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The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt

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    A.D.M.S. Australian Force.

4. Distribution of Goods.– The distribution of goods was effected on requisition signed by the O.C. of the medical unit requiring them, transport was provided by the Red Cross Society to the railway station (usually by motor lorries) and at public expense on the railways. I soon learnt that in Egypt in time of war there is no certainty of the delivery of the goods to the proper quarter unless some one is sent with them. The railway officials will frequently hand over goods to a military officer without obtaining a receipt. Accordingly one or more orderlies were sent with every train conveying Red Cross goods. They handed the goods to the consignee and brought back the receipt.

In the Australian hospitals the distribution of goods was effected by two methods. Anything wanted from the central store could be obtained by requisition signed by the O.C. of the hospital, and countersigned by myself as Red Cross officer. Very large quantities of goods were thus transferred from the central store to the quartermaster's department. They were then issued in the ordinary way by requisition of the sisters or medical officers, and those receiving them were not aware whether they were receiving Red Cross goods or Ordnance goods. The system had the merit of extreme simplicity, and was very speedy in its operation. It certainly seemed at the time far less important that patients should know where the goods came from than that they should obtain them promptly. Later on the expediency of putting a Red Cross label on everything supplied became obvious and was adopted as a policy.

5. Scope of Operations.– At first the operations of the Society were confined to Egypt, but soon, in conjunction with the British Red Cross, goods were forwarded to the Dardanelles and elsewhere. The tables show the quantity of goods sent to transports in the Mediterranean and transports leaving for Australia. No request was ever refused. When dispatching goods to the Dardanelles it was considered better to act, as far as possible, through the British Red Cross Society.

On July 5 I wrote to General Birdwood, Commanding Officer A. and N.Z. Army Corps, asking him whether I could establish a Red Cross store at Anzac. He replied that it was impossible, but at his suggestion a Red Cross store at Mudros in the island of Lemnos was organised in conjunction with the British Red Cross Society. The Army Medical Corps at Anzac was then advised to requisition on Mudros. The difficulties, however, of landing goods at Mudros were very great – so great that the British Red Cross Society was compelled to buy launches and lighters. The Australian Red Cross Commissioners are about to supplement the purchase. The tables show the quantity and character of the goods sent forward in spite of many difficulties. It was often necessary to send an orderly in the hospital ship to Mudros and Anzac to ensure delivery.

6. Other Activities.– The British Red Cross Australian Branch arranged through the Y.M.C.A. for the free distribution of stationery to the soldiers in hospitals in Egypt. With the assistance of the Y.M.C.A. and some English ladies in Cairo a number of committees were formed to entertain the sick and wounded in various ways. A cinema was purchased, a small orchestra was engaged to visit the hospitals, bands of ladies agreed to take flowers and the like to the hospitals, and everything was done that could be done to render the tedium of convalescence less objectionable.

Large recreation huts were built at many of the hospitals at the expense of the Australian Branch.

This phase of the work should not be passed over without the most handsome acknowledgment to the English ladies in Cairo. These public-spirited ladies, headed by Mrs. Elgood, thoroughly organised what I may call the lighter side of hospital work, and not only by their personal attention, but also by their tactful skill, succeeded in making the conditions of the sick and wounded much more comfortable. Furthermore although we left Australia knowing that the Y.M.C.A. did good work in camps, yet the practical experience of the Y.M.C.A. work in Egypt has left an indelible impression on our minds. Headed by Mr. Jessop, their secretary, there was no service in connection with the sick and wounded which they failed to render when provided with the proper means. We felt the utmost confidence in entrusting them with any undertaking, provided that the position was clearly defined and provided that they were not hampered in their activities.

In passing it may be said that until June 15 the shortage of nurses and medical officers was considerable. Of lay helpers there were few in Cairo during the summer, and the principle was invariably adopted of using all existing agencies to cover the ground, the necessary support being given by the Red Cross Society. It was on this principle that Mrs. Elgood acted, it was on this principle that the Y.M.C.A. acted, and it is on this principle that all great organisations can be most successfully conducted. If it had become necessary to create an independent organisation to provide cinemas and bands, to disburse stationery in Egypt and at the Dardanelles, distribute flowers, fruit, games, etc., a very large number of soldiers would have been employed who were much better employed otherwise. Furthermore, they would not have done the work as well as Mrs. Elgood's staff or the Y.M.C.A.

7. Issue of Purchased Goods.– As the fund grew in volume it was decided to spend some of it in the purchase of articles desired by the men. A vote was taken at No. 1 Auxiliary Convalescent Depot (Luna Park) to ascertain the articles the men most desired – see appendix. Boxes containing a number of articles were issued to every patient on admission. This has involved an expenditure rising to £500 per month. A sample box has already been sent to Australia. In each box the following note was placed:

"The object of the Australian Red Cross Society is to provide comfort and help to the wounded and sick soldiers, such as hospital clothing, invalid comforts, tobacco, toilet necessaries, books, magazines, newspapers, and the like, and also recreation huts for entertainment, etc.

