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Her Kind of Man

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Kenyon had wandered around the living room, noting the simple decor and natural designs. Furnished with cozy sofas, armless chairs and overstuffed bookcases, it resembled a bookstore. He had perused the shelves. The reading material she owned provided incredible insight into the shy but sexy teacher. Instead of educational resources, he found hundreds of books about sex, including the Kama Sutra, the Woman’s Gourmet Sex Book and various issues of erotic magazines. The collection had left Kenyon short of breath. If Terrance had been at home, rather than in the kitchen with Kay making cocoa, Kenyon would have gone in there, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Kenyon settled back onto the bench, listening to Kay lecture the students gathered around her, enraptured by the soft, pleasant tone in her voice. For the last twenty-four hours, he had been trying to figure out why she would have so many books about foreplay, erogenous zones and aphrodisiacs. She couldn’t be involved in anything as daring as escorting, could she? Kenyon examined her again. No, she just didn’t give off that kind of vibe. In his presence, she was skittish, flustered, almost tongue-tied. Could it be an act? Was it possible she was really none of the things she appeared to be?

His face relaxed into a smile. It didn’t really matter whether she was acting or not. Kenyon hadn’t lived as a monk; he knew what was up. These days, women weren’t at home waiting by the phone for a man to call. They were out in the clubs, seeking a good time, thirsty for some action and adventure. Kenyon liked experienced women. The more experience the better. He wasn’t one of those men who had sampled all that life had to offer but wanted a good, clean girl to bring home to mom. A bad girl would suit him just fine.

Thoughts of making love to Kay plagued his mind. He saw them kissing, exploring, undressing. With all those naughty sex books at her disposal, she probably had moves he had never seen. Kenyon sighed in silent appreciation. It wouldn’t be long before they were acting out their own private fantasies.

Draping an arm over the bench, he stretched his long legs out in front of him. His interest in Kay Stevens grew every time he saw her. The slender, dark-skinned beauty had a lot going for her. Not just physically, either. Making love to her was at the fore-front of his mind, but he liked that she could also carry on an intelligent conversation and had a mind of her own.

“Shut up, Abe!” Terrance’s voice carried around the park. “My uncle Kenyon is coming. He promised!”

Kenyon grabbed his camera bag and walked quickly to the front entrance. His nephew had been disappointed a lot in his young life and he couldn’t stand to see the wounded expression on the boy’s face a second more.

Makayla stared at the iron gates, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kenyon through the crowd. If he didn’t arrive in the next five minutes, she’d have no choice but to start without him. All of the students had been assigned to a group, but it would only take a second to reorganize the six kids standing behind Terrance.

A perky, dark-haired girl wearing a green park-ranger uniform emerged from the tourist information booth. “Good morning, Springs Park Elementary, and welcome to the Philadelphia Zoo, home of 2,200 exotic mammals, birds and reptiles. I’m Becky and I’ll be your tour guide for the morning—”

Desiree gripped Makayla’s forearm. “Who is that tall glass of fine making his way toward us?” she whispered out of the side of her mouth. “Please tell me that’s not Terrance’s uncle.”

“I wish I could.” It wasn’t every day Makayla saw Desiree drool and she couldn’t resist teasing her. “Close your mouth, girl. Flies are getting in.”

“Uncle Kenyon!” Terrance took off running. He flung himself into his uncle’s arms, his eyes shimmering with delight.

Kenyon tossed him high in the air. “Hey, li’l man.”

“You’re here!”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I used to live at the zoo, you know. I came to see my old friends!”

Terrance took his uncle by the hand and dragged him over to the group. “This is my uncle Kenyon!” He stuck out his tongue at a freckle-faced boy wearing glasses. “Abe, I told you he’d come!”

Makayla smiled. She couldn’t remember ever seeing Terrance this excited. It wasn’t her place to offer parenting advice, but someone had to tell Kenyon his nephew was desperate for more of his time and attention.

It took a few minutes for the kids to settle down and return their attention to the tour guide. “On to the lions!” Becky shouted, tiptoeing down the road. “We have to keep quiet. They have super-duper hearing and a strong sense of smell. We don’t want anyone to get gobbled up by a jungle lion, do we?”

Kenyon approached Kay. “Sorry I’m late but traffic was insane.” The lie rolled off his lips with ease. “I got here as fast as I could.”

“No problem.”

Their eyes did the tango. He stared; she looked away. She stared; he held her gaze.

Desiree stepped forward. “I guess I’ll have to introduce myself since my co-worker here has forgotten her manners.” She nudged Makayla with her elbow. “I’m Desiree Hill, the other first-grade teacher at Springs Park. I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Blake.”

