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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 03

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Of all, this camp included. Great Destiny,

Give me a sign! And he shall be the man,

Who, on the approaching morning, comes the first

To meet me with a token of his love.

And thinking this, I fell into a slumber.

Then midmost in the battle was I led

In spirit. Great the pressure and the tumult!

Then was my horse kil'd under me; I sank;

And over me away, all unconcernedly,

Drove horse and rider—and thus trod to pieces

I lay, and panted like a dying man;

Then seized me suddenly a savior arm;

It was Octavio's—I awoke at once;

'Twas broad day, and Octavio stood before me.

"My brother," said he, "do not ride today

The dapple, as you're wont; but mount the horse

Which I have chosen for thee. Do it, brother!

In love to me. A strong dream warn'd me so."

It was the swiftness of his horse that snatch'd me

From the hot pursuit of Bannier's dragoons.

My cousin rode the dapple on that day,

And never more saw I of horse or rider.


That was a chance.

WALLENSTEIN (significantly).

There's no such thing as chance.

[And what to us seems merest accident

Springs from the deepest source of destiny.]

In brief, 'tis sign'd and seal'd that this Octavio

Is my good angel—and now no word more.

[He is retiring.]


This is my comfort—Max remains our hostage.


And he shall never stir from here alive.

WALLENSTEIN (stops and turns himself round).

Are ye not like the women who forever

Only recur to their first word, although

One had been talking reason by the hour!

Know that the human being's thoughts and needs

Are not like ocean billows, blindly moved.

The inner world, his microcosmus, is

The deep shaft out of which they spring eternally.

They grow by certain laws, like the tree's fruit—

No juggling chance can metamorphose them.

Have I the human kernel first examined?

Then I know, too, the future will and action.



Chamber in the residence of Piccolomini
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