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His Best Friend

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“Just go, John.”

He sighed. The kindest thing he could do now was clear out fast. “Do you want me to write you a check now for what I think my share of this month’s expenses will be?”

She bit her lip.

He knew she was torn between telling him to drop dead and the necessity to be practical. Setting his things down, he dug out his checkbook. Best to make it as easy as possible for her. He filled in a generous amount and placed the check on the coffee table.

“I left my key on the dresser,” he said, picking up his bags again.


He hesitated. He had to say something. Finally, he settled for, “Take care, Al.” Then, with a heavy heart, he quietly let himself out the door.

Claudia smiled as her Marketing 2255, Principles of Selling students noisily filed out of the classroom. When the last one had passed through the open doorway, she sat back in relief. Although she’d been teaching at Bayou City College for almost a month now, she still felt like a rank newbie. She wondered how long it would be before she felt like a real professor.

A real professor.

Professor Hathaway.

Every time one of her students called her Professor Hathaway, she wanted to laugh. It seemed so incredible that she was actually here. She was thrilled to have landed this job. Thrilled to be teaching in Houston and at such a fine college. Thrilled to be considered valuable on her own merits and not because she was a Hathaway.

Here at the college, no one even knew she was part of the Hathaway baking empire, and that was the way she wanted it to stay. Claudia needed to be judged for herself, not for her family’s wealth and influence.

People who didn’t have money thought those who did led a charmed life. Yes, it was nice not to have to worry about what things cost, to lead a comfortable, sheltered life, but there was a downside to that kind of wealth, too. You never knew if people liked you for yourself or because of what they imagined you could do for them.

Claudia knew firsthand what could happen. She had a couple of bad experiences behind her, and she didn’t want to add another if she could help it. So she intended to keep her family background a secret as long as possible.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Claudia jumped. She’d been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard anyone enter. “Philip. Hi.”

Philip Larkin, the CFO at the college, smiled down at her. “Got a few minutes?”

“Sure.” From the hopeful expression on his face, Claudia knew Philip was probably going to ask her out again. On Monday, she’d finally said yes, and on Wednesday—today was Friday—they’d gone to an early movie after her last class, then stopped for pizza afterward.

She’d had a good time. Philip was very nice—a considerate, thoughtful date. He was nice-looking, too, with thick brown hair and blue eyes. On top of that, he actually listened to her instead of constantly talking about himself, the way so many guys seemed to do.

Despite everything in his favor, Claudia didn’t know if she wanted to go out with Philip again. She’d been telling herself it was because she wasn’t certain it was a good idea to date a colleague, especially one in the administrative end of the school.

But the truth was, Claudia felt no spark of attraction to Philip. It was a shame, too, because in addition to his other attributes, he was intelligent and obviously a really decent guy.

What’s wrong with you? Do you think nice-looking, decent men with good jobs grow on trees?

She almost laughed at the thought, because it sounded so much like something her sisters would say. Her mother, of course, would want to know his pedigree.

“My cousin is turning thirty on Sunday,” Philip said now. “She’s invited some friends over to celebrate with her tomorrow night. I’d really like to take you to the party with me.”

Claudia picked up a paper clip.

Philip sat on the edge of her desk. As always, he was dressed impeccably in spotless slacks, dress shirt and tie. Claudia knew he’d probably also worn a sport coat this morning, but imagined it was hanging in his office. “There’ll be an interesting bunch of people there,” he continued. “I think you’d enjoy meeting them. Jennifer—that’s my cousin—works for one of the local TV stations here. She’s a program coordinator—” He grinned. “She says that means she’s in charge of all the grunt work.”

Claudia turned the paper clip round and round in her hand. “Look, Philip, I’m really not good with lots of people I don’t know—”

“I promise you. You’ll enjoy it. Jen’s brother is going to be there, too. John’s a documentary filmmaker. He’s been working in Austin the past six years, but he’s in the process of moving to Houston. He won’t know most of the people there, either, so you won’t be the only one.”

“Oh, I don’t know…”

“Come on. It’ll be fun. You’ll like these people, especially Jen. She’s a sweetheart.”

“Well…” Claudia decided she was being stupid. There weren’t exactly dozens of guys lined up waiting to take her out. And after all, going out with Philip didn’t mean she had to marry him. Besides, the party did sound like fun. “All right,” she finally said. “You talked me into it.”

“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Philip grinned all the way back to his office. Yes! She’d said yes. What he would have done if she’d continued to say no, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was, where Claudia was concerned, he had no intention of giving up. Since Emily there had been no one he’d cared about, but that had all changed a month ago when Claudia had begun teaching at the college.

He’d known the moment he met her that she was special and that she was going to be important to him. He’d have felt foolish saying that to anyone, even John, but it was true. Philip had never believed in love at first sight, feeling that it took time to fall in love, that it was important to be friends first, that real love wasn’t based on physical attraction but mutual interests and ideas.

Yet with Claudia, all those long-held beliefs flew out the window. It still amazed him that he could have fallen in love so quickly…and so hard.

He couldn’t wait for John and Jen to meet her. It would be interesting to see what their reaction was. John, he knew, would see exactly what it was that had ensnared Philip so quickly, but women were different.

What if Jen didn’t like Claudia? Would that make a difference?

Philip was so caught up in his thoughts, he jumped when Sarah Frost, his assistant, spoke to him.

“Sorry, I wasn’t listening,” he said.

“I said Dean Channing has called a meeting.” Her dark eyes looked somber.

Philip frowned. “What’s wrong?” But he was afraid he knew.

Sarah lowered her voice after first looking around to make sure no one else was in earshot. “I think it’s about Professor Tate.”

Philip swore under his breath. Just what he needed today. A week ago, Jeffrey Tate had been accused of sexual harassment by one of the sophomores. He swore he was innocent. The girl’s parents were threatening to sue if Tate wasn’t fired. But Philip knew Dean Channing was afraid Tate would sue if he was.

“All right,” Philip said in resignation. “Print out all the information on Professor Tate’s salary and benefits package, will you? I’d better be ready for anything when I get there.”

All thoughts of Claudia were pushed from Philip’s mind as he headed for his office.

After Philip went back to the administrative wing, Claudia began to clear off her desk. She had given a pop quiz in the form of an essay assignment to her Composition I class—much to their dismay—and she would have to read and grade the papers tonight. And she needed to read ahead for the Principles of Marketing class, which met tomorrow. And there was nothing in her condo to eat, which meant she’d better stop at the supermarket on the way home. She sighed. She’d better get a move on if she hoped to get everything done.

Claudia taught two classes of Composition I, which was a first-year course; one class of Composition II, a second-year course; two classes of Principles of Selling; and one class of Principles of Marketing—a total of 18 classroom hours a week. What with lesson planning, grading papers and tests, special projects and other related duties, it was a heavy load, especially for a first-year professor, but Claudia didn’t mind. She loved teaching, particularly at this level. She’d found she had a natural rapport with her students, especially once they realized she had hands-on marketing experience herself.

With all her belongings packed into her tote, she slung her handbag over her shoulder and headed out to the parking lot. The late September heat blasted her when she exited the air-conditioned building. And when she unlocked the Jeep, it felt like an oven inside. After tossing her stuff into the back, she took off her brown linen jacket, exposing the white tank top she wore underneath.

With her favorite rock station blasting—and Claudia singing along in her slightly off-key voice—she edged the Jeep into Southwest Freeway traffic and headed south toward the Loop and her Galleria-area condo. Traffic was already heavy and it was only four o’clock on a Wednesday afternoon. But then, traffic always seemed to be heavy here.
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