Kenyon turned away from Kay and shook Desiree’s outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you. I think you and I should talk.” He read the confusion in her eyes and explained, “I want you to tell me everything you know about Ms. Stevens.”

Desiree laughed and Makayla coughed.

“Are you all right?” Kenyon asked, a grin enveloping his lips. Kay looked like as if she was about to collapse. Her breathing was shallow and although it wasn’t hot by any standards, she was fanning her face.

“Fine, thank you.” In an effort to reclaim her poise, she cleared her throat. Handing him a yellow piece of paper, she said, “Everything you need to know is right here. Thanks again for coming. We really appreciate your taking the time out of your day.”

“My pleasure.” Something about the way he looked at her told her he wasn’t talking about the field trip. Makayla’s mind drifted back to last night. When she opened her front door and saw Kenyon and Terrance on her doorstep, carrying a bouquet of flowers and a box chocolates, she had almost lost her footing and teetered off the steps. Thunderstruck, she could scarcely speak. In a short-sleeved shirt, a pair of tattered shorts and natty hair, she had been quite the sight but Kenyon didn’t seem put off by her appearance. Her emotions had seesawed between excitement and all-out fear, but she had kept herself together during the hour-long visit. Terrance had been on his best behavior and surprised her by being incredibly polite.

Makayla spotted Terrance leaning toward the lion cage. If there was one thing she knew about the willful six-year old, it was that he had an eye for trouble. Heaving her backpack over her shoulder, she said, “Let’s go. We’d better keep up with the kids.”

Kenyon smiled at her, his gaze lingering on her full lips. “Lead the way, Ms. Stevens. I’m right behind you.”

Chapter 6

For the next two hours, the group meandered around the zoo, snapping pictures, feeding the animals and playing in the sun. The children didn’t want to stop for lunch, but Makayla ushered them into the cafeteria.

“I wish Mr. Blake was my uncle,” she overheard one of the boys from Desiree’s class say.

“Yeah, he’s cool!” another said.

Makayla smiled. The kids were right; Kenyon was cool. Clearly, he had a way with women and children. She was impressed at how quickly he had developed a rapport with the kids. They clung to his every word, fought over who was his favorite and begged to hold his hand. At one point, Makayla saw Kenyon jump up on a bench and impersonate a gorilla. The kids had laughed hysterically. As the day wore on, she found herself looking for Kenyon’s group. She told herself she was just checking in on the kids, ensuring that everything was going smoothly, but deep down she knew her interest in Kenyon was personal.

Makayla was in line, waiting for her order, when she noticed Desiree and Kenyon sitting on the far side of the cafeteria. They were an arresting pair. Both were tall, dark and attractive. A casual observer would have taken them for a couple and as Makayla stood off to the side, watching them, she couldn’t help wondering if Kenyon was interested in her co-worker. It wouldn’t be a shock if he was. Most men were.

“Number ten?”

Makayla stepped forward. She picked up her tray and walked carefully through the cafeteria. Since Terrance and most of her students were outside with the parent chaperones, she started toward the door. Terrance had been a model student all day but she knew how quickly things could change.

“Makayla, over here!”

Pretending she didn’t hear Desiree, Makayla continued toward the doors. Desiree called her again, but this time, her voice was twice as loud. “Over here! By the window!”

“We were just talking about you,” Kenyon confessed when she approached. He stood, took her tray and put it down on the table beside his own. “Here, have a seat.”

“I can’t stay.” Smiling, she motioned toward the doors. “I’m going to eat outside with the kids.”

“They’re fine,” Desiree told her, glancing outside the window. “There are tons of volunteers out there. Relax.”

Careful to leave an adequate amount of space between them, Makayla took a seat on the bench. She directed her question to Desiree. “What were you guys talking about?”

“I didn’t know your full name was Makayla.” Kenyon cocked a brow. “Keeping secrets, are we?” When he grinned, his eyes literally shone.

To keep from saying too much, she focused on her salad. Shoveling lettuce into her mouth, she concentrated on not getting Caesar dressing all over her face.

“Have we met before?”

“No. Why?”

Kenyon frowned. “Makayla Stevens. Hmm. I’m sure I’ve heard that name before. I just can’t remember where.”

She reached for a napkin and inadvertently knocked over her cup. Orange juice spilled onto Kenyon’s tray, dousing his plate of chicken wings. Apologizing profusely, she sprang to her feet and mopped up the mess with a stack of napkins. “I am so sorry,” she said, wiping madly. “Wait here. I’ll go get you some more.”

Kenyon covered her hand. His touch was warm, pleasant, calming. “Don’t worry about it. Besides, the wings weren’t all that.” He rose to his feet. “Be right back.”
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