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Wilder Hearts: Once Upon a Pregnancy

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“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Neither do I.”

“It’s so unfair,” Simone added. “Walnut River General might keep its patients longer than most hospitals, but it’s not an attempt to defraud insurance companies. It’s because we don’t believe in sending patients home early just to keep the costs down.”

“They won’t uncover anything fraudulent. But from what I understand, the investigator is going to interview anyone who might have information about the alleged fraud. That means doctors, nurses and the administrative staff.”

“That will cast suspicion on everyone, which won’t be good for morale. Besides, I’m not looking forward to having a stranger snooping around here. Not that I expect them to uncover anything.” Simone chuffed. “You know, we have enough to worry about these days. Since the board rejected NHC’s last offer, the takeover attempts could become hostile.”

“I’m glad my father isn’t alive to see what’s going on. He loved this hospital.”

Ella didn’t mention it, but Simone wondered how James Wilder would have felt about his adopted daughter, Anna, working for the conglomerate that wanted to take over Walnut River General.

Not pleased, Simone decided.

“Are you going to attend the retirement party for Henry Weisfield on Sunday afternoon?” Ella asked.

Simone wasn’t up for another party/dress-up affair. But she’d have to at least make an appearance. “I may stop by for a few minutes.”

“Long enough to have a glass of champagne?” Ella asked. “J.D. and I are having a private celebration.” She grinned. “It’s now official. He’ll be taking over Henry’s position.”

“That’s great news, but I’m afraid I’ve given up drinking champagne. It doesn’t sit well with my resolve to remain unattached.”

“Maybe you ought to drink more of it,” Ella said with a smile. “You had a lovely glow that night we rechristened the hospital library.”

Yep. Wrapped in Mike’s arms, Simone had smoldered until dawn that night. And now she had a pregnancy glow to look forward to.

“By the way,” Ella said, “I saw Mike walking Woofer and the puppy the other day. It looks like you two have figured out a shared-custody arrangement.”

Simone’s heart sank to the pit of her stomach, causing a wave of nausea to render her speechless.

“What’s the matter?” Ella asked. “Is that a touchy subject?”

“It’s just that…” Simone blew out a wobbly breath. Normally, she’d keep news like her pregnancy a secret. But it was going to be common knowledge as soon as she started showing.

Besides, she and Ella had become closer in the past few months.

Simone hadn’t been sure how or when it had happened. She’d always respected Ella, but lately she’d come to enjoy her company, too.

So, she scanned the immediate area, checking to see who might be listening in. When she was convinced their conversation was private, she cleared her throat. “Well, there’s the dog thing, yes. But when you mentioned shared custody, I…well, it hit a little too close to home.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Ella sat back in her chair, the springs creaking in protest. “Oh, Simone…Does Mike know?”

“Yes.” Simone blew out a sigh. “And to make matters worse, Mike and I have opposing beliefs on what would be best for everyone involved.”

“He wants to…?” Ella merely looked at Simone, prompting an answer she might have normally kept to herself.

“He wants to get married and live happily ever after.”

“And you don’t?”

“I can’t, Ella.”

Footsteps sounded, and both women grew silent. Simone was glad to refocus her thoughts on work.

If her mind would only cooperate.

Simone had just arrived home from the market and was unloading her car when Mike drove up in his Jeep. She watched as he got out of the vehicle and approached.

He was wearing a pair of faded jeans, a white polo shirt and an unreadable expression. Sheepish? Pensive? Intense?

“If I help you put away your groceries,” he said, “will you take a ride with me?”


“It’s a surprise.”

A part of her was glad to know he hadn’t shut her out of his life completely, and since it was rare that anyone had a surprise for her, she was also curious.

“All right,” she said.

Minutes later, after they’d placed the frozen food in the freezer and the eggs and dairy products in the fridge, they stacked the pasta, rice and canned goods in the pantry.

“Okay,” Mike said. “Let’s go.”

Simone glanced down at the clothes she was wearing—a pair of black slacks, which had a little more room in the waistband and just seemed to feel better than her jeans these days. She also had on a lime-green, scoop-necked top with an empire waist. The shirt was stylish, yet she realized it looked a bit like a maternity blouse without all the extra material. Not that she needed a new wardrobe yet.

“Should I change my clothes?” she asked.

“No, you look great.” The warmth in his grin convinced her of his sincerity.

So she grabbed her purse and, after locking the house, followed him to his Jeep. Before climbing into the passenger side, she again asked, “Where are we going?”

“Just for a drive. I want to show you something.” He opened the door and waited for her to get in.

He always behaved like a gentleman around her, and she decided there was a lot about Mike to admire. A lot to love.

A wistful ache settled in her chest, and she wished she could let go of her fears and accept his optimism. He made it all sound so simple, when she was a realist and knew that having a relationship with him—at least, the kind he wanted and deserved—would be anything but easy for her.

After she slid into her seat, he closed the door, circled the vehicle and climbed into the driver’s side.

Minutes later, they were driving through the tree-shaded streets of Riverdale.

She suspected he wanted to show her the Dennison place, or rather the home he’d just placed an offer on. And if truth be told, she’d like to see it, too.
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