old man, who is all talk an’ no substance.”

Isaac’s face flushed. He was not disposed to let this stranger make sport of Corporal ’Lige, whom he knew was thoroughly versed in the art of warfare, and a brave man withal; but before he had decided in his own mind how the most telling reproof could be administered, they arrived at headquarters, which was neither more nor less than a shelter built of pine boughs, situate so far from the main encampment as to afford some degree of seclusion.

Isaac judged from the eager look on the faces of the officers that this visit was considered by them of more importance than it was by Nathan, and instantly Corporal ’Lige saluted, Colonel Allen asked:

“Are both the lads acquainted with the fort?”

“No, colonel; here is the one who lives up Shoreham way,” and he touched Nathan on the shoulder. “This,” he added, motioning toward Isaac, “is a recruit I have taken under my protection.”

It was evident that Colonel Allen came nearer Nathan’s standard of a soldier than Corporal ’Lige, for he stood in a respectful attitude before the officer as if recognizing the latter’s right to question him.

“Is your father alive?” the colonel asked.

“Yes, sir; he owns a farm up on the lake.”

“How often have you visited the fort within the past year?”

“Mostly twice a week, sir; never less than once.”

“Then you are sufficiently well acquainted with the troops to be able to gain admission at any time?”

“Yes, sir; father sells a lot of truck there, an’ I mostly carry it over.”

“Are you known to Captain Delaplace?”

“Yes, sir, and his wife as well.”

“What brought you here, lad?”

“We heard it said there was a lot of soldiers marchin’ up this way, and I didn’t have much of anything to do, so come down to have a look at ’em.”

“Is it generally known near about where you live that troops are marching toward the fort?”

“I don’t think so, sir. Simon York, a trapper, told father, and it was agreed between them that nothing should be spoken about it lest the news get out.”

“Do you know how many soldiers there are in the fort now?”

“Near about fifty, sir.”

“Hark you, lad, are you minded to do a service for those who would strike a blow against the king?”

“I suppose that would depend on what it was, an’ how much I’d make out of it,” Nathan replied cautiously.

“Then you are not of the mind to do anything toward establishing the independence of the colonies – it is simply a question of shillings and pence?”

“Well, sir, perhaps it is something like that,” Nathan replied, growing confused. “Father thinks since the news came from Concord and Lexington that all the provincials ought to turn to and show their mettle; but mother says so long as the king’s troops buy truck and pay good prices for it, it is our business to see that we don’t take the bread and butter out of our own mouths.”

“I understand; yours is what might be called a divided household,” and Colonel Allen looked around with a smile at his companions.

“I guess I don’t know what you mean by that, sir; but things our way are about as I have told you.”

Corporal ’Lige glowered at the boy who thus unblushingly announced that he measured his patriotism by its value in money, and Isaac wondered that a lad so young could talk thus pertly to one as high in authority as was Colonel Ethan Allen.

“If you should be paid six shillings, would you be willing to guide one of these gentlemen into the fort and come back with him to where our troops might then be stationed?”

“Which one wants to go?” Nathan asked, not intending to commit himself until the full details were given.

“This gentleman,” and Colonel Allen pointed toward Master Phelps, one of the Committee from the Connecticut Assembly.

Nathan looked at him critically a moment, and then asked, as if suspicious some portion of the plan was being kept secret from him:

“Does he want to see Captain Delaplace?”

“He simply wishes to view the fort, and it would be necessary you should pretend he was a neighbor who had come with no other motive than that of curiosity.”

“You couldn’t pass him off for any neighbor of our’n.”

“Why not?”

“’Cause he’s dressed too fine, an’ his face is so pale that anybody’d know he didn’t live ’round here.”

“All that may be readily changed,” Master Phelps interrupted. “I’ll promise to look so nearly like one of your neighbors that there shall be no question raised.”

“When do I get the six shillings?” Nathan asked.
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