Shards of a Broken Crown

Shards of a Broken Crown
Book Four of The Serpentwar Saga

Harper Voyager
An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
1 London Bridge Street
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First published in Great Britain by Voyager 1998
Copyright © Raymond E. Feist 1998
Raymond E. Feist asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
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Source ISBN: 9780006483489
Ebook Edition © SEPTEMBER 2012 ISBN: 9780007385386
Version: 2016-08-05
To Jon and Anita Everson, who were with me from the start
Table of Contents
Title Page
Map of Midkemia
Character List
Book Four: The Brother’s Tale
Chapter One: Winter
Chapter Two: Wilderness
Chapter Three: Confrontations
Chapter Four: Underground
Chapter Five: Confrontations
Chapter Six: Choices
Chapter Seven: Opportunity
Chapter Eight: Preparations
Chapter Nine: Negotiations
Chapter Ten: Investments
Chapter Eleven: Disposition
Chapter Twelve: Gamble
Chapter Thirteen: Calamity
Chapter Fourteen: Consequences
Chapter Fifteen: Betrayal
Chapter Sixteen: Deception
Chapter Seventeen: Assaults
Chapter Eighteen: Revelations
Chapter Nineteen: Decisions
Chapter Twenty: Clash
Chapter Twenty-one: Mysteries
Chapter Twenty-two: Realization
Chapter Twenty-three: Decisions
Chapter Twenty-four: Attacks
Chapter Twenty-five: Confrontation
Chapter Twenty-six: Discovery
Chapter Twenty-seven: Intervention
Chapter Twenty-eight: Division
Keep Reading
Contine the Adventure …
About the Author
By The Same Author
About the Publisher

Character List
ACAILA – leader of the eldar, in the Elf Queen’s court
ADELIN – elf in Elvandar
AGLARANNA – Elf Queen in Elvandar, wife of Tomas, mother of Calin and Calis
AKEE – Hidati hillman
AKIER – Lieutenant on Royal Bulldog
ALETA – young disciple in Temple of Acrh-Indar
ASHAM IBIN AL-TUK – Keshian General
AVERY, RUPERT “ROO” – merchant of Krondor
AVERY, KARLI – wife of Roo
BOYSE – Captain of Duko’s forces
BRIAN – Duke of Silden
CALHERN, THOMAS – acting Lieutenant of Palace Guard
CALIN – elf heir to the throne of Elvandar, half-brother to Calis, son of Aglaranna and King Aidan
CALIS – “The Eagle of Krondor,” special agent of the Prince of Krondor, Duke of the Court, son of Aglaranna and Tomas, half brother to Calin
CHALMES – ruling magician at Stardock
CHAPAC – twin brother of Tilac, son of Ellia
D’LYES, ROBERT – magician from Stardock
DE SAVON, LUIS – former soldier, assistant to Roo
DELWIN – constable in Krondor
DESGARDEN – swordsman in Krondor
DOKINS, KIRBY – snitch in Krondor
DOMINIC – Abbot of Ishapian Abbey at Sarth
DUGA – mercenary captain from Novindus
DUKO – General in the Emerald Queen’s Army
DUVAL, MARCEL – squire from Bas-Tyra
ELLIA – elf in Elvandar, mother of Chapac and Tilac
ENARES, MALAR – servant discovered in wilderness
ERLAND – brother to the King and uncle to Prince Patrick
FADAWAH – former general commanding the Emerald Queen’s Army, self-styled “King of the Bitter Sea”
FRANCINE “FRANCIE” – daughter of the Duke of Silden
GREYLOCK, OWEN – Knight-Marshal of the Prince’s Army
HAMMOND – Lieutenant in King’s Army
HERBERT OF RUTHERWOOD – scribe in Port Vykor
JACOBY, HELEN – widow of Randolph Jacoby, mother of Natally and Willem
JALLOM – Captain of Duko’s army
JAMESON, JAMES “JIMMY” – elder son of Arutha, grandson of James
JAMESON, DASHEL “DASH” – younger son of Arutha, grandson of James
KAHIL – Fadawah’s intelligence chief
KALEID – ruling magician at Stardock
LELAND – son of Richard of Mukerlic
LIVIA – daughter of Lord Vasarius
MACKEY – Sergeant of Palace Guard
MATAK – old soldier in Duko’s command
MILO – owner of the Inn of the Pintail in Ravensburg, father of Rosalyn
MIRANDA – magician and ally of Calis and Pug
NAKOR THE ISALANI – gambler, magic-user, friend of Pug
NARDINI – Captain of captured Quegan ship
NORDAN – General in Fadawah’s army
PAHAMAN – Ranger of Natal in Elvandar
PATRICK – Prince of Krondor, son of Prince Erland, nephew to the King and Prince Nicholas
PICKNEY – clerk at Krondor
PUG – magician, Duke of Stardock, cousin to the King, grandfather to Arutha, great-grandfather to Jimmy and Dash
REESE – thief in Krondor
RICHARD – Earl of Mukerlic
RIGGERS, LYSLE – the Upright Man, leader of the Mockers
