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The Christmas Campaign

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He shook two tablets from a bottle and popped them in his mouth, and then shed his jacket. “Is anyone else in here hot?”

The room was warm, and the head of the transportation department got up and adjusted the thermostat. In minutes cool air circulated around them.

“At least it’s not just me.” Hugh loosened his tie and glanced around the table. “We’re not going to settle this in the work session. We may as well table it until the council meeting.” He nodded to Betty. “Put them together as the last point of business, and let’s move on to other matters.”

The remaining items listed on the agenda were quickly dealt with. “Okay, let’s adjourn until five o’clock in the boardroom.”

Nicole checked the time. Only ten minutes before the meeting was scheduled to start. Enough time to get some answers. She hunted Jake down. “Are you and Peter working together, or competing for the same building?”

He grimaced. “Competing, unfortunately.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before you recruited me for help?”

“He’d mentioned a youth center, but when I asked you to help me, I didn’t know he’d present something tonight.”

“You still should have mentioned it.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’ll try to remember that for the future. Will dinner after the meeting make up for it? Maybe Venelli’s...they have great pizza.”

She rolled her eyes. “Charm won’t get you out of this one. And for the record, my support for your project will depend on numbers and your long-range plans, not dinner at Venelli’s. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get to my seat.” She started to walk away. “Oh, by the way, Peter asked me to go for coffee with him when we’re done here.”

Ouch. Had no one ever turned Jake down for Peter? One would think not from the look on his face. In a blink, he was back to his usual self with twinkling eyes and sideways grin. “It’s only fair to warn you I always get my way...eventually.”

She laughed and walked out of the boardroom, almost bumping into Peter.

“I’m sorry.”

Peter ran his fingers through his blond hair, catching the lock that had fallen over his forehead. The one she’d been tempted to brush back herself because it was so uncharacteristic of him. She’d never seen Peter anything but put together.

He glanced past her, and his shoulders stiffened. “Jake has a good proposal,” he said. Then he looked at her. “I really would like to have coffee afterward. I’d like to talk to you about the youth center.”

At least he was being honest. That wasn’t fair. Jake had been up front about why he’d wanted to have lunch with her. “I think I can spare you a few minutes.”

“Good. Have you ever written a tax-exempt application? Because I haven’t even looked at what’s involved.”

“I helped write one for the art guild. I might be able to give you a few pointers.”

“Thank goodness.” He nodded toward the mayor. “I need to see him a minute.”

Jake approached her again as she climbed the podium to take her seat. She couldn’t help but notice that the cousins had the same blue eyes. Yep, Jacob O’Neil was every bit as good-looking as Peter, but in a different way.

With his Irish features, he was really more handsome than Peter, more dangerous in a sense. Like the bad boy in movies that always got the girl. Peter had more of the California surfer look. She wasn’t sure which of the two might be more trouble to her heart.

Nicole drew in a deep breath. No way was she setting herself up for another Stuart. Neither Jake nor Peter would cause her a problem as long as she remembered why they had suddenly started paying so much attention to her.

“I really do want to apologize,” Jake said. “And if you won’t go out with me tonight, how about some other time?”

And the game was on. She crossed her arms. So this was the way a deer felt in the crosshairs of two hunters. “Call me tomorrow.”

“I don’t have your cell phone number.” He cocked his head. “How about giving it to me and then agreeing to go to dinner tomorrow night? Unless you want to ditch Peter and grab something to eat tonight.”

Her mother would be ecstatic if she knew both Jake and Peter were trying to get dates with her. Too bad she wasn’t telling her. Nicole fished a card from her purse and handed it to him.

“That takes care of question one, and for the second question, I’m not ditching Peter or anyone else. It would be the wrong thing to do. You see, I have a conscience.” Nicole almost laughed at the way his shoulders drooped.

His grin was back instantly. “I was only joking. I knew you wouldn’t do it. But I really would like to take you out tomorrow night.”

“Look, you don’t have to take me to dinner to get my vote. If it’s something I think will benefit the city, and we can afford it, I’ll vote for it. On the other hand, if I don’t like it, I’ll vote against it, dinner or no dinner.”

He pressed his hands to his chest. “You know, you’ve totally wounded me. I’m not trying to influence your vote. My proposed senior center stands on its own merit. Unlike my cousin, I simply want to get to know you better. You’ve flown under my radar way too long.”

Evidently, he’d inherited the Irish blarney from the O’Neils, as well.

* * *

PETER TOOK HIS regular place to the right of the mayor for the open city council meeting. At least the agenda was light tonight, other than his and Jake’s proposals.

He glanced across at Nicole on the end. Her cheeks were flushed, and she seemed to be looking at someone in the audience. He followed the direction of her gaze to his cousin, who was definitely flirting with her.

An overpowering impulse to protect her from Jake rose in his chest. She was out of her league with his cousin, much too innocent for the likes of him. He was a love ’em and leave ’em type of guy, and had probably dated every eligible woman in Cedar Grove except Nicole. The last Peter heard, Jake was dating someone in Memphis.

With a start, he realized the city clerk had rapped her gavel, and they all stood for the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. After everyone was seated, Betty explained that the first item on the agenda had been moved to the end of the meeting and called the next person to the front.

It didn’t take long to work through the points of business and the reports from the different department heads. When Betty called his name and Jake’s, Peter raised his hand.

“Can we dispense with the permit to hold the dance before we address the other items?” he asked when she acknowledged him.

Betty glanced at Jake, and he shrugged. “Go ahead.”

Peter presented his request for the permit, and Betty asked if there were any questions.

Cal Sheridan doodled on the notepad in front of him. “Why do we need a New Year’s Eve dance for teenagers?”

Peter turned to him. “Last year two teens were involved in a wreck coming home from Jackson. They’d gone there because there were no dances in Cedar Grove. The parents came to me last summer, asking if we couldn’t do something about getting more youth activities here.”

Sheridan held up the agenda. “One of the things you’re asking for is a permit to renovate the building. I’d like to know exactly who owns the building and will it be up to code for a dance?”

“The building belongs to my grandfather’s estate, and it’s up to code now. It already has offices that can be used for mentoring and other kinds of classes. The renovation permit is to put in a basketball court and dressing rooms, that sort of thing. It has nothing to do with the dance.”

Boyd Anderson spoke up. “I, for one, would like to see it approved. I think we need a place around here for the teenagers on New Year’s Eve.” He turned to Peter. “How many chaperones will you have?”

“I have commitments from at least fifteen people. And the police chief said he’d send over a few patrolmen.”

Nicole leaned forward. “I move that we grant the permit for the dance.”

“Second,” Anderson said.

When it came up for vote, Cal abstained and the others voted yes. Peter relaxed. One down.
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