"These comforts are supplied over and above the hospital necessaries which the Commonwealth of Australia furnishes on so liberal a scale.

"The Society hopes that your stay in the hospital will be short and pleasant, and that your convalescence will be rapid so that you can speedily serve your country again. The Society asks you to accept the contents of this box as an indication of Australia's desire to help you."

8. Convalescent Home at Montazah.– The Montazah palace, which was owned by the late Khedive, was offered to Lady Graham by H.H. the Sultan as a Convalescent Home for soldiers. The British Red Cross Society and the Australian Branch combined and agreed to find £3,500 to equip it. This beautiful hospital consists of a number of buildings situated on the shore of the Mediterranean, with artificial harbours and provision for bathing, fishing, and boating. It is now in excellent order and is most successful.

While I think it was right to take a share in the erection of this convalescent home, which indeed could not have been obtained as a military hospital, it immediately raised in mind the consideration of the propriety of the Red Cross conducting hospitals in any circumstances. It is of course the English practice, and the special circumstances of Great Britain may make it necessary to erect Red Cross hospitals. The Commonwealth of Australia has never prevented the establishment of as many hospitals as may be considered necessary in the field. In my judgment it is better to limit the conduct of military hospitals and convalescent hospitals to official authority, leaving the Red Cross to supplement the work in the way already indicated. Otherwise the Red Cross is simply doing Governmental work. The Red Cross may do the work very well indeed, but the advantage is not obvious.

9. Motor Transport.– The motor ambulances presented by the Australian Branch have been housed in two garages, one at Heliopolis and the other at Gezira. They were both designed by Surgeon-General Williams and provided from Red Cross Funds. It is not too much to say that the organisation of the motor transport assisted materially in saving the position. For a long time, with the exception of some New Zealand ambulances, there were no other ambulances in Egypt. At Heliopolis a repairing plant was installed at Red Cross expense in order to reduce the cost of repairs.

There is no doubt that the British Red Cross Australian Branch was at the outset of exceptional service because it possessed on the spot stores, money, and motor transport.

10. Bureau of Inquiry.– The British Red Cross Society instituted a bureau of inquiry in order to obtain supplemental information about the sick and wounded. Inquiries on an elaborate scale are made at the office of the Commonwealth Government, but certain supplementary and private inquiries can be made with profit. The British Red Cross Society was requested to undertake such inquiries and to charge Australian Red Cross for the extra assistance necessitated.

11. Hospital Trains.– At an early stage steps were taken to equip hospital trains running from Alexandria to Cairo with everything the officers in charge required.

Furthermore, arrangements were made at Red Cross expense to provide a restaurant car on all trains conveying sick and wounded to Suez. For detailed arrangements see page 166 (#Page_166). This arrangement has proved of great benefit. The men obtained free lime juice and water and their rations. They could purchase in addition comforts at bed-rock prices. The innovation may seem a small one, but it was not effected without considerable trouble owing to shortage of rolling stock.

List of Red Cross Goods issued to Units fromend of March to September 3, 1915

Prepared by Staff-Sergeant Hudson

List of Red Cross Goods supplied from Storeapart from Other Goods purchased and supplied

Goods sent to Lemnos

Agreement made for Provision of Refreshmentsto Soldiers on Invalid Trains

1. The Restaurant Car can be placed on the train and the cost of same, £7 10s., guaranteed by Lieut. Colonel Barrett.

2. Meals will be provided for Commissioned Officers, P.T. 20 lunch or dinner, P.T. 5 afternoon tea, at stated times.

3. Meals and afternoon tea will be provided for N.C.O.s in the Restaurant Car at half price.

4. Sandwiches, P.T. 1, and non-alcoholic drinks (soda water, lemonade, etc.), P.T. 1, will be served in the cars by the attendants of the Restaurant Car to soldiers who desire to purchase them.

5. In addition, water will be provided in each carriage for the use of soldiers in fantasses, and lime juice will be supplied, two bottles in each carriage, free.

Notice to this effect will be posted in every carriage on the troop train.

July 1, 1915.

