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Dorothy's Triumph

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This pleased Molly greatly and she had promised to write her chum what the judge’s decision was.

The first violin lesson was set for the morning after Molly’s departure, Herr Deichenberg having kindly consented to come to Bellvieu, greatly to the delight of both Dorothy and Aunt Betty.

Dorothy was eager to display her ability, and, feeling every confidence in herself, was not the least bit flustered when she met Herr Deichenberg at the door and ushered him into the big drawing-room.

“It seems real good to see you again, Miss Dorothy,” the old professor said. “I have been t’inking about you a great deal vhile you have been avay, und I am really anxious to have you back – really und truly anxious.”

“It was good of you to come to Bellvieu, Herr. I feel that I should have gone to your studio.”

“Ah! Don’t mention dat. I – ”

“But I am much younger than you. I can afford to exercise myself a little if it will save you trouble.”

“You are younger, yes. Yet, I am not as old in body as in looks. I valk pretty straight, yet, eh, Miss Dorothy?” and laughing, he chucked her playfully under the chin.

“You walk with military precision, Herr, except on a few occasions when you forget yourself. Then I have noticed a slight stoop to the shoulders,” she replied.

“Ah, vhen I forget myself, yes – und I fear dat is very often, eh?”

“No, no; I think you do remarkably well.”

“Do you, really? Dat iss very nice of you to say. If you vill pay me all de time such compliments, I t’ink you need not come to my studio at all. I vill be happy to come to your great home, here.” He looked out through the window, where the magnificent sweep of lawn, with its flowers, trees and hedges, made a pretty picture. “It iss beautiful – beautiful!”

While they were talking Aunt Betty, attired in a charming morning gown, well-becoming to one of her age, entered the room.

Herr Deichenberg arose with a broad smile to greet her.

“Ah, here iss de mistress of de house,” he said to Dorothy, then turned to Aunt Betty, who had extended her hand with the words:

“Welcome again to Bellvieu, Herr Deichenberg.”

“T’ank you, madame. It iss very kind of you. Really, if I sit here much longer, admiring de flowers und de trees, I shall forget dat I have come to give dis young lady a moosic lesson, und dat I shall have another pupil vaiting for me in de studio at eleven.”

“But it is well that you occasionally forget your labors, Herr.”

“Ah, yes, but – ”

“I know what you are going to say – that you have your living to make.”

“Madame, you have read the sordid t’oughts of an old man who is supposed to have made a great success.”

“And I’m sure you have made a great success. As for the money, Herr, is that any reason you should ruin your health?”

“No, no, madame, but – ”

“Ah, Herr,” she interrupted again, “you are becoming too thoroughly imbued with the American spirit, which thinks of nothing more than to catch the dollars as they go rolling past. Then, after they are corralled in a bank, or invested in property, you are not satisfied, but begin to covet more.”

“Madame, you have struck de key-note of it all, I fear. I plead guilty. But I also plead, in extenuation, dat I have a vife to whom I owe a great duty.”

“Ah, yes, a wife! True, true; but did you ever put straight to her the question whether she would prefer to have you slave for money or give her a little more of your time for pleasure?”

“No; but I know vhat she vould say. You are right und I am wrong. But come, Miss Dorothy, de lesson! I have brought with me my own instrument. I vill get it at once.”

Stepping across the room he picked up his violin case and began to unfasten the clasps, while Dorothy watched him with fascinated gaze.

“Oh, Herr,” cried the girl, “you – you didn’t bring your old Cremona?”

“Surely. Vhat you t’ink, dat you are not good enough to be taught on a Cremona, eh?”

“Oh, Herr, you know I didn’t mean that!”

“Of course not,” he laughed. “You meant dat you vould like to see it, maybe?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Vell, here it iss.”

For a moment Dorothy was awed as she gazed at the rather ordinary-looking violin.

Could this be the great Cremona of which she had heard so much? This – this – why, this looked more like a ten-dollar fiddle picked up in a pawnshop!

She knew, however, that the Herr would not deceive her, so she took the instrument tenderly in her hands while the old German watched her intently. When he saw the look of reverence that crossed her face, he seemed pleased.

“You vould like to try it, yes, Miss Dorothy?”

“Oh, Herr, if I only may!”

“Surely, surely. Iss it stingy I am, do you t’ink? Surely you may try it, my leetle girl. Here – use my own bow, too. It iss well resined, und in good shape for to make fine moosic. Now, let me hear you play.”

Not until she had drawn the bow across the strings and heard the deep, sweet tones of the old Cremona, did Dorothy realize that in her hands she held an instrument constructed by one of the finest of the old masters – an instrument that had come down, perfectly preserved through the ages, growing better with each passing year.

As the girl played one of the simple pieces which lay uppermost on the piano-rack, the big living-room was filled to overflowing with matchless melody. So clear and pure were the tones that Dorothy could hardly believe her ears. Was it indeed she who made such delightful music, or was she dreaming?

Herr Deichenberg’s voice brought her back to her normal state of mind.

“It iss beautiful – de melody. I did not believe you could do it, even on a Cremona.”

“It is not me, Herr, but this wonderful violin,” the girl cried in admiration.

“Oh, come, now, vhen ve simmer t’ings down to a fine point, de Cremona iss not so different from your own instrument, Miss Dorothy.”

“Oh, Herr, surely you are mistaken. Why, I seem to be dreaming when I am playing on the Cremona.”

“Und vhy iss dat? Because you have made up your mind dat dis iss absolutely de finest violin in de whole vorld, und have prepared yourself to hear somet’ing vhich iss not there. De tones are clear und full, but so are those of your own violin, on vhich you played for me vhen I vass here before.”

Dorothy shook her head in disbelief, unable to appreciate the full truth of his words.

Herr Deichenberg smiled.

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