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Wedding Party Collection: Here Comes The Groom: The Bridegroom's Vow / The Billionaire Bridegroom

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“If you must know, he’s at a crossroads in his life and feeling it. His hasty departure from the room had nothing to do with you. Personally I find your opinions refreshing. Now I think we’d better eat dinner before it grows cold. Perhaps by the time we’ve finished, Leon will come back to say good-night and we can prevail on him to model that fabulous costume for us.”

Dimitrios was doing his best to shield her because that was his nature, but it was clear her comments had upset both him and his nephew. What Alex would give if there’d been no accident. She’d be at the hotel right now where she belonged.

After laying the things on the end of the bed, she pushed the cart next to Dimitrios. All he had to do was put his feet on the floor. But her heart was heavy because she knew Leon wouldn’t make another appearance tonight, at least not in front of her.

Even if it meant defying her boss, she would leave tomorrow morning to inspect the silk exhibits in Soufli. Being so close to Dimitrios had caused her to lose all perspective.

With the opening of the trade fair only two days away, she needed to focus on that and make sure everything was ready. Afterward, she would return to Thessalonica and check into the hotel.

She needed other people. Michael and his friends would provide laughter and camaraderie. As soon as Yanni arrived, he could join in. With their help she’d make it through this bittersweet experience. She had no choice.

CHAPTER FIVE (#ua495a853-9402-577c-845c-447c34a388f0)

DIMITRIOS awoke the next morning feeling much more his old self. Although he was still sore here and there, the dizziness had pretty well disappeared.

He realized he hadn’t been in his right mind for the last few days where his secretary had been concerned. Determined to reestablish professional distance with her, he started out the day by asking Serilda to send breakfast trays to their separate rooms.

Now that he’d showered and dressed, he was anxious to get to the office. He hoped Ms. Hamilton was ready to go.

When he entered the dining room looking for Leon, he found Ananke eating breakfast alone. He greeted her before asking why his nephew hadn’t joined her. She looked at him with wounded eyes.

“Did you think he would stay around after the way you hurt him yesterday?”

He poured himself a cup of coffee from the buffet, then stood staring at her while he drank. “What exactly did he tell you?”

“That you had discussed his personal life with your secretary, and she’d had the nerve to offer her opinion as if it were her right!” Her voice shook. “You know how he adores you. How could you betray him like that?” she cried.

“Aside from the fact that I’ve never discussed Leon with Ms. Hamilton, it might interest you to know she’s on your side without realizing it.”

Ananke’s eyes rounded. “What do you mean?”

In a few words he told her what had happened. “Her opinion obviously hit a nerve, otherwise he wouldn’t have left the room so fast.” As far as Dimitrios was concerned, it was exactly the kind of thing his nephew needed to hear before he made a final decision about his future.

“Nevertheless you can see why Leon’s so upset,” Ananke persisted. “Since you came from New York, you’ve been virtually inaccessible.”

Even Ananke had picked up on his preoccupation with Ms. Hamilton. Damn. Well, that was over now.

He finished his coffee. “I recall spending part of yesterday afternoon with you and my nephew.”

“But nothing was resolved!”

“We have to give him time to talk this out, Ananke. Maybe that’s all he needs to realize this is a phase that will pass.”

The irony of those words weren’t wasted on Dimitrios when he considered his own alarming state of mind since he’d left New York. His interest in Ms. Hamilton better be a phase.

Ananke jumped up from the chair. “There’s something different about you since your return.”

No one knows that better than I do.

“If I’m different, it’s because I’m feeling the weight of a father’s responsibility without being a father. Perhaps it’s time you knew that my brother never wanted to be a part of the family business, either.”

She shook her head. “That’s not true!”

“I wouldn’t lie to you. Leon always preferred to be out-of-doors.”

“Surely you’re not saying he would rather have had a career in forestry than work for the Pandakis Corporation!” Her angry laugh resounded in the room.

“I have no idea how his life would have turned out had he lived.” His voice grated. Thanks to you, we’ll never know. “The point is, my nephew shows the same lack of interest in business as his father.”

A stricken look crossed her face. “You’re so cold, Dimitrios. Don’t you care that he might leave us for good?”

“You already know the answer to that question. But forcing something that goes against his nature will only push him in the opposite direction that much faster.”

“You wouldn’t say that if he were our son.”

“If Leon were my son and I’d been the one who’d died—” he spoke without acknowledging her attempt to personalize the situation “—I’d like to believe my brother would have listened to him, guided him as much as possible, then let him come to his own conclusions. Fortunately he hasn’t made a definite decision yet.”

He checked his watch. “We’ll have to continue this conversation another time. My secretary and I need to get to the office.”

“She already left.”

His head reared back. The sudden movement reminded him of his recent head injury. “When?”

“I saw her leave in a taxi half an hour ago.”

If he didn’t miss his guess, Michael had asked her to come to the hotel room before her workday began. Dimitrios felt like he’d just been kicked in the gut.

“If Leon wants to talk, tell him to call me on my cell phone. I’ll see you later.”

He left the dining room and rang Kristofor to bring the car around. While he waited, he phoned his secretary on her cell phone. If the call came at an inopportune moment for her, he didn’t particularly care.

To his surprise she answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Good morning, Ms. Hamilton.”

“Mr. Pandakis. How are you feeling?” She sounded bright.

He gritted his teeth, trying to shut out certain pictures in his mind. “Well enough to be headed for my office. Shall I swing by the hotel and pick you up?”

“I—I didn’t realize you meant to go into work today,” she stammered.

Obviously not.

Attempting to tamp down his anger, he said, “Does that present a problem for you?”

“Actually it does.”

Dimitrios inhaled sharply. “When can I expect you?”
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