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Seducing His Convenient Innocent

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‘As soon as the doctor tells me she is well enough to travel, we will go.’ His deep and sexy accent sent ripples of awareness over Rio, but she refused to feel them, refused to react.

‘What if I agree—just for a while?’ She was torn between what Xena needed and protecting her fragile heart.

‘Not for a while, Rio. For the entire summer,’ Lysandros added with icy calmness. ‘That is what Xena will want—and need.’ He knew she wouldn’t refuse to give Xena what she needed. Damn him.

‘No, I can’t.’

‘But you will come, won’t you, Rio? Because you will do anything to help your friend.’ Rio couldn’t believe how he was manipulating the situation—or the way her body reacted just from having him near her. Had she been too hasty in ending it all after what Hans had done? Would Lysandros have understood if she’d told him?

The questions chased each other through her mind. There was no way she could have told him, not when their relationship had been nothing more than just another affair to him. She’d never been foolish enough to believe otherwise.

‘Very well. I will, but not because you have asked, or should I say bullied, me to do so, but because I want to be there for Xena.’

The look he gave her made Rio realise that everything she’d ever been afraid of happening if she saw him again was happening. She was still attracted to him. Still wanted to be with him, but things had changed. Things he didn’t know about—couldn’t know about.

‘And because we have things to sort out?’ The question sounded casual, but the look in his eyes was far from that.

‘We don’t have anything to sort out. We won’t even need to see one another.’ Rio folded her arms, desperate to stand her ground, prevent her body from betraying her.

‘Xena believes we are together. I don’t think making her worry about us will help her recovery, Rio, and we will be seeing each other, of that you can be sure.’

CHAPTER TWO (#u1d006571-bbe1-5d44-b146-dc8632070d9d)

FOR TWO DAYS, Xena’s Greek island retreat had been a haven of tranquillity for both Rio and Xena. Now Lysandros was due to arrive from Athens and Rio’s nerves were threatening to get the better of her. He’d be disappointed his sister’s memory of the accident and previous weeks hadn’t yet returned.

Rio glanced at Xena, compassion for her friend’s predicament filling her. Xena didn’t recall anything that had happened in the weeks leading up to the accident. She had blocked out everything bad. Ricardo’s rejection of her. The assault Hans had attempted on Rio. The break-up between Rio and Lysandros. Even blocked the accident itself. Xena lived under the illusion that none of those things had happened.

‘It’s so frustrating,’ Xena said as she looked up at Rio. ‘Why can’t I remember anything?’

Rio sat down beside Xena. ‘It will come. The doctor said you just need time—and rest.’

‘I can remember that Lysandros will be back from Athens today and we are all going to visit my mother,’ Xena said brightly, recalling the arrangement that had been made as they’d arrived on the island.

Rio, too, could remember that Lysandros was due to return to the island today, but for very different reasons.

‘Maybe you could play a little,’ Xena said, pulling Rio from her thoughts. ‘It might help me remember something.’

Rio looked at the grand piano, forlorn and abandoned since they’d arrived. ‘Later, perhaps,’ she soothed, trying hard not to let her fear of even going near it show.

‘I am rather tired.’ Xena stifled a yawn. ‘I think I will go and have a lie-down before we visit my mother. Gather my strength again.’

Rio watched her friend go with a heavy heart. If only there was something more she could do to help. She missed the confident and bubbly girl Xena really was.

For the past two days, while Lysandros had been in Athens, it had been easy to allow Xena to think that she and her brother were still a couple. But once he was here, it wouldn’t be so easy. She was still far too attracted to him, still longed for the dream of happiness she’d glimpsed before it had been cruelly snatched away by Hans.

With a sigh of frustration she turned and walked to the large glass doors that opened up onto the terrace with a view of the sea. As she looked out over the sparkling waters she saw the sleek white speedboat slowing and moving towards the island. She pushed her thoughts aside, watching as Lysandros stepped onto the jetty. Her heart leapt as he looked towards the villa and she quickly moved out of view. She didn’t know if she could do this, even though deep down she wanted nothing more than to go back to that moment after the recital.

Footsteps sounded on the marble floor as Lysandros entered his sister’s villa. Rio forced brightness into her voice that didn’t echo in her body despite the idyllic Greek island setting and the early summer sunshine.

