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Count On A Cowboy

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Was Brooke that innocent, or was she playing a game? Either way, she was making it impossible to concentrate...on his meal. “You do if you want to run a successful operation.”

She took a bite of eggs, and his attention went to her mouth. “I thought you were renting out fishing and hunting cabins.”

He picked up a strip of bacon and ate half in one bite. “You can do both. Rory and I raise cattle first, a mama-and-calf operation, but it’s a good idea to have another source of income, especially during the lean years. Besides, I like to hunt and fish.”

“Is this a lean year?”

“It’s not too bad. There’s been enough water and grass for the herd. Why are you so interested?”

With her fair skin he could easily see her blush. “Just curious about my sister growing up here.” She shrugged. “And I’ve lived in Las Vegas all my life. The desert is beautiful, but so different from Colorado.”

“I’m not a fan of the desert. Over the years, I saw far too much of it.” He fought to keep those memories at bay. He pointed to the window. “I prefer the Rocky Mountains in my backyard.”

“So you were born and raised here?”

More questions, he thought. “Until I was fourteen when my parents divorced. I moved to Denver with my mom.”

“I’m sorry.” She offered him a hesitant smile. “At least you got to come back to live here.”

For far too many years he’d lost touch with his dad. He’d regret that forever and that he’d never gotten to see his little brother grow up... “Yeah, I got to come back here.”

Before Brooke could speak again, his cell phone rang. Trent took it out of his pocket. “It’s Rory. I’ll be right back.” He got up from the table as he pressed the talk button and walked out to the mudroom. He needed privacy for what he had to say.

“Rory. What the hell is going on?” he asked.

“Good morning to you, too,” the older man answered.

Trent ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorry, I’ve been worried. Another hour and I’d be in my truck and headed for Denver. Is everyone okay?”

“Yes, we’re fine. And no, we haven’t found Jack. Every place that Laurel knew about turned out to be a dead end.”

“How about letting your friends know you’re all right?”

“I was hoping to have some news to tell you before I called, but no such luck.”

Trent turned around to see Brooke watching him from the other room. “How about that I have some important news for you.”

“Has that creep come back to Hidden Springs?”

“No, Aldrich hasn’t shown up. That would be too easy for us.”

“Yeah, and if you’d gotten ahold of him...all that would be left would be to dispose of the body.” A laugh came over the line. “I know you Special Forces types. Get in and get out before anyone knows what happened.”

“Believe me, I wish I had a chance with this guy, but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Trent paused, trying to figure out how to phrase his words. “This is a different matter altogether.”

There was a pause, then Rory said, “Just tell me straight out, son.”

“You had a visitor show up yesterday right after you left. A woman named Brooke Harper. She says she’s Laurel’s half sister.”

“The hell you say?”

“Strange, but true. Rory, have you ever known a woman by the name of Coralee Harper?”

There was more silence, then Rory finally spoke. “Coralee Harper came to the ranch?”

“No, but her daughter, Brooke Harper, arrived yesterday just hours after you all left.”

Rory cursed.

“So Laurel’s adopted?” Trent already knew the answer, but needed Rory to confirm it.

“Since I’m Laurel’s biological father there was no adoption, I got full custody. It cost me enough money to get Coralee to sign my daughter over to me. And she was never supposed to contact me or Laurel again.”

“Well, Coralee’s other daughter is sitting in your kitchen, waiting to see Laurel.”

“Get her the hell out of there.”

“Hear me out first, Rory,” he said, wondering why he was playing Miss Harper’s advocate. Yet, he found himself calming Rory down and telling him the story about Coralee’s Alzheimer’s and her wanting to see Laurel one last time.

“No way. That woman has caused me enough problems. I’m not sure I even believe this story. It’s more than likely Coralee just wants more money.”

“That’s why you need to tell Laurel, and let her decide if she wants to come home and meet her sister.”

He heard the long sigh, then the curse. “We always meant to tell Laurel, but we kept putting it off. Damn, I knew this would happen...” Rory’s voice wandered off.

“Well, it looks like you don’t have a choice now.”

“Okay, then you tell me just how in the hell do I do it?”

“Like you always tell me, straight-out.”

“I guess you’re right.” Rory released a long breath. “I need to ask you another favor. Trent, could you have that friend of yours, the PI, investigate Coralee? And have him look into Aldrich, too. The police here haven’t been able to help us.”

“Consider it done. I’ll contact Cody Marsh today. So when should I expect you back here?”

“Give us a few days,” Rory said. “You’re right, Diane and I need to explain all this to Laurel. This news—and she’s still dealing with the aftershocks of Aldrich’s betrayal—is going to take some time.”

“So you want me to send Brooke back to Las Vegas?”

“No, I don’t want her to leave until you find out the truth. Do you think you can keep her there a little while longer? If Coralee is running a scam, I swear... Just keep her there.”

“I’ll do my best. But please, Rory, just get back here soon.”

After promising to stay in touch by phone, Trent hung up and walked back into the kitchen. He wasn’t about to apologize for wanting privacy. “Rory asks if you’ll stay a few days until he gets back. So how about I show you around the ranch?”

* * *
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