ROSALYN – Milo’s daughter, wife of Rudolph, mother of Gerd
RUDOLPH – baker in Ravensburg, husband of Rosalyn, stepfather to Gerd
RUNCOR – Captain of Duko’s army
RYANA – dragon shape-changer, friend of Tomas and Pug
SHATI, JADOW – Lieutenant in Erik’s company
SHO PI – former companion of Erik and Roo, student of Nakor
SONGTI – Captain of Duko’s army
STYLES – Captain of Royal Bulldog
SUBAI – captain of the Royal Krondorian Pathfinders
TALWIN – spy for Arutha
TILAC – twin brother of Chapac, son of Ellia
TINKER, GUSTAF – prisoner with Dash, later Constable
TOMAS – Warleader of Elvandar, husband of Aglaranna, father of Calis, inheritor of the powers of Ashen-Shugar
TRINA – female thief, Daymaster of the Mockers
TUPPIN, JOHN – thief with lumpy face, leader of Krondor’s “bashers”
VASARIUS – Quegan noble and merchant
VON DARKMOOR, MATHILDA – Baroness of Darkmoor, grandmother to Gerd
VON DARKMOOR, GERD – Baron of Darkmoor, son of Rosalyn and Stefan von Darkmoor, nephew to Erik
VON DARKMOOR, ERIK – Captain of the Crimson Eagles
WENDELL – Captain in Krondor
WIGGINS – Patrick’s Master of Ceremony
WILKES – soldier in Erik’s army
Book Four
The Brothers’ Tale

Duty cannot exist without faith.
– Benjamin Disraeli
Earl of Beaconsfield
• Prologue •
“Enter,” said the self-styled King of the Bitter Sea as he looked up from a hastily scribbled note just handed him by his Captain of Intelligence, Kahil.
General Nordan entered and shook off the snow from his cloak. “You found us a cold land to rule, Majesty,” he said with a smile. He gave Kahil the briefest nod of greeting.
Fadawah, former Commanding General of the Army of the Emerald Queen, now ruler of the City of Ylith and the surrounding countryside, said, “At least it’s a cold land with food and firewood.” He waved in a vague fashion to the south. “We’re still getting stragglers in from as far away as Darkmoor who paint a bleak picture about conditions throughout the Western Realm.”
Nordan motioned to a chair and Fadawah nodded. While old companions, they observed the formalities, as Fadawah prepared to launch his spring campaign. The General still wore the ritual scars on his cheeks, marks given him when swearing loyalty to the Pantathians. He had considered attempting to find a witch or healing priest who could remove them, for when he had finally realized that the Pantathians were as much dupes as he was, he had killed their remaining high priest. As far as Fadawah was concerned, he was no longer bound to anyone. He was his own man, and he was in a rich land with an army. But Kahil had reminded him the scars were intimidating and kept the men in awe of him. Kahil had served the Emerald Queen before she had been destroyed by the demon, but he had proven a valuable and trusted advisor since the change in leadership of the invading army.
By last count over thirty thousand men had found their way into the south end of the province of Yabon. He had organized them, stationed them, and now controlled all the lands from Ylith south past Quester’s View, north to the outskirts of Zun, west to the city of Natal, which was now occupied by more of his own men than their own pitiful defenses. He had also captured Hawk’s Hollow, a small town, but one giving him control of a vital pass through the mountains to the east.
“Some of the men don’t like the idea of staying,” said Nordan. The stocky soldier rubbed his bearded chin, and cleared his throat. “They’re talking of finding a ship and going back across the sea.”
“To what?” asked Fadawah. “To a land burned out and overrun by barbarians from the grasslands? Besides the dwarven stronghold in the Ratn’gari Mountains and some surviving Jehsandi in the North, what is there left of civilization? Did we leave a city standing? Is there anything there to support us?” Fadawah scratched his head. He wore a single long fall of hair and shaved the rest of his head, another sign of his devotion to the Emerald Queen’s dark powers. “Tell any of the men who are talking this way that come spring, if they can find a ship and take it, they’re free to leave.” He looked off into space, as if seeing something in the air. “I want no one here who isn’t ready to serve me. We’re going to have a serious fight on our hands.”
