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Dreaming Of... Greece: The Millionaire's True Worth / A Wedding for the Greek Tycoon / Her Greek Doctor's Proposal

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Without letting go of her, he helped her into the seat next to the window behind the pilot. That way he could keep an eye on her from the copilot’s seat. “Are you all right?” Their mouths were only inches apart.

“Y-yes,” came her unsteady voice before she looked away. A nerve jumped madly at the base of her creamy throat. The touch of skin against skin had affected her, too.

“Have you ever flown in a helicopter before?”

She nodded.

After laying the crutches on the floor, he put her purse in the storage unit, and then looked down at her.

“Are you all strapped in?”

“Yes. I’m fine. I just want to know where we’re going.”

“Are you afraid I’m planning to carry you off, never to be seen again?”

A secret smile appeared. “After the fierce look on your face as you headed toward my table at the hotel, the thought did occur to me.”

Charmed despite his questions about what she was still hiding from him he said, “I’ll give you a clue. We’re headed for the Ionian Sea. Once we reach the water, I’ll give you a blow-by-blow account using the microphone. But there’s one more thing I have to do before takeoff.”

Akis pulled out several pillows from a locker and hunkered down to elevate her leg. She wore sandals. His hands slid beneath her calf and heel to adjust the fit. He ran a finger over her ankle, pleased to notice she trembled. “There’s no trace of swelling I can see,” he said, eyeing her. “We’ll make sure things stay that way today.”

The urge to kiss her was overwhelming, but he restrained himself. Her thank-you followed him to his seat. He gave the pilot a nod, put on his sunglasses and strapped himself in. Before long Athens receded and they were arcing their way in a northwesterly direction. Over the mic he gave her a geography lesson and responded to her questions.

When they reached the island of Corfu surrounded by brilliant blue water, he had the pilot swing lower so she could take in the fascinating sight of whitewashed houses. Here and there he pointed out a Byzantine church and the remains of several Venetian fortresses.

He shot Raina a speaking glance. “I brought you here first. This is where Poseidon fell in love with Korkyra, the Naiad nymph.”

“Ah. Poseidon...” Her lips curved upward. “Did Korkyra reciprocate his feelings?”

“According to legend she adored him and they had a baby named Phaiax. Today the islanders have the nickname Phaeacians. Another island in this group is fourteen miles south of here. We’ll head there now.”

“What is it called?”

“Paxos. When you see it, you’ll understand why it’s constantly photographed.”

In a few minutes he heard a cry. “What a darling island!” That wasn’t the word he would have chosen, but he was pleased by her response. “What kind of vegetation is that?”

“Olive groves. Some of the gnarled trees are ancient. The pilot will fly us over the western side and you’ll see steep, chalky white cliffs. If you look closely, you’ll spot its many caves along the coast line. When you go into them on a launch, they glow blue.”

“How beautiful!”

“We have Poseidon to thank for its creation. He wanted to get away from stress on the big island of Corfu, so he used his trident to create this hideaway for him and his wife.”

“Or maybe to hide his wife from Korkyra? What are you saying? That the stress of having a mistress and keeping his wife happy at the same time was too much, even for a god?” Like a discordant note, he heard brittle laughter come out of her. “That’s hilarious!”

There was a story behind her hollow reaction, but now was not the time to explore it. “The Greek myths are meant to be entertaining. If you’ll notice, there’s another tinier island just beyond this one called Anti Paxos. When Poseidon wanted to be strictly alone, he came here to swim in the clear green water you can see below.”

“I imagine that leading a double life would have worn him out.”

Laughter burst from Akis.

“Wasn’t he lucky to be a god and pick the most divine area in his immortal world to plan his next conquest.” The pilot circled Anti Paxos for a closer look. “What a heavenly spot.”

It was. Akis’s favorite place on earth. He wanted to hide Raina away here, away from the world where the two of them could be together and make love for the rest of time.

Unfortunately they’d come to the end of the tour. He checked his watch. “We’re going to head back to Athens via a little different route. We’ll be crossing over a portion of Albania you should find fascinating. If you’re thirsty or hungry, there’s bottled water and snacks in the seat pouch in front of you.”

“Um. Don’t mind if I do. Would you or the pilot like something?”

That was thoughtful of her. “We’re fine.”

In a minute she said, “These almonds are the best I’ve ever tasted!”

“They’re grown on these islands.” Akis was addicted to them.

“How would it be to live right down there in paradise! If I did, I’m sure I’d become an addict.”

Everything she said and did entrenched her deeper in his heart. She had a sweetness and vulnerability that made him want to protect her. Raina had become his addiction and already he couldn’t imagine life without her. That’s when he realized he was in serious trouble, but for once in his life he didn’t care.

“If you’ll extend your time in Greece, I can arrange for you to stay on Anti Paxos. Think about it and let me know after we get back to Chloe’s house.”

“Even if I could take time off from work, what about yours? Can you afford to be gone any longer?”

His heart leaped. So she was interested...

“My brother will cover for me.”

“You’re lucky to have him.” She sounded sincere. “Is there more family?”

“No. Just Vasso.”

“Is he younger? Older?”

The questions were coming at last. “Older by eleven months.”

“You were almost twins!”


“Do you resemble each other?”

He turned to his pilot. “What do you think?” he asked in Greek. “Do Vasso and I look alike?”

The other man grinned before giving him an answer.

Akis translated. “He said, superficially.”

“Is Vasso married?”
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