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Pleasure for Two

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“Tell me about it. Several of my clients lost their homes last week, and we’ve been forced to cut back hours around here. The economy has taken a lot of hits in recent years, and everyone, from the executive director to the small business owner, has been affected.” The compassion he saw in her eyes was real. “I hope things get better soon so we can start spending again. It’s hard not being able to shop at Nordstrom!”

Marcel chuckled. Hearing someone behind him, he turned. Before he could introduce his uncle to Dominique, Nigel clasped her hand and greeted her like a long-lost relative.

“It’s great to finally meet you, Dominique. My nephew’s told me so much about you.”

Eyebrows raised in surprise, she divided her gaze between both men. “Oh, really? I’m curious to know what he had to say.”

Marcel’s tongue felt soft and limp in his mouth. What was his uncle Nigel doing? Trying to make him look desperate? His uncle’s charm was subtle, and he could tell by the expression on Dominique’s face that she was amused.

“He said you were a strong, intelligent woman with a good head on her shoulders.” Nigel smiled widely. “I suggested he take you to the Chef’s Quarter for lunch, but—”

“Uncle Nigel, I’m sure Dominique already has plans,” Marcel interjected.

“No plans,” she confessed. “I’ve been cooped up in my office all morning, and if I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to lose it!”

The men laughed.

“Then it’s settled,” Nigel said.

“Would you care to join us?” Dominique asked.

“You two go ahead. I have an eleven-thirty appointment, and it’s too late to reschedule.” Straightening his tie, he said, “Do you play tennis by any chance? We’re looking for another player for our mixed doubles game.”

“It’s my favorite sport,” Dominique said with a proud smile. “I’ve been playing since college.”

“That’s great. We’ll set something up in the near future.”

Dominique opened her purse, pulled out her sunglasses and slipped them on.

“All right, you two kids have fun!” Nigel shot his nephew a grin. “I’ll talk to you later.”

Falling in step with the curvaceous bank supervisor, Marcel took a good, long look at her. Dominique really knew what worked for her, and though he wasn’t up on the latest trends, he knew what looked good on women, and she was working the hell out of her designer suit. Enthralled, he tried hard not to stare. She was feminine but projected a powerful, confident air. That was more of a turn-on than her sultry perfume. Something took over his brain when Dominique smiled at him, and as she sashayed past him through the open door, a chill zigzagged down his spine. Lunch was definitely going to be interesting.

Chapter 4

“Are you comfortable?” Marcel watched Dominique shift around on the floor cushion and wondered if he should have taken her somewhere else. The Seoul Kitchen had tacky oriental paintings on the walls, but the entrées were succulent and generous in size. “I can ask our server for another cushion if you’d like.”

“I’ll live.” Wearing a tight smile, she inched closer to the small, wooden table. “It’s too bad the Chef’s Quarter had such a long wait. I was really looking forward to having some lobster.”

“You’ll love the food here,” he promised, opening his menu. “I eat here several times a month, and I have never been disappointed.”

“What do you recommend?”

Marcel was admiring the delicate slope of her collarbone when her words reached his ears. “That depends on what you’re in the mood for. The barbecued short ribs are one of my favorites, but the fried prawns with vegetables are delicious, too.” He knew that she was open and curious, willing to learn and try new things, but he didn’t know how adventurous she was when it came to food. “I just hope you’re not one of those women who eat nothing but salad.”

Dominique smirked. “Does it look like I skip meals?”

Seizing the opportunity to check her out, he leaned sideways, allowing his gaze to creep up and down her chest and hips. Dominique King was a fox, and seeing her womanly curves made his head spin. If he was in the market for a girlfriend, she would be at the top of his list.

“I’m not disciplined enough to follow a strict diet. I like French bread way too much!”

Marcel raised his glass. “Then may this be the first of many lunch dates,” he proposed. “Here’s to good food, great conversation and plenty of wine.”

They clinked glasses.

“Welcome to the Seoul Kitchen. What can I get for you today?”