‘Hello, Lysandros.’ She kept her voice firm, refusing to allow her nerves to show in any way. Whatever Xena believed about them, she needed to keep him at a distance and he had to know that.

‘Hello, Rio.’ The cool edge to his voice contrasted sharply with the darkening of his eyes as his gaze swept over her, creating a trail of tingles almost impossible to ignore.

Power radiated from him and despite his relaxed attire she knew he was anything but. The hard line of his clean-shaven jaw gave so much away. The courage she’d managed to summon up during the first days on the island began to slip away like the retreating tide. How could she be around him and be indifferent to him?

‘How is Xena?’ He moved a little closer, convincing Rio he knew she was still attracted to him.

‘She has gone for a lie-down.’ Rio let out a slow breath of relief as he walked away from her, giving her some much-needed physical distance between them.

‘Has she remembered anything yet?’

Rio shook her head. ‘Nothing.’

‘Nothing?’ She heard the despair in his voice. Despair that matched her own.

‘She sounded so frustrated when we talked on the phone,’ he said as he walked towards the baby grand piano. Did he have to bring it so starkly to her attention?

‘It is frustrating for her.’ Rio watched Lysandros, the man who still held her heart if only she was brave enough to give it to him, as he turned and frowned at her.

‘I understand that.’ He spoke again, snagging her attention back to him. ‘But it’s just as frustrating for me to know how much this is worrying her.’

‘This is a big ordeal for Xena,’ Rio said, watching Lysandros as he stood by the piano looking out towards the sparkling sea beyond the garden of the villa. He resembled a predatory wild cat, intent on luring its prey ever closer. Or was she imagining him drawing her in? ‘She’s lost some of her memory, maybe even her career, and she can’t even pick up her violin and seek solace in playing.’

‘Xena tells me you don’t play either, even though you claimed daily practice was essential.’ The sound of waves rushing onto the soft sand beyond the villa punctured the silence as she met the suspicion in his eyes. He was throwing her reason for not wanting to leave London back at her.

As he looked at her the hot sultry air suddenly crackled with undeniable tension between them. That strong attraction she had to ignore but was finding it ever more difficult to. He knew it too. He was far too astute, far too in control to be easily fooled.

‘It’s true. I should be practising every day.’ She paused as she thought of Hans, of what he’d believed she’d wanted. Hans had been so adamant she had been leading him on, giving him the come-on. She hadn’t been able to touch the keys, let alone play, since then. The piano and that moment were far too painfully linked. Even though she knew she’d done nothing to encourage him, she couldn’t bring herself to sit at the piano, let alone play it.

Neither was she ready to tell Lysandros why she’d stood him up, why she’d coldly ended their relationship when it had been so good, so right. Xena didn’t recall how she’d consoled Rio, how she’d tried to persuade her to tell Lysandros, and right now that suited Rio. She needed to avoid that painful conversation for as long as possible.

‘So why are you not practising, Rio? Xena loves to hear you play. As do I.’ He began to walk towards her, stopping when she backed away.

‘I... I...’ she faltered, not knowing what to say without telling him exactly why she didn’t want to go near the piano.

‘At least you can still physically play the piano—if you choose to.’

His accusation hit home and she dragged in a breath. Did he have to make her feel worse? Play on the guilt she felt about the night of the accident? About him? Them?

‘This isn’t about me. This is about Xena.’ Desperately she pushed back her pain, her raw emotions, trying to bring the conversation back to Xena.

He took another step towards her, bringing him so close she could smell the citrus tang of his aftershave, and it made the memory of their last kiss collide with the guilt for all Xena was going through, as well as her own fear. She tried not to recall how light-headed Lysandros had made her feel when he’d smiled at her, reminding herself he was well versed in the art of charming women.

Yet he’d been prepared to take things slowly with her. At first, she’d thought it was simply because of her friendship with Xena, but soon she’d wondered if it was more than that. He’d respected her. He’d showed patience and kindness totally in contrast to the playboy past Xena had told her about. He’d treated her as if she was special.

‘Is it, Rio?’ His voice had deepened, become so sensually soft he could be seducing her.

‘Of course it is. I’m here for Xena, not myself—or us. Not that there is an us any more.’
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