“The Kingdom?”
Fadawah said, “You don’t think they’re going to sit idly by and not attempt to regain their lands, do you?”
“No, but they were terribly mauled at Krondor and Darkmoor. The prisoners tell us they don’t have much of an army left to put in the field.”
Fadawah said, “If they don’t bring their Army of the East over from Darkmoor, true. But if they do, we need to be ready.”
“Well,” said Nordan, “we won’t know until spring.”
“That’s only another three months,” said Fadawah. “We need to be prepared.”
“You have a plan?”
“Always,” said the wily old general. “I don’t want a two-front war if I can help it. If I was stupid, I could find myself in a four-front war.” He indicated a map on the wall of the room. They were currently occupying the estate house of the Earl of Ylith, dead by all reports along with the Duke of Yabon and the Earl of LaMut. “If our information is right, we face a boy up in LaMut.” He rubbed his chin. “We need to take LaMut as soon as the spring thaw begins, and I want Yabon in our grasp by midsummer.” He smiled. “Send a message to the leader in Natal …” He turned to Kahil. “What’s his title?”
“The First Councilor,” supplied his Captain of Intelligence.
“Send the First Councilor our thanks for his hospitality in providing billets for our men this winter, and send him some gold. A thousand pieces should do.”
“A thousand?” asked Nordan.
“We have it. And we’ll get more. Then withdraw our men and bring them here.” He looked at his old friend. “That will at least keep the First Councilor on our good side until we return to Natal, take and keep it.”
He pointed to the map. “I want Duko and his men down in Krondor by then.”
Nordan raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Fadawah said, “Duko makes me uneasy. He’s an ambitious man.” He frowned. “It was only chance that put you and me first and second on the Pantathian’s roles, else we could be taking orders from Duko.”
Nordan nodded. “But he’s a good leader, and he’s always obeyed without question.”
“That he is, which is why I want him at the front. I want you down behind him, in Sarth.”
“But why Krondor?” Nordan shook his head. “There’s nothing there.”
“But there will be,” said Fadawah. “That’s their Western Capital, their Prince’s City, and they will move back there as quickly as they can.” He nodded to himself. “If Duko can keep them busy until we seize all of Yabon, then we can tum our sights on the Free Cities, this Far Coast region.” He pointed to the western coast of the Kingdom. “We’ll reoccupy Krondor and move back toward the old battle line. What’s that place?”
“Nightmare Ridge.”
“Well named.” Fadawah sighed. “I’m not a greedy man. Being King of the Bitter Sea is enough. We’ll let the Kingdom of the Isles keep their Darkmoor and the lands to the east.” Then he smiled. “For now.”
“But first we must retake Krondor.”
Fadawah said, “No, first we must make them think we want to retake Krondor. These Kingdom nobles are not stupid, they are not self-consumed like those of our homeland.” He remembered how shocked the Priest-King of Lananda had been when Fadawah and his army had refused to heed his order to leave his city. “These are smart men, duty-bound men; they will come at us, and they will come hard. We must expect that.
“No, let them think Krondor is the prize, and when they realize we are firm in Yabon, perhaps they will negotiate, or perhaps not, but either way, once we have control of Yabon, we are here for good. Let Duko get punished lest he become ambitious.”
Nordan stood. “If you permit, I’ll tell the men those who wish to leave in the spring may.”
Fadawah waved his permission.
“Majesty,” said Nordan, leaving Fadawah alone with Kahil.
To Kahil, Fadawah said, “Wait, then follow Nordan and see who he speaks with. Mark the men who are the leaders of these dissidents. They will have accidents before the thaw, and then we can put to rest this nonsense about returning to Novindus.”
“Of course, Majesty,” said the Captain of Intelligence. “And I applaud your design in putting Nordan down in Sarth.”
Fadawah said, “Design?”
Kahil leaned over, putting his arm around Fadawah’s shoulder, and he whispered, “Put all your disloyal commanders to the south, to insure that when the enemy exacts their price for our conquest, those we can most afford to lose pay it.”
Fadawah’s eyes became unfocused, as if he was listening to something in the distance. “Yes, that is wise.”
Kahil said, “You need to surround yourself with those who can be trusted, those who are loyal beyond a doubt. You need to return the Immortals to a place of prominence.”
“No!” said Fadawah. “Those madmen served dark powers—”
Kahil interrupted. “Not dark powers, Majesty, but vast powers. Powers that can insure your rule not only in Yabon, but in Krondor, too.”
