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Redemption Bay: The ultimate uplifting feel-good second-chance romance for summer 2019

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Just as she suspected. Her stomach dropped. So much for all those beautiful jobs and families and dreams of prosperity.

“Why would he send you? Aidan can’t possibly think for a moment you’re capable of offering an objective opinion,” she hissed. “You hate it here with a passion.”

“Hate is a strong word. I don’t hate Haven Point. I’m indifferent. There’s a big difference.”

“Fine. You’re passionately indifferent, though I don’t know how it’s possible not to love it here. Haven Point is a beautiful place filled with good, hardworking people who care about this town and about each other.”

He leaned back in his seat. “That may be true but I can’t see that as a basis for investing millions in a new facility here. I’ll be honest. I see real problems with Haven Point. For one thing, the distance to a major airport is a real concern. Boise is almost two hours away. It’s fine for Aidan, who has his own private jet, but everybody else will have to travel here from Boise. Then you’ve got the matter of your inadequate infrastructure and few housing opportunities. All are negatives.”

“Are there any positives?”

He remained stubbornly silent and she wanted to point out a hundred wonderful things about her town. Besides the kind neighbors and beautiful surroundings, she could have cited the relatively low cost of living, the well-educated population, the favorable tax conditions.

“I see,” she said when his silence stretched out. “That’s clear enough.”

“It’s a very pretty lake town, McKenzie, but when it comes to business decisions, that can’t be enough. From my perspective, the negatives outweigh the positives. But I’m here and I’m keeping an open mind.”

She doubted that was possible for him but she didn’t see the point in arguing.

“Thank you for telling me.”

“It seemed only fair. I should also let you know, part of my responsibility here is to study the possibility of placing the facility in Shelter Springs. It’s larger, with better infrastructure and a bigger existing real estate market and commercial base. If we did that, Haven Point would probably see some trickle-down positive impact.”

The waitress was heading in their direction and she used that as an excuse to jump from the booth. “I’ve got to go so I can open my store. Thank you for telling me why you’re really here. I guess it’s good to know what we’re up against. You’re going to change your mind. Mark my words. After you spend a week in Haven Point, you’ll have no choice but to see we’re the clear winner among all your contenders.”

She had no idea how she was going to prove that to him, but she darn well intended to try.

CHAPTER FOUR (#ulink_707d2950-4ab8-58ba-adf8-ce93b3aef32a)

BEN WASN’T AT ALL SURE he liked that sudden militant gleam in the mayor’s lovely dark gaze as she looked at him.

“I admire your confidence,” he murmured. He considered it completely misguided and without merit, but he appreciated her determination and her loyalty.

“You’ll see,” she repeated, then grabbed her go-cup off the table and turned around and headed for the door.

He hated to disappoint her but he truly felt as if Haven Point was the weakest of the contenders. He intended to make a decision based on logic and reason. He was doing his best to keep an open mind but it wasn’t easy.

He had offered up the town’s greatest shortcomings, from his perspective. What he hadn’t told her was that everywhere he looked in Haven Point, the past seemed to crowd him.

Being here again left him itchy, on edge. All the dark, ugly memories he thought he had firmly and succinctly dealt with long ago seemed to be creeping back to life, like skeletal, decomposing fingers suddenly poking over the side of an opened grave.

The waitress reached him finally. She poured coffee without asking and pulled out a notebook. “Have you decided yet?” she asked, her tone just shy of belligerent.

She looked familiar, a woman about his age and on the plump, comfortable side. Her name tag read Sharon and he suddenly placed her. Sharon Lowell. She had been in his grade and had dated one of his friends.

“Hi, Sharon. Good to see you again.”

“Likewise.” She offered a smile that didn’t look close to genuine. It took him a moment to remember her brother and father had both worked at the boatworks.

McKenzie Shaw wasn’t the only one in town who hated him. He wasn’t used to that but he supposed he couldn’t really blame them. Closing Kilpatrick Boatworks had been a necessary but difficult decision, when the business was steadily losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

“Have you had time to look at the menu or do you need a few more minutes?”

“I’m ready. I believe I’ll have a Greek omelet and a side of whole wheat toast.”

“Right. You want hash browns or anything?”

“No. Just the eggs and toast.”

“Got it.” She nodded and walked away without even bothering to make the customary server small talk.

As soon as she left, he once more became conscious of all the gazes aimed in his direction, some simply curious, others openly hostile.

It was awkward all the way around. He and Aidan both should have expected this. He was apparently the least popular person in Haven Point.

At least in one respect, he was carrying on his father’s legacy.

After looking out the window for a while at the desultory traffic passing by, he turned to the reliable diversion of his cell phone and started scrolling through and answering messages and emails.

After a few moments, a voice intruded into his digital distraction.

“Ben! I thought that was you.”

He looked up and knew the man instantly, though he hadn’t seen him in years. Probably not since Lily’s funeral, when he had left Haven Point.

Dr. Russell Warrick, their family’s longtime physician, was still handsome, though in his late fifties. He had brown hair threaded with gray, warm blue eyes and a trim, athletic build.

Lily had quite simply adored the man. As far as Ben’s younger sister had been concerned, Dr. Warrick could do no wrong.

He had always been so calm and patient with her, Ben remembered, even in those difficult last days of hospice.

He stood up and held out his hand. “Dr. Warrick. Hello.”

“Wow. It’s great to see you, son! It’s been far too long since you’ve been back this way.”

He couldn’t say he agreed but he smiled anyway, remembering a hundred different kindnesses over the years.

He gestured to the table across from him. “Join me, won’t you?”

“I just finished but I’ll sit for a moment to catch up. I’m due at the hospital for rounds but not for a while yet.”

“How are you?” Ben asked when the physician sat down. “How’s your family?”

Warrick had two sons, one a few years younger than Ben and another who had been around Lily and McKenzie’s age.

“The boys are good. They both live in Boise and between the two have given me three beautiful grandchildren.” He paused and sadness slanted across those blue eyes. “You may not have heard but I lost my wife a year ago.”

He remembered the other woman as kind and matronly. “I’m very sorry for your loss.”
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