12. Soldiers' Clubs.– Reference has been made in the chapter on Venereal Diseases to the damage done to Australian troops in Egypt by venereal disease. Reference has also been made to the establishment of soldiers' clubs and recreation huts in various places to provide a counter-attraction to those entertainments furnished by the prostitute and her degraded male attendants. After the various repressive steps already referred to had been taken, an earnest attempt was made to organise this constructive work. The valuable assistance of Mr. Jessop and the Y.M.C.A. was again invited. The Y.M.C.A. proposed to build in Alexandria on the sea front a large building to be used as a central soldiers' club, and to be available for convalescents and the healthy. The Y.M.C.A. had only £250 available and required £1,000. The British Red Cross Society was appealed to and hesitated. A cable was dispatched to London, and an expenditure of £250 authorised. Surgeon-General Williams, after consultation with His Excellency Sir Henry MacMahon, the G.O.C. – in-Chief, Sir John Maxwell, and the D.M.S. Egypt, General Ford, decided to make a grant of £500 in addition for the purpose. The club was opened on September 12, and from its opening was a pronounced success. The soldier on leave, tramping about the streets of Alexandria, gets leg-weary and falls an easy victim to the wiles of the various agents abroad. He now can visit his own club, where the entry is free to all men in uniform. He there receives war telegrams, stationery, cheap and excellent meals, and enjoys various forms of entertainment. He meets his friends, and can spend the time under the most pleasant conditions. The building already requires extension, as the pressure on the accommodation is so great. Similar action was taken in Cairo, where after many unsuccessful attempts the Rink Theatre in the beautiful Esbekieh gardens was obtained, owing to the sympathetic help given by His Excellency Sir Henry MacMahon and other authorities. This open-air theatre is a little over an acre in extent, and is a valuable property. It had been leased to a restaurant keeper in the vicinity. Arrangements were made for the supply of light refreshments at bed-rock prices in the theatre, and other meals at low prices at the restaurant which is about fifty yards away. In addition a soldiers' club, managed by ladies, is equidistant, and at this comfortable resort refreshments are supplied in quiet rooms at low rates. Naturally the club has become a resort for all the soldiers in Cairo. Major Harvey, Commissioner of Police, has cleared the surrounding gardens of undesirable characters. The club was placed under the management of a joint committee of which Her Excellency Lady MacMahon is Patroness, and Lady Maxwell is President. The executive committee consists of three members of the Y.M.C.A., and the expenses of managing the club were provided by the British Red Cross Society, Australian Branch, for the first three months. It was soon found that in order to make the club successful the athletic element must be developed, and splendid programmes were arranged – boxing, fencing, skating contests, and the like. The club provides writing-paper, games, war telegrams, Australian and other newspapers, shower baths, and other conveniences. As many as 1,500 soldiers are present on some of these occasions, and the club is visited by officers who periodically drop in amongst the men. Altogether the success has exceeded even the sanguine expectations of those who founded it.

The British Red Cross Society, Australian Branch, was most fortunate in securing such a site, as any one acquainted with the conditions of Cairo is fully aware.

The exact extent to which these clubs have contributed to the limitation of venereal disease cannot be accurately measured, but there is no doubt whatever in the minds of any one acquainted with the facts respecting their salutary and healthy influence. Under the new constitution of the Australian Red Cross money cannot be devoted to their maintenance, because it is not being used exclusively for the sick and wounded. Such is the ruling, although many convalescents use the clubs. It is regrettable that such a rigid ruling should have been established. It is absurd to permit men to become infected and then to assist them by doles of chocolate and tobacco, and yet to refuse to provide the necessary funds which assist so materially in preventing infection.

13. Nurses' Rest Homes.– The nurses in the hospitals had done excellent work under trying conditions, and it became obvious that many of them would break down unless holidays and rest were provided.

The British and Australian Red Cross Branches combined under the Presidency of Her Excellency Lady MacMahon, and opened two rest homes – one in Ramleh near the beach, and the other at Aboukir Bay, the site of Nelson's victory.

They were furnished by the Red Cross Societies and have been maintained by the Commonwealth Government so far as the Australian nurses are concerned. They have met a great want and have proved a boon and a blessing.

Conclusion.– The work has been very heavy and the circumstances far from easy. Taking everything into consideration and realising the pressure at both ends, the result can only be regarded as more than satisfactory. The policy of the Red Cross Society requires, however, some consideration.

The policy adopted until lately was that reasonable intimation should be given to the Red Cross Society of the requirements of those who want help. Under public pressure another policy may make its appearance – that of compelling the Red Cross Society to find out what people want. A word of caution is necessary. This policy will almost certainly result in the creation of an extensive business organisation and in the Red Cross undertaking much work which the Government should do. In my opinion the Red Cross Society is entirely ancillary, its functions being to provide comforts and other things which the Government cannot supply, and to act decisively at critical moments. It should, however, refrain from embarking on great national undertakings.

Every one will endeavour to help the Commissioners in their extensive and difficult task, and will look forward to the Australian Red Cross maintaining the high reputation which it has already gained amongst responsible officers in Egypt.

In conclusion it should be pointed out that during the whole period under review all necessary services were provided by the military authorities and the Red Cross was administered on military principles. Consequently there were no large expenses, no one received any money in payment for services, and the storage of goods was free.

If the Red Cross is to be administered on non-military lines many charges must be properly made and met, but the efficiency of the system instituted and now set aside must be judged largely from the standpoint of economic administration.

    James W. Barrett,
    Lieut. – Colonel.

(In this volume the original report forwarded to Melbourne has been expanded and amplified.)


1. Directions for the Conduct of the Red Cross Depot

Depot – conduct of.

1. The Depot is placed under the charge of a Medical Officer who will have at his disposal nurses and orderlies in such numbers as the work from time to time may necessitate.

Storage of goods.
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