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Meet Mr. Prince / Once a Cowboy...: Meet Mr. Prince

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“Oh, really? A widower? What’s he like?”

“He’s very nice. I wasn’t sure I was going to like him, but I do.”

“Well, that’s good. How old are his children?”

“He’s got two daughters, ten and three, and a son. I’m not sure how old the boy is, but I think he’s the middle child.”

“Oh, that’s sad, they’re so young. How did his wife die?”

“Honestly, Mom, I don’t know. I just know she did.”

“What’s his name? Is he attractive?”

Georgie rolled her eyes. “His name is Zachary Prince. And yes, he’s attractive. But I’m not interested in him as anything other than an employer and a possible friend. So don’t get any ideas.”

“I just asked a simple question, Georgie.”

“Yeah, right. I know you. That was more than a simple question.”

Her mother laughed. “No sense arguing with you. I never win. You’ll think what you want to think, anyway.”

By now Georgie was outside and had bravely stepped off the curb to try to get a cab. Unfortunately, at this time of night, every single cab seemed to be occupied. Shoot. She should have allowed for that contingency and left earlier.

“Well, honey, have a good time. Call me tomorrow and tell me all about it.”

“Okay,” Georgie said. “I will. So what’s up with you? Anything new?” Deciding to put her mother on the spot for a change, she added, “Seen Uncle Harry lately?”

“Actually, I just talked to him. In fact, I—” She broke off. “Oh, darn, someone’s at the door. I’d better go. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

It wasn’t until Georgie had finally hailed a cab and was on her way to Zach’s apartment that she thought about her mother’s call again. Had her mother wanted something other than to find out how Georgie was doing? For some reason, Georgie had gotten the impression something was on her mother’s mind. Well, if there had been, Cornelia would call her again. Because if there was one thing Georgie knew for sure about her mother, it was this: when Cornelia Fairchild wanted something, she doggedly pursued her goal.

As evidenced by the way she is still trying to find a man for me.

Georgie grimaced. Good thing her mother had no clue that Georgie was attracted to Zach, because if she did … she’d never give up. For the first time since arriving in New York, Georgie was extremely glad there were thousands of miles between her and her family.

This way, if Georgie forgot everything she’d decided about steering clear of Zach after tonight and ended up making a fool of herself, at least no one else would ever know.

“And this,” Zach said, “is Jeremy.”

Georgie smiled at the dark-haired youngster standing before her. Bright blue eyes the exact shade of his father’s stared back at her. In fact, Jeremy Prince was a miniature Zach. He would be a heartbreaker when he grew up. “Hi, Jeremy.”

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