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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 04

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HOHENZOLLERN (opening the door). Hither! This way, my
So the whole scene may vanish from his eye!

ELECTOR. Back to oblivion, with you, oblivion,
Sir Prince of Homburg! On the battle-field,
If you be so disposed, we meet again!
Such matters men attain not in a dream!

[They all go out; the door crashes shut in the PRINCE'S face. Pause.]


The PRINCE OF HOMBURG remains standing before the door a moment in perplexity; then dreamily descends from the terrace, the hand holding the glove pressed against his forehead. At the foot of the stair he turns again, gazing up at the door.


Enter COUNT HOHENZOLLERN by the wicket below. A page follows him. The PRINCE OF HOMBURG.

PAGE (Softly).
Count! Listen, do! Most worshipful Sir

Grasshopper! Well? What's wanted?

PAGE. I am sent—

HOHENZOLL. Speak softly now, don't wake him with your chirping!
Come now! What's up?

PAGE. The Elector sent me hither.
He charges you that, when the Prince awakes,
You breathe no word to him about the jest
It was his pleasure to allow himself.

You skip off to the wheatfield for some sleep.
I knew that, hours ago. So run along.



HOHENZOLLERN (taking a position some distance behind the PRINCE who is still gazing fixedly up toward the terrace). Arthur!

[The PRINCE drops to the ground.]

And there he lies!
You could not do it better with a bullet.

[He approaches him.]

Now I am eager for the fairy-tale
He'll fabricate to show the reason why
Of all the world he chose this place to sleep in.

[He bends over him.]

Arthur! Hi! Devil's own! What are you up to?
What are you doing here at dead of night?

THE PRINCE. Ah, dear, old fellow!

HOHENZOLLERN. Well, I'm hanged! See here!
The cavalry's a full hour down the road
And you, their colonel, you lie here and sleep.

THE PRINCE. What cavalry?

HOHENZOLLERN. The Mamelukes, of course!
Sure as I live and breathe, the man's forgot
That he commands the riders of the Mark!

THE PRINCE (rising).
My helmet, quick then! My cuirass!

HOHENZOLLERN. Where are they?

THE PRINCE. Off to the right there, Harry.—On the stool.

HOHENZOLL. Where? On the stool?

THE PRINCE. I laid them there, I thought—

HOHENZOLLERN (regarding him).
Then go and get them from the stool yourself.

THE PRINCE. What's this glove doing here

[He stares at the glove in his hand.]

HOHENZOLLERN. How should I know?
[Aside.] Curses! He must have torn that
unobserved from the lady niece's arm. [Abruptly.] Quick
now, be off!
What are you waiting for?

THE PRINCE (casting the glove away again).
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