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Weddings: The Proposals: The Brooding Frenchman's Proposal / Memo: The Billionaire's Proposal / The Playboy Firefighter's Proposal

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She started to say yes, then remembered their pact. “I’m glad, then.”

Recognizing she’d practiced self-control, his eyes smiled, filling her with warmth. “Are you ready for our swim?”

They were anchored a couple of miles off the point of Cap Ferrat in a calm, pale-blue sea. Conditions were ideal.

“I’ve wanted to do this since the day I arrived.” So saying she climbed up on the side and dived straight in.

“How is it?” he asked as her head bobbed up.

She treaded water. “Fantastic. It has to be close to eighty out here, a good twelve to fifteen degrees higher than the ocean off Manhattan Beach. Come on in.”

He dived off the top of the ladder, reaching her in a few swift kicks. She loved the way he looked when his black hair was plastered to his head, almost as though the water brought out the primitive in him.

Pretending he was after her, she did the back stroke around the cruiser so she could watch him. Maybe he could read her mind because he stayed a body’s length away while he did the front crawl, as if he were toying with her before he seized his prey. Each time his head lifted above the water, their gazes connected, making it a little more difficult for her to breathe.

She swam full circle. When she was almost to the ladder, Raoul galvanized into action. He snaked an arm around her waist and towed her with him the short distance to the bottom rung. By now her heart was fluttering like a hummingbird’s.

Their mouths gravitated to each other in a long, drawn-out, saltwater kiss that shook her to the foundations. He’d locked his legs around hers, making escape impossible, but she didn’t want to escape—far from it. Being with him like this had transformed her. She felt alive and treasured for herself. Odd how she’d never felt beautiful before.

His breathing sounded shallow once he’d allowed her up for air. “Let’s go below deck,” he murmured in a thick toned voice against her nape. “I can’t begin to do what I want with you out here.”

She clung to him. “We can’t anyway. There’s a pair of chaperones on board.”

“Let’s take them home. I’m going to fix you dinner at my villa where no one will be around to disturb us.”

Laura kissed his jaw. “I understand you have a pool.”

“I do. It’s shaped like a full moon.”

“Do you ever swim in it?”

“Not for years.”


“Have you ever noticed how lonely a pool can feel when you’re the only one in it?”

She rubbed her cheek against his. “Yes. Did you live there with your wife?”

“No. Danielle’s from Vence. When we married, she wanted to continue living there. It’s only twenty minutes from my work, so we bought a home there.”

“I remember it. You drove us through the main street after we left Tourettes. It’s a charming town.”

“I agree. Her parents still live there.”

It was heaven to be able to talk to him like this. “How long were you married?”

His eyes played over her features. “Five years.”

More than double the length of Laura’s fiasco of a marriage. “Does she still live there?”


“Do you ever—” She looked away. “I mean, do yo—”

“No.” He read her mind. “My feelings for her died long ago. Naturally I have memories of us falling in love, but not the emotions that once accompanied them.”

Laura nodded. “I know what you mean.”

“Then why are we wasting our time talking about the past?”

Laura didn’t want to think about it, either. “Can we swim in your pool tonight?” she asked in an aching voice.

He pressed an urgent kiss to her mouth. “I’m living for a moon bath, as long as you take it with me.”

As a shiver of delight ran through her body, she heard a familiar voice call out. “Uncle Raoul? When are you coming back?”

That slight tinge of anxiety was the only power that could have wrenched her from his embrace.


BEFORE Raoul pulled into the boat slip, he saw Guy waving to him from outside the limo. Surprised to have a welcoming committee, he shut off the motor and reached for the ropes to secure the cruiser.

His brother came onboard to help Paul back to shore using his crutches. “Did you have a good time?”

The boys nodded. “We had hamburgers for lunch!”

Guy winked at Laura. “I’m partial to those myself. Come on. Your maman is missing you.”

Laura followed them to the car with an armload of items. Raoul started to catch up with her to help, but Guy held him back.

“You have a visitor waiting for you outside your villa.”

It could only be one person. “Danielle.”

He nodded. “She influenced the guard to let her through the gate. She called me and said she planned to wait for you no matter how long it took.”

A full-blown bash to the gut would have been more welcome. Once again Danielle’s timing was unbelievable, particularly in view of his conversation with Laura earlier.

“It’s all right. I’ll take care of it.” She’d wanted a showdown for a long time. He’d give her one, but not in his house. Their confrontation would be short and sweet, then he’d go for Laura and take her back home with him.

“One more thing,” Guy said. “Have you made a decision on the warehouse at the marina?”

“I have, and I don’t think it’s worth it.”

“Have you told Jean-Luc yet?”

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