While the waiter took their orders, Marcel checked out his stunning lunch companion. Dominique’s brown hair enhanced the golden undertones of her skin, and tiny freckles dotted her cheeks. In this day and age, meeting a woman with model-like looks and intelligence was next to impossible, and he felt his attraction to her growing. He loved her presence, her aura and how effortlessly she held his attention. No easy feat, considering how many things he had on the go.

“How long have you lived in Seattle?”

“Five years,” he said, drawing his eyes away from the curve of her mouth. “I got my undergraduate degree at Seattle University and liked the program so much that I decided to stay to complete my doctorate. I was born and raised in Mauritius though, and my family still lives there.”

“I’ve heard of the country before, but I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know where it is.”

“Don’t be embarrassed. Few people do.”

Sucked in by his smile, she inched forward, bent on committing the impending geography lesson to memory. Dominique knew a lot of great-looking men, but she’d never met someone like Marcel Benoit. The intelligent, soft-spoken graduate student was in a class all by himself.

“Mauritius is a tiny island on the African coast, about six hundred miles east of Madagascar,” he explained. “Indian, European and French influences created a remarkable land rich with culture and people who are as complex and diverse as the country itself.”

“It sounds like my kind of place. What do you recommend I do if I ever go there?”

He rested his elbows on the table, his eyes aglow with desire, his body emanating a slow-burning passion. “Let me know when you’re ready to make the trip. I’d love to show you around, and I know the best places to watch the sun rise.”

His voice floated across the table, tickling her ears. He didn’t touch her, but his words evoked lustful thoughts. Determined to withstand the heat, she took a long sip of her drink. Something told Dominique that if she didn’t get a grip she’d wake up tomorrow morning in Marcel’s bed, so she quit making eyes at him. “Do you go back home often?”

“Not as much as I’d like. I went home last year when my father died, and depending on what happens after graduation, I might return to Mauritius permanently.”

At the thought of not seeing him again, she felt a deep ache in her chest. “It must be hard being away from your family. I talk to my sisters every day, and they’re always dropping by my place for one thing or the other. Life would be pretty boring if I didn’t have them around.”

The server returned with a plate of raw meat, turned on the built-in stove in the middle of the table and plunked long strips of seasoned beef and shrimp on it.

Marcel’s stomach rumbled. The scent of the sautéed onions whet his taste buds, but it was Dominique’s sweet smile that incited his sexual hunger. When the waiter departed, Marcel picked up the tongs and added more peppers to the grill. “You have an advanced degree in finance, and a managerial position at First Centennial Trust, so what made you decide to become a masseuse? The economy’s not that bad, is it?”

Marcel loved the sound of her laugh, and when she spoke, he had to remind himself this was nothing more than an innocent lunch date. He had a habit of moving too fast, and his last relationship had been a painful reminder that he had to take his time instead of diving headfirst into love. Furthermore, he had too much going on in his life to get caught up with another high-maintenance woman. A six-figure income and a lavish home were all prerequisites for dating a sister like Dominique, and even if he drained his trust fund and cashed in all of his business investments he wouldn’t be able to afford a woman like her.

“When I was younger I had dreams of owning a day spa, but my dad wouldn’t hear of it. So I went to college, got my business degree and applied at the bank,” she explained. “For fun, I took a massage therapy training course with a friend last year. I like working at the spa, but it’s just a side gig. Trust me, there’s no way I’m ever quitting my day job!”

Seeing the food was ready, Marcel dished rice, vegetables and meat onto Dominique’s plate. He handed it to her, and when their eyes met his heart stalled. Her smile widened, revealing even white teeth, and he found himself wondering what it would feel like to kiss her. “Bon appétit.”

“Everything smells really good,” Dominique noted, draping a napkin over her lap.

“Allow me.” Using chopsticks, Marcel picked up some shrimp and extended his right hand. “Tell me this isn’t the best thing you’ve ever tasted.”

She opened her mouth and chewed slowly. “This is delicious. I can’t believe this place is around the corner from the bank and I’ve never even tried it before.”

“I told you you’d like the food here. Want some more?”
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