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The Complete Conclave of Shadows Trilogy: Talon of the Silver Hawk, King of Foxes, Exile’s Return

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Rondar said, ‘True. Everyone’s in love with her.’

‘Who is she?’

‘No one knows,’ said Demetrius. ‘Or at least, no one who knows is talking. She’s been here longer than either of us, and she’s obviously someone special. I’ve heard her talking to a lot of outlanders in their languages, and she spends a lot of time alone with Miranda.’

‘Why is that special?’ asked Talon.

Demetrius rose as a bell sounded. ‘Supper,’ he announced. ‘We’ll talk on the way.’

They left through the door with Rondar a step behind. Talon moved carefully, but could keep up as long as Demetrius kept to a casual walk.

‘You know Miranda is Pug’s wife?’ asked Demetrius.

Talon nodded. ‘I know their sons.’

‘Pug is the … “ruler” for lack of a better word of this place. But Miranda is his equal in just about every way. And some say she’s a more powerful magician. All I know is she spends a little time with every student here, but a lot of time with Alysandra.’

Talon said, ‘So, that’s why she’s special.’

Rondar said, ‘Took a lot of words for you to get it, Talon.’

Talon laughed. ‘I know.’

‘So, if you want to take your chance with Alysandra, no one is going to blame you.’

‘True,’ said Rondar.

‘But don’t expect to get anywhere.’

Talon caught sight of Alysandra ahead, talking to two other girls. To his two new friends he said, ‘One thing my father taught me: there is no reward without risk, and you can only fail if you don’t try.’

‘Hug,’ said Rondar.

‘What?’ asked Talon.

Demetrius shook his head. ‘No, kiss on the cheek.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘Alysandra will let you court her, my friend,’ supplied Demetrius. ‘I think she’s secretly amused by the attention. And she’s very sweet. I don’t think she has a mean thought in her, but by the end of the first evening you court her, she’ll have you swearing that you’ll be just like a brother to her, and you’ll know that you’re never going to get your arms around that slender waist, and just before she turns you around and points you back to your own quarters, you’ll either get a tiny hug, one so brief you’ll barely feel her next to you, or a fluttering kiss on the cheek, with her lips hardly touching your face. A kiss on the cheek is considered a badge of achievement among the lads here.’

As if sensing she was the object of this conversation, Alysandra looked back over her shoulder. When she saw Talon and the others, she smiled.

Talon glanced at his friends, both of whom were avoiding eye contact with the young woman. So he returned his gaze to her and gave her the broadest smile he could. She held his gaze for a step longer, then dropped her eyes and turned back to her companions.

Rondar said, ‘I’ll wager a copper it’s a hug.’

Demetrius said, ‘Done. I wager a kiss on the cheek.’

Talon lowered his voice. ‘I’ll take both those wagers, for I’ll have more than a kiss on the cheek from her.’

‘Determination,’ said Demetrius. ‘I like it!’

‘Humph,’ was Rondar’s inarticulate comment.

Talon watched the slender girl as she entered the common building where the students ate their meals. ‘I’ll have much more,’ he said quietly, to no one but himself.

• CHAPTER ELEVEN • (#ulink_fec2a95e-f3bc-5015-8221-ae3eaa749e59)

Purpose (#ulink_fec2a95e-f3bc-5015-8221-ae3eaa749e59)


Nakor and Magnus watched as Talon kept low against the neck of his mare, pushing her as much with will as with any skill as a rider. Rondar’s gelding pulled slowly away as he stayed fluidly poised on two stirrups, his back straight and his hands light upon the reins.

Nakor said, ‘For someone who was counted a bad rider by his people, Rondar seems to know his way around a horse.’

Magnus nodded as he said, ‘You know more about the Ashunta than I do, but aren’t they counted as the finest horsemen in the world?’

‘Best light cavalry, certainly. The Empire had to bring fifteen legions into their lands to subdue them in the end. They were key to Kesh’s conquest of the western Empire two centuries ago, but a revolt by Ashunta chieftains ended that.’ Nakor studied the riders, while Demetrius stood whooping and cheering a short distance away. ‘Talon will be a very good horseman soon.’

‘This I understand, Nakor –’ Magnus waved his hand slightly in the direction of the two riders ‘– Talon learning languages, riding, swordsmanship, the rest – but why are you including him in the classes on magic with the others?’

Nakor grinned at his former student. ‘Magic? There is no magic.’

Magnus tried not to laugh, and failed. ‘You can debate that with Father until the universe ends, but we both know your “stuff” is just another way of looking at the process of using magic.’

‘It’s more than that, and you know it,’ said Nakor. ‘It’s a way to free the mind of preconceived notions.’ He paused, ‘Besides,’ he added with a chuckle, ‘it was your father who first said “there is no magic”.’

‘Are you or Father ever going to tell me how he knew to send that message to you with James on his first trip to Kesh? You two hadn’t even met.’

‘He’s never told me how he knew.’ Nakor replied. ‘There are things your father trusts to no one, not even to your mother.’

‘The Black Sorcerer,’ said Magnus with a sigh. ‘It’s too easy to forget it’s not just a role to terrorize sailors who get too close to this island.’

‘No, it’s far more than that, as your grandfather knew.’

Magnus’s grandfather, Macros, had been the first magic-user to employ a Black Sorcerer to secure the island’s privacy. He also had been an agent for Sarig, the lost god of magic, and had given Sorcerer’s Island to Pug and Miranda.

Nakor and Magnus were as highly placed as one could be within the Conclave of Shadows, yet neither fully understood the deepest mysteries of the organization. Magnus had once asked his father who should take control if anything happened to him, and Pug had replied cryptically that everyone would know what to do if that should happen.

Magnus turned his thoughts back to the matter at hand. ‘Still, magic or stuff, you’ve not told me why Talon is studying the mystic arts.’

‘True, I haven’t.’

‘Nakor, are you planning to irritate me all day?’

Nakor laughed. ‘No, I just forget sometimes you have a problem with the concept of humour.’ He pointed towards the other end of the meadow, where the race had ended and the three boys were standing, awaiting instruction. ‘Talon needs to know as much as he can about any potential enemy. Our enemies have relied on the black arts for years, and Talon’s ability to survive the attack of those three death-dancers gave me an idea.’
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