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A Merger...or Marriage?

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But he supposed that would have been too much bother for her and would have required her to care a little. Instead, she had politely walked around it on her way out the door.

And then she dared to stand here now and ask him why he wasn’t thrilled to see her!

This wasn’t personal, he reminded himself. Or if some part of him couldn’t help making it so, he shouldn’t let everything between them become about their shared past. He couldn’t afford it, not in his temporary role as hospital counsel.

“Why would I be hostile?” he said instead. “You’re only the point man—or woman, I guess—for a company trying to destroy this hospital and this community.”

She blinked a little at his frontal assault, but it only took her seconds to recover. “Not true. I would have thought as an attorney you could look at this with a little more objectivity than…” Her voice trailed off.

“Than who? Your family?”

She sighed. “Yes. They won’t listen to reason. Peter and David think I’ve betrayed the family name and Ella…well, Ella’s not speaking to me at all.”

He didn’t expect the sympathy that suddenly tugged at him, fast on the heels of his own anger. Her family had always been important to her. Sometimes he thought she placed too much importance on their opinions. She had always seemed painfully aware that she was adopted and struggled hard to find a place for herself among the medicine-mad Wilders.

As a single child himself, he could only imagine what she must be feeling now—alienated by her siblings and bearing the brunt of their anger over her role in the NHC takeover attempt.

On the other hand, he instinctively sided with her siblings in this situation, not Anna.

He pushed away the wholly inappropriate urge to offer her comfort. “How did you expect them to react, Anna? This hospital is in their blood. Your family is basically the heart of Walnut River General. Everyone here knows that. And the soul, the essence, of this place is the sense of community—neighbors reaching out to help neighbors. That’s what has made this hospital such an integral component to the quality of life in Walnut River. No one likes to go to the hospital, but the ordeal is made a little easier here when you know you’ll be treated with respect and dignity, often by someone who has known you all your life.”

She blinked with surprise. “Times change,” she answered. “The health-care industry is changing. Independent community hospitals just don’t have the competitive edge anymore.”

“Nor should they. It’s not about making money. It’s about helping people heal.”

“Exactly! And if Northeastern HealthCare can help them heal in a more efficient, cost-effective way and provide better access to cutting-edge procedures not currently available in this market, don’t you think that will be better for everyone in the long run?”

“Will it?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Walnut River would be part of a powerful consortium of health-care providers. With that backing, the hospital can afford to bring in state-of-the-art equipment and the newest procedures. NHC is already talking about building a cancer treatment center so patients don’t have to drive twenty miles away for radiation treatment! And they’re talking about an entire renovation of the labor and delivery unit and an after-hours Instacare facility for parents who work during the day to bring their children to see a doctor….”

Her voice trailed off and color brushed her cheeks like the first hint of autumn on the maple trees along the river. “I didn’t mean to ramble on. I’m afraid I get a little… passionate sometimes.”

She obviously believed the NHC takeover would truly be best for the hospital. Richard had to admire her passion, even if he disagreed with it.

“You certainly are free to believe what you want,” he said. “And I’ll do the same.”

After a moment, she nodded. “Fair enough. But that doesn’t really answer my question.”

“What question would that be?”

She opened her mouth to answer but before she could, the boardroom door opened and Tina Tremaine, J.D.’s receptionist, stepped through.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I thought everyone was gone.”

“We’re just on our way out,” Richard answered.

“You don’t have to rush. Take your time. I only needed to make sure things were straightened up in here for a meeting J.D. has first thing in the morning.”

She smiled at Richard but he was surprised to see her smile disappear completely by the time she turned to Anna.

Anna didn’t seem to miss the sudden disdain in the other woman’s eyes. Her shoulders straightened and her chin tilted up slightly but she said nothing.

“We’re just leaving,” Richard said again.

“Fine.” Tina closed the door behind her, leaving behind a sudden awkward silence.

“Look, would you like to go somewhere? Grab an early dinner or something?” Anna asked.

He gazed at her, stunned that some tiny part of him was actually tempted, even though the more rational part of his brain recognized the absurdity of the impulse.

“That’s not a good idea, Anna.”

Somewhere in the depths of her blue eyes he thought he saw a shadow of vulnerability, just the barest hint of loneliness. But she mustered a brittle-looking smile. “Really? Why not? What could possibly be the harm in it? We’re just two old friends catching up over dinner.”

“Two old friends who happen to be standing on opposite sides of a corporate battlefield.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. That doesn’t mean we can’t be civil to each other! You were one of my closest friends, Richard. I told you things no one else in the world knows about me.”

You said you loved me and then you walked away when something better came along.

His bitterness again seemed to sweep up out of nowhere, taking him completely by surprise.

He thought he had dealt with all this years ago. He never would have guessed seeing her would dredge up all those feelings and make them fresh and raw all over again.

He chose his words carefully, not at all eager to reveal too much to her. “I’m sorry, Anna. Even if not for the gray area regarding conflict of interest ethics in seeing you socially, I have other plans.”

She froze for an instant and color climbed her cheeks. “Some other time then, perhaps. It was…great to see you again.”

She headed for the walnut-paneled door. As she reached out to pull it open, he thought she paused slightly. Her gaze met his and if he hadn’t known her so well years ago, he probably would have missed the flash of trepidation there.

He wondered at it for only an instant before he realized what must lie beneath her hesitation. Judging by Tina’s reaction in the boardroom just now, he was willing to bet Anna wasn’t at all popular at Walnut River General Hospital. The antimerger forces were vocal and vociferous in their opposition.

Again that unwanted sympathy surged through him. He might not agree with her position but he couldn’t argue with her convictions. She was only doing her job and she didn’t deserve to be mistreated by employees of the hospital who might oppose her mission here.

“I’ll walk out with you,” he said impulsively.

Her lush, delectable mouth opened a little with surprise, then she rewarded him with a glowing smile that made him far too aware of how the years between them had only added to her loveliness.

Much to his dismay, he suddenly felt a familiar clutch of desire twist his insides. He wanted to reach across the space between them and capture that mouth with his, to see if her skin was as silky as he remembered, if she still tasted heady and sweet.

He had been far too long without a woman. Between Ethan and trying to build his practice, he had little time or inclination left for extracurricular activity.

Maybe he needed to make time—especially since the one woman who stirred his interest in longer than he cared to remember was. Anna Wilder.

It was ridiculous for her to be so grateful Richard was walking beside her. What did she expect, that she would need a bodyguard to help her safely make it through the hospital?

She might be persona non grata around the hospital right now, but she couldn’t quite believe anyone would physically assault her to keep NHC at bay.
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