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The Russian Rivals: The Most Coveted Prize / The Power of Vasilii

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International bestseller Penny Jordan’s RUSSIAN RIVALS novels: Two ruthless men… Two vulnerable women…THE MOST COVETED PRIZERussian tycoon Kiryl has one rival, who has a younger, over-protected half-sister, Alena… Kiryl’s master plan is to seduce the tantalisingly beautiful Alena, then use her to blackmail her brother. It’s a winning situation for the Russian, until Alena discovers just how ruthlessly Kiryl has been using her…THE POWER OF VASILIILaura Westcotte is the only suitable candidate for the job as Russian millionaire Vasilii Demidov’s PA, but Vasilii is far too cynical ever to trust a woman – particularly one with a dubious reputation… Desperate for work, Laura must impress her chillingly complex new boss, but the magnetic power of her attraction to him terrifies her!
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