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The Cowboy Comes Home

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“I hear you’re the fancy horse trainer that Clay hired.”

It had been only twenty-four hours since his arrival in town and already the news of his arrival had spread. “I guess you heard right. I’m a horse trainer, and Clay Calhoun hired me.”

The guy nodded and held out his hand. “Gus Everett.”

He shook it. “Johnny Jameson.”

“Good to meet you, Johnny. If I’d been Clay I would have put that good-for-nothin’ horse out of its misery a long time ago. But that wasn’t Clay. He loved that black devil of a stallion.” The old man shook his head and Johnny could see the sadness in his eyes. “Damn, I miss that old cuss. Best friend a man could ask for.”

“I’ve been hearing that a lot.”

“Take it as gospel, son.”

Gus also shared the history of the Calhouns. The founding family had made a fortune in breeding stock and horses, but also in oil. They had made good investments that helped ward off drought and low beef prices. They still ran a sizable mixed Angus and Hereford herd on Calhoun land.

After Johnny had finally gotten away from Gus, he drove to a mom-and-pop grocery store called the Smart Mart to pick up some staples—bread, milk and some lunch meat for sandwiches. He walked up and down the four short aisles, pushing his cart past the limited selection. He turned a corner and found a pleasant surprise. Well, well, Ms. Jess Calhoun shops, too.

He couldn’t help but stare. The woman was beautiful. Her hair was tied back in her usual braid, showing off her delicate bone structure and flawless skin. Her eyes had caught his attention yesterday. Although she was looking away, he’d memorized the color. Aged whiskey came to mind. She bent over and his gaze moved over her dark slacks that covered her shapely hips and legs. Oh, yeah, someone like Jess could get your blood going on a cold morning.

“Excuse me, would you know where the mustard is?”

She turned around. “Oh, Johnny,” she gasped, and the sound conjured up a whole different scenario.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“You didn’t, I just didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Men have to shop, too.”

“Of course.” She glanced down at his cart. “Are you getting settled in?”

“Yes, I got just what I need here.”

She put on a smile. “Good. How is Storm today?”

“Ornery as ever.”

This time her smile was genuine. “Sorry. He isn’t going to be easy to train. You’re going to have your hands full.”

“That’s why you pay me. I do the hard jobs.”

Jess wasn’t sure what was keeping her asking questions. She really didn’t need to get friendly with another drifting cowboy. When she looked him in the eyes it was as if she was mesmerized. Not good.

She started pushing her cart to one of the two checkouts. She went to one and Johnny went to the other.

Somehow they ended up walking outside the store together. She spoke to people passing by on the main street. They openly eyed Johnny and she did some quick introductions.

“This is a friendly town,” Johnny said.

She nodded as they walked to the parking lot, which happened to be the one that all the downtown stores used. “Larkville is small, but we have pretty much what we need.”

She nodded across the street. “Hal’s Drug and Photo. You can get a prescription while your pictures are developed.”


“Our town hall.” She pointed to the two-story stone building. “Our mayor is Johanna Hollis—she was just elected this past year. It took a lot to get a woman in office. Farther down the street is the Lone Star Mercantile. If you need a pair of jeans, or a saddle, that’s where you’d go.”

Johnny looked up and down the two-lane street as if he were searching for something. “Is there a good place to eat?”

“That would be Gracie May’s Diner. Best coffee around.”

“How about lunch?”

She nodded. “The food is good, too.”

He smiled and it did funny things to her stomach. “What I meant, Jess, is would you have lunch with me?”

“Oh, I can’t.” She shook her head quickly, trying to think up an excuse. “I have to pick up Brady from school.”

“Then bring him along. I want to thank you for having me to supper last night.”

“That’s not necessary. Really.”

He gave a sly smile. “Surely you aren’t going to let me eat alone.”

She knew this man didn’t need her sympathy. Any woman would be willing to go, including her, she had to admit. “Okay, give me fifteen minutes to get Brady from school. I’ll meet you there.” Jess walked away, fighting the need to run. To run far from this man and the feelings he’d created in her.

After getting Brady from preschool, Jess walked him to Gracie May’s. She hated that she felt nervous. When had been the last time she’d had lunch with a man? High school?

Most of all she didn’t want Brady getting too attached to Johnny. Maybe that was why she hadn’t explained the plan to meet Johnny for lunch to her son. The child was already intrigued by the man. Suddenly Brady had an interest in horses, but it seemed to be also about the man.

“Mom, can I have French fries?”

She’d rather he ate something healthier, but said, “This once.”

She opened the door to the old storefront diner and looked around. It had been built in the fifties and not much had changed. It had worn linoleum floors and cracked red vinyl-covered booths. A lunch counter ran along the length of the restaurant, and every stool was filled. The place was crowded for lunch. Good. Several customers were eating her pies.

She glanced around for her lunch date. No, it wasn’t a date, she chided herself. She finally found Johnny sitting in a booth along the window.

“Mom, Johnny’s here.”

“I see that.”

They both walked over as Johnny stood next to his table. “Hi, Brady.”

“Hi, Johnny. Are we going to have lunch with you?”

“I’d like it if you two would join me.”
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