“Krondor?” asked Fadawah.
Kahil clapped his hands twice, and the door swung open. Two warriors, each with ritual scars on his cheeks that matched Fadawah’s, entered, and Kahil said, “Guard the King with your lives.”
Fadawah repeated, “Krondor.”
Kahil rose and departed, closing the door behind him. A faint smile passed across his face before he turned and left upon his next task, following Nordan and marking those men for death who displayed even the smallest hint of disloyalty.
Fadawah looked at the two soldiers and motioned for them to stand away from him. The scars on their faces reminded him of the dark and distant time he was caught up in the magic of the Emerald Queen and the lost months when the demon had ruled her army. He hated feeling used and would kill anyone who again attempted to use him as the Emerald Queen had.
He moved to the map on the wall and began to plan his spring campaign.
• Chapter One • Winter
Dash waited. The frigid bite of the air still brought tears to his eyes as he scanned the road below. The reconstruction of Darkmoor had been tedious, slowed by continuous snows and rain, as the winter proved a fickle one. If slippery ice wasn’t making footing treacherous for those workmen attempting to rebuild the walls around the western portion of the city, then knee-deep mud stalled wagons carrying needed supplies.
Now it was icy again, but at least Dash was thankful there was currently no snow. The sky was clear, the late afternoon sun hinting at warmth that wasn’t really there. Dash knew it was his mood as much as the weather, but this particular winter seemed to have lasted longer than any in his young life.
The sounds of the city carried through the still, icy air as the day wound down. With luck the new gate would be finished before sunset, and an extra modicum of security would be added to the sum of things that needed to be done yesterday.
Dash was tired, fatigued beyond anything he could remember in his twenty years of life. Part of it was from the seemingly endless list of things that needed attention, and the rest was from worry; his brother Jimmy was overdue.
Jimmy was acting the part of exploring officer, a scout behind enemy lines. Prince Patrick of Krondor had decided to move hard and fast against a threat of Keshian expansion into the southern flank of the Kingdom in the spring. That meant that the retaking of lands lost during the invasion the previous summer would be left to Owen Greylock, Knight-Marshal of Krondor, and Erik von Darkmoor, Knight-Captain of the Crimson Eagles, an elite mobile force of handpicked men.
Which had meant the Prince needed information on what the invaders were doing between Darkmoor and Krondor. And Jimmy had volunteered to go see what was going on.
He was now three days overdue.
Dash had come to the edge of the patrolled area, a series of burned-out walls that marked the western edge of the foulbourgh of Darkmoor. The Prince’s army in the city insured that there was little danger within a day’s ride of the city, but these partial walls and piles of tumbled masonry provided ample cover for ambush and had been refuge to more than one band of scavengers or outlaws.
Dash scanned the horizon, watching for his brother. The sounds of the winter woodlands below were few and infrequent. An occasional rustle as snow fell from tree branches, or the crack of ice some miles away as the thaw began. A bird call or the rustle of some animal in the brush. Sound carried for miles in the winter cold.
Then Dash heard something. A faint sound, coming from far away. It wasn’t the sound of hooves striking hard dirt and rock Dash had hoped to hear. Rather it was the rolling crunch of ice underfoot. And whoever made the sound was coming toward him with a methodical step, even and unhurried.
Dash flexed his gloved fingers and slowly pulled his sword from his scabbard. If the previous conflict had taught him nothing else, it was to always be ready. There were no safe positions outside the fortress that was the city of Darkmoor.
In the distance he detected motion, and he focused on it. A single figure trudged along the road. He was moving at a plodding walk, and as Dash watched, he hurried to a slow trot. Dash knew he was walking one hundred paces, then trotting one hundred paces, a practice drilled into Dash and his brother by their arms teachers as boys. For a man without a mount it could cover almost as much distance as a horse could in a day, more over the course of weeks.
Dash watched. The figure resolved itself into a man wrapped, in a heavy grey cloak; clothing designed to make it difficult to see the wearer from any distance in the gloom of winter. Only on the bright days when the sky was clear would the wearer be easy to spot.
As the man on foot came closer, Dash saw he was without a hat, but had his head covered in a thick cloth, a scarf or torn remnant of another piece of clothing. He carried a sword at his side, and his hands were clad in mismatching gloves. His boots were filthy with mud and ice.
The crunching of snow under his tread became louder by the moment, until he stood before Dash. He stopped and looked up, and at last he said, “You’re in my way.”
Dash moved his mount aside and swung the horse’s head around toward Darkmoor. He put his sword away, urged the animal forward and walked beside the man on foot. “Lose your horse?” he asked.