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Rocky Mountain Brides: Raising the Rancher's Family

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The following weekend was the Silver R roundup.

It wasn’t a large herd, but Holt needed help to bring the cattle in for branding. More men than Holt had expected showed up at dawn. All Zach had told him was that he had contacted enough neighbors to get the job done. The foreman had said nothing about the men bringing their families.

By midmorning, the mamas and bawling calves had been separated into the holding pens. Up at the house another crowd had gathered, then Leah and Claire Keenan ushered the bevy of women into the house.

“Relax,” Zach told Holt. “This is how we do things in Colorado. Neighbors help out neighbors.”

“There are so many people. How are we going to feed all these…neighbors?”

Zach nodded toward the women, and Holt saw the answer in the parade of dishes being carried into the house. “I don’t think you have to worry on that score, either. Leah and Claire have things in hand. Now, let me show you how to brand a calf.”

After the next few hours Holt decided he had never been so dirty, or so tired. Since he wasn’t an experienced roper, he ended up being the one who held down the calves to brand. It seemed like an easy job, but that changed after he’d gotten kicked in nearly every part of his body. Dust filled his eyes and nose, and the stench of burning fur and flesh hung in the air.

“Hey, Holt,” a neighbor, Bart Young, announced. “The ladies are calling us to eat.”

Holt turned to find that a number of tables had been set up under the trees on one side of the house. One table was covered with food and some men were already in line to eat.

His stomach growled. “Then I guess we better go eat.”

As the men washed under the water spigot next to the house, Holt looked around for Leah and found her with Corey. The boy had been a little help earlier, but now he was off to play with his friend, Mason.

Leah glanced over her shoulder and smiled at Holt. Sudden warmth spread through his veins clear down to his toes. The memory of their kiss the other night flashed into his mind. How he wanted to replay it again…and again. He quickly shook away the thoughts that would only get him in trouble.

“Well, look at you, Mr. Big City Boy,” Leah greeted him.

“I guess I am pretty dirty.”

“Ranching is a dirty business.” She gave him a slow once-over. “It seems to suit you, though. How are you handling it?”

He shrugged. “Not bad, but I’ll probably be black and blue by tomorrow.”

“One good thing, you’ll be so sore that you probably won’t even notice the bruises.”

They both laughed.

“You should get some food,” she said.

He glanced at the heaping platters of fried chicken, and the overflowing bowls of salads. “Zach says I have you to thank for organizing this.” He took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “I guess I never thought about food for today.”

“I figured,” she said. “And since there isn’t any pizza delivery out here, I called Mom and she got the women together to arrange this.”

“I’m indebted to her, too.”

Leah frowned. Would she ever get through to this man? “These people don’t want you to feel indebted. They’re doing this because John was a friend and neighbor. And I have no doubt that you’ll be just as willing to help them, too. Now, you better eat. You still have work to do this afternoon.”

“Only if you join me.”

She hesitated. The whole town was watching their every move anyway, so why not? “Sure. I’ll fix you a plate while you clean up.

“Great. Just make sure you get me some of whatever your mother made.” Grinning, he started walking as he popped the snaps on his shirt.

She managed a quick glance as his broad chest came into view. Then all too soon, Holt turned away and she started for the buffet to discover the other wives smiling at her.

She ignored them. What was the big deal? So Holt had kissed her a few times. Okay, so they’d been mind-blowing kisses. There wasn’t any law against that.

Leah picked up a plate, scooped up her mother’s potato salad, a few deviled eggs, two pieces of chicken and a roll. She then went to find two empty chairs at the table. Going back, she got her own food, but when she returned she found another visitor had arrived at the ranch.

Kaley Sims was dressed in a hot-pink tank top and jeans. She had taken Leah’s seat, but as close as she was to Holt, she might as well have been sitting in his lap.

Looking guilty, Holt stood when Leah arrived at the table. “Leah, you’re back.” He pulled out the chair on his other side. “Look who’s here,” he said as he nodded at Kaley.

“Hi, Leah,” Kaley said, but her attention was on Holt.

“Kaley, what a surprise.” Leah forced a smile. “Since when do you come to roundups?” She doubted the woman ever wore her boots for anything besides dancing.

With an innocent smile, Kaley leaned in closer to Holt, nearly spilling out of her tank top. “I heard that Holt was having his first roundup, and I had to bring by a pie.”

“That was thoughtful of you,” Holt said as he tried to concentrate on his food. “This chicken is good, Leah.”

“I made it,” she admitted, pretty sure that Kaley had purchased her pie at the bakery.

Kaley sighed. “Oh, Leah, you and your sisters are all such good cooks. The kitchen just isn’t the room I’m the best in.”

Leah choked on her food.

“Are you okay?” Holt asked.

She nodded. “Some food just went down the wrong way.” She turned to the woman. “Well, if you want to help, you could stay and wash dishes.”

Kaley glared at her. “I’m sorry to say I can’t. I need to pick up my daughter.” She stood and placed her hand on Holt’s shoulder and bent her head toward him. “Maybe another time. Holt, I’m in town and in the book.”

Leah clenched her fists under the table.

“Thanks for stopping by,” Holt called as she walked away.

Never looking at Leah, he returned to eating. “All that work this morning makes a person hungry,” he said.

Too bad Leah had lost her appetite. “It’s a shame Kaley couldn’t stay.” She stabbed at her food. “She’s so…attentive.”

Holt stopped eating, a faint trace of a grin starting. “I didn’t notice.”

She stood. “You would have to be dead not to notice Kaley Sims.”

Holt stopped her. “Will you sit down? I’m not interested in Kaley.”

“I couldn’t care less either way,” she fibbed. “But fair warning, Kaley always gets what she goes after…and she’s coming after you.”

Leah turned and marched off toward the house, hating that she’d let herself care. But she did care, darn it. Especially when she knew that Holt had a life here, and she wasn’t going to be staying.
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