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A Gothic Grammar

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Note 2. The s of the nom. is dropt according to § 78 (#para_78), n. 2; e. g., ur-runs, ur-runsis; drus, drusis; baúr, baúris (< baíran, to bear), sun.

Note 3. naus, a ded person, is explaind according to the rules for w (§ 42 (#para_42)); nom. pl. naweis, acc. pl. nawins; so, also, the acc. and voc. sg. nau.

Note 4. For wêgs and aiws, s. § 91 (#para_91), n. 5; for the acc. pl. andins, s. § 92 (#Page_41), n. 1.


§ 102. Paradim: ansts, favor (proethnic Germanic ansti-z).

§ 103. A great number of feminins belong to this class. Exampls: qêns, woman, wife; dails, deal; wêns, hope; nauþs, nauþais, need; siuns, sight; sôkns, serch; taikns, token; fahêþs, fahêdais, joy; magaþs (þ), maid; fadreins, generation, family; arbaiþs (d), work; asans, harvest; ahaks, duv; those in -duþs, -duþais (perhaps -dûþs; cp. § 15 (#para_15), n. 1): mikilduþs, greatness; managduþs, abundance; ajukduþs, eternity; gamainduþs, communion.

Very numerous ar the verbal abstracts which may be formd from every strong verb by means of the dental suffix t (þ, d); e. g., gaskafts, creation; þaúrfts, need; ganists, salvation; fralusts, loss; gakusts, test; gabaúrþs, birth; gataúrþs, destruction; manasêþs (d), world; dêþs, deed; gahugds, thought.

Note 1. Here belong also the abstracts in -eins, -ôns, -ains, derived from the weak verbs of the I., II., and III. Weak Conjugations, respectivly; e. g., naseins (< nasjan), salvation; laiseins, doctrin; háuheins, a 'heightening', hense praise; galaubeins, belief; naiteins, blasfemy; laþôns (< laþôn), invitation; salbôns, salv, ointment; mitôns, consideration; þulains (< þulan), suffering, patience; libains, life. – But those in -eins hav the nom. and gen. pl. according to the ô-declension. Thus, for exampl:

So in one exampl also the dat. pl.: unkaúreinôm; II. Cor. XI, 8. – The pl. of the abstracts in -ôns, -ains is regular: mitôneis, mitônê, etc.

Note 2. Whether words ar f. or m. is doutful when they do not occur in a distinctiv case; as, lists, craftiness; fulleiþs (or fulleiþ, n.), fulness.

Note 3. The s of the nom. is dropt according to § 78 (#para_78), n. 2; e. g., us-stass, us-stassais, resurrection; garuns, -runsais, street.

Note 4. haims, village, forms its pl. according to the ô-declension: haimôs, etc.

3. U-Declension

Masculins and Feminins

§ 104. The masculins and feminins of the u-declension ar identical in form. Paradim: sunus, sun.

§ 105. Further exampls: (a) masculins; e. g., áirus, messenger; asilus, ass; dauþus, deth; wulþus, glory; hûhrus, hunger; þaúrnus, thorn; haírus, sword; liþus, lim; lustus, lust; magus, boy; faírƕus, world; fôtus, foot; stubjus, dust; wrêþus, flock (§ 7 (#para_7), n. 3); in -assus (Kluge, Stammbildg., § 137 (#para_137) et seq.): draúhtinassus, warfare; ibnassus, evenness; þiudinassus, kingdom; in -ôdus, -ôþus (Kluge, Stammbildg., § 134 (#para_134)); e. g., auhjôdus, tumult; gabaúrjôþus, plezure.

(b) The only feminins ar certainly only handus, hand; kinnus, cheek; waddjus, wall (cp. Beitr., 16, 3181), and perhaps asilus (if ὄνου in Lu. XIX, 30. Joh. XII, 15, means she-ass).

The gender of sum is doutful; as, qaírnus, mil; flôdus, flud; luftus, air.

Note 1. Foren words like aggilus, angel; sabbatus, sabbath, fluctuate in the pl. between the u- and i-decl.; s. § 120 (#para_120), n. 1.

Note 2. There is a notewurthy fluctuation between u and au (aú? cp. § 24 (#para_24), n. 4) in the terminations of the sing. All cases of this kind hav been collected by Leo Meyer in his 'Got. Spr.', p. 574. au occurs for u: nom. sunaus; Lu. IV, 3; faírƕaus; Gal. VI, 14 (in cod. B = faírƕus in cod. A); Bartimaiaus; Mt. X, 46; – acc. handau; Mk. VII, 32; þiudinassau; Lu. IX, 27; haírau; Rom. XIII, 4 (in A = haíru in Cod. Car.); – voc. sunau (often), magau; Lu. II, 48.

Reversely we find u for au: gen. dauþus; Lu. I, 79; wulþus; Rom. IX, 23; apaustaulus; II. Cor. XII, 12 (in A = apaustaulaus in B); dat. wulþu; Lu. IX, 26; Paítru; Gal. II, 7 (in A = Paítrau in B).

From the great number of exampls, however, we infer that the abuv paradim is by all means the regular one; the deviations just mentiond ar merely owing to confusion on the part of later copyists. When a word occurs in two manuscripts, it generally has the correct form in one. Especially in Cod. Amb. A and in the gospel of Lu. the u-decl. is confused in this way. Cp. Beitr., 18, 2801.


§ 106. The word faíhu, muney (orig. 'catl', = OHG. fihu) is the only neuter sb. of this class which occurs in several cases in the singular. No n. pl. is found.

