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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 04

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The document lacks freedom easily
In all directions to expand its force.

NATALIE. Yet, as it stands, the plea seems all too thin.—
Are you sure, Count, if you were on the spot
To interview the gentlemen now here,
That they as well would sign the document?

REUSS. Here in the city, madam? Head for head!
The entire cavalry would pledge itself
With signatures. By God, I do believe
That a petition might be safely launched
Amid the entire army of the Mark!

NATALIE (after a pause).
Why does not some one send out officers
To carry on the matter in the camp?

REUSS. Pardon! The Colonel put his foot on that.
He said that he desired to do no act
That men might christen with an ugly name.

NATALIE. Queer gentleman! Now bold, now timorous!
But it occurs to me that happily
The Elector, pressed by other business,
Charged me to issue word that Kottwitz, cribbed
Too close in his position, march back hither.
I will sit down at once and do it!

[She sits down and writes.]

REUSS. By Heaven,
Most excellent, my lady! An event
That could not timelier prove for our petition!

NATALIE (as she writes).
Use it, Count Reuss, as well as you know how.

[She finishes her note, seals it and rises to her feet again.]

Meanwhile this note, you understand, remains
In your portfolio; you will not go
To Arnstein with it, nor convey 't to Kottwitz
Until I give more definite command.

[She gives him the letter.]

A LACKEY (entering).
According to the sovereign's order, madam,
The coach is ready in the yard, and waiting.

NATALIE. Go, call it to the door. I'll come at once.

[Pause, during which she steps thoughtfully to the table and draws on her gloves.]

Count, I desire to interview Prince Homburg.
Will you escort me thither? In my coach
There is a place I put at your disposal.

REUSS. Madam, a great distinction, I assure you—

[He offers her his arm.]

NATALIE (to the ladies-in-waiting).
Follow, my friends!—It well may be that there
I shall decide about the note erelong.

[Exeunt omnes.]


The PRINCE'S cell. The PRINCE Of HOMBURG hangs his hat on the wall and sinks, carelessly reclining, on a mattress spread out on the floor.

THE PRINCE. The dervish calls all life a pilgrimage,
And that, a brief one. True!—Of two short spans
This side of earth to two short spans below.
I will recline upon the middle path.
The man who bears his head erect today
No later than tomorrow on his breast
Bows it, all tremulous. Another dawn,
And, lo, it lies a skull beside his heel!
Indeed, there is a sun, they say, that shines
On fields beyond e'en brighter than these fields.
I do believe it; only pity 'tis
The eye, that shall perceive the splendor, rots.


Enter PRINCESS NATALIE on the arm of COUNT REUSS, and followed by ladies-in-waiting. A footman with a torch precedes them. The PRINCE OF HOMBURG.

FOOTMAN. Her Highness Princess Natalie of Orange!

THE PRINCE (rising).

FOOTMAN. Here she comes herself!

NATALIE (with a bow to the COUNT). I beg
Leave us a little moment to ourselves.

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