Note 1. Also gairu, sting, is n. It occurs only in the nom. sg. (II. Cor. XII, 7 in A, as a gloss to hnûþô). – The sb. leiþu, fruit-wine, probably belongs here too; only the acc. sg. leiþu occurs (Lu. I, 15); cp. Gallée (§ 223 (#litres_trial_promo), n. 1), I, p. 38. – The acc. sg. sihu, a gloss to the neuter sigis, victory, in Cod. B I. Cor. XV, 57, is probably miswritn for sigu (because the i in sihu would hav becum aí) which may also belong to a masculin (nom. sg. *sigus = OHG. sigu). But cp. J. Schmidt, 'Idg. Neutra', 153.

Note 2. The gen. faíháus has been inferd from the m. (f.) and from the adv. gen. filaus (§ 131 (#para_131), n. 3).


1. Masculins

§ 107. Paradim: guma, man.

§ 108. Like guma inflect a great many masculins; e. g., staua, judge; hana, cock; skula, detter; mêna, moon; atta, father; ahma, spirit; blôma, flower; milhma, cloud; hliuma, hearing; weiha, priest; swaíhra, father-in-law; magula, litl boy; pl. brôþrahans, brothers (J. Schmidt, 'Idg. Neutra', 16); —bandja, prisoner; haúrnja, trumpeter; fiskja, fisher; timrja, carpenter; arbja, heir; wilja, wil; manamaúrþrja, (man-)murderer; waúrstwja, workman.

Note 1. aba, man, has the gen. pl. abnê, dat. pl. abnam; of aúhsa, ox, occurs the gen. pl. aúhsnê. Cp. the neuters in § 110 (#para_110), n. 1. Onse (I. Cor. IX, 9) we meet with the acc. pl. aúhsununs which either stands for aúhsuns (according to § 80 (#Page_35), n. 1; cp. Anz. fda. 6, 120) or for aúhsnuns (Beitr., 8, 115; 12, 543; Brgm., I, 203).

Note 2. The long stems in -ja do not contract the ji of the gen. and dat. sg. into ei (s. § 44 (#para_44), n. 1); hense, bandja, gen. bandjins, dat. bandjin.

2. Neuters

§ 109. Paradim: haírtô, hart.

§ 110. Like haírtô inflect but few substantivs: augô, ey; ausô, ear; barnilô, litl child; auga-daúrô, window; þaírkô, hole, ear of a needl; kaúrnô, corn; sigljô, seal. Cp. J. Schmidt, 'Indog. Neutra', 106 et seq.

Also the weak adjectivs (§ 132 (#para_132)).

Note 1. Irregular forms occur in the pl. of the neuters namô, name, and watô, water. The sg. inflects like haírtô. Paradim:

The pl. of watô occurs only in the dat. watnam. Cp. § 108 (#para_108), n. 1.

Note 2. To the dat. sg. sunnin which occurs (twice) in the frase: at sunnin urrinnandin (Mk. IV, 6. XVI, 2), belongs perhaps a neuter sunnô (not a m. sunna), beside the f. sunnô, sun (§ 112 (#para_112)). – Cp. Mahlow, 'Die langen vocale a, e, o', p. 156, and Sievers' comments on this in the appendix to the 3d G. edition of this grammar.

Note 3. The word gajukô which was formerly regarded as n., is f., 'a female cumpanion'. Cp. Bernhardt's 'Vulfila', comment on Phil. IV, 3.

3. Feminins

§ 111. The feminins of the n-declension ar divided into two classes: stems in -ôn- and -ein-. Their inflection is the same. Paradims: tuggô, tung; managei, multitude.

§ 112. Like tuggô inflect many substantivs; as, qinô, woman, wife; ûhtwô, dawn; swaíhrô, mother-in-law; azgô, ashes; gatwô, street; staírnô, star; wikô, week; sunnô, sun (cp. § 110 (#para_110), n. 2); —arbjô, heiress; brunjô, brestplate; tainjô, basket; niþjô, female cuzin; raþjô, account.

Note 1. Also the feminins of the weak adjectivs inflect like tuggô (§ 132 (#para_132)).

§ 113. Nearly all substantivs inflecting like managei ar derived from adjectivs. Such an abstract in -ei may be formd from every adjectiv, hense the great number of these words; e. g., diupei, depth; laggei, length; bleiþei, mercy; mikilei, greatness; braidei, bredth; frôdei, wisdom; hardu-haírtei, hard-hartedness; drugkanei, drunkenness; sum can not be referd to corresponding adjs., but they likewise denote a state; e. g., þaúrstei, thirst; magaþei, maidenhood. But very few hav a concrete meaning; as, aiþei, mother; þramstei, locust; kilþei, womb; marei, sea; ƕaírnei, skul.

Note 1. There is a close resemblance between adjectival abstracts in -ei and the verbal abstracts in -eins (cp. § 103 (#para_103), n. 1); e. g., háuhei, height (< háuhs), but háuheins, a heightening, praise (< háuhjan). Both hav the acc. sg. háuhein.

In one case there is confusion. In Jo. X, 33 we meet with a gen. sg. wajamêreins (nom. wajamêreins, blasfemy) from which it is customary to infer a nom. wajamêrei, tho in its meaning such a form is impossibl.

Note 2. In Cod. B. three nominativs sg. in -ein ar found: liuhadein, illumination; II. Cor. IV, 4 (liuhadeins in A; comp. this passage in Bernhardt's 'Vulfila'); wiljahalþein, favor; Col. III, 25 (wanting in A); gagudein, piety; I. Tim. IV, 8 (gagudei in A).

Note 3. The comparativs, the superlativs in -ma, and the prs. participls form their feminin like managei (cp. § 132 (#para_132